
Every generation confronts a unique challenge that tests its collective mettle. For us, that challenge is global warming.

Our online community helped draft a new Declaration of New Patriotism showing our commitment to stopping global warming. We have a goal of collecting 75,000 signatures and will deliver the declaration to Congress by July 4th. Please join our campaign by signing the Declaration of New Patriotism today.

We're also collecting stories of people from around the country who embody the spirit of the New Patriotism. If you know a New Patriot, please share their story below.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Declaration of New Patriotism

Global warming is the crisis of our time.

As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s birthday, we renew our commitment to the qualities and values that have guided our nation for more than 200 years.

We the undersigned, pledge to:

  • Be mindful consumers, by minimizing our personal global warming “footprint;”

  • Be active citizens, by pressing our elected officials to take urgent action now, and by pressing all candidates for office to commit to passing strong legislation to cut America's global warming pollution;

Please help us add to this declaration. Add your comments by clicking "Comments" or "Post a Comment" below.

Thank you.


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Anonymous said...

Be green and clean-buy LEDs not CFGs!
fluorescents are toxic, worse than gas lighting! LEDs use far less energy, will be passed on for generations and don't cause migraines. CFGs contain methyl mercury and will poison the whole world if not disposed of properly.

2ndAmend.Sacred said...

I feel it's high time that Americans become Patriotic toward LIFE, rather than just a capitalistic economy!

kaytee101 said...

In today's present culture, we have (what seems to me) a very warped sense of patriotisim. I have never seen death as a promotion of life for people, so I do not see war as a very good way to achieve patriotism. Freedom and justice for all, means for all. For all of us in not only the present, but in the future, and a better justification of the true patriots of our past...a better legacy to give them. Our "American dreams" will only exist so long as this planet is inhabitable. We do not make it more inhabitable with war, ignorance and pollution. We make it better through sustainability, love, understanding and the power to do what's right even if we may not see the fruits of our labor for generations to come. We need to change the idea of patriotism in hopes to change the destiny of our planet.

Anonymous said...

We must curb our exploding population levels. As more and more children are born, we infest the Earth with more need for homes, schools, businesses, etc. This crowds out the open spaces that the Earth so desperately needs to cool itself, filter out pollutants and carbon dioxide, and create oxygen. Fertility drugs and procedures should be eliminated and family planning stressed. Downplaying sex as the most important part of a relationship would also help. A moratorium on developing open space would force developers to target blighted areas instead, thus improving everybody's living conditions.

Anonymous said...

In our society, we must convice entrepreneurs that developing alternative energy sources for consumption is profitable. Otherwise the power of "Big Oil" will pevail for many decades to come.

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is happening, we can work to try and heal some of the wounds we have created on the Earth, and try to prevent new ones from being inflicted! A good way to start...Change a light bulb!!!!!! Compact Flourescents will save you money in the long run, they may cost a bit extra in the begining but they are totally worth it! They cut back on energy used, and you end up saving money as well. Everything counts, if every person turns off a light when they leave a room rather then saying 'I'll be back in a few minutes,' can you imagine? That's a lot of lights!

Anonymous said...

Promote global warming laws at all possible major events, including science fairs such as ISEF.

Spread the word at schools

Share energy-saving tips via a website/forum/blog that is accessible to everyone and known by everyone.

Unknown said...

We should encourage people to be unselfish

Anonymous said...

Being a Patriot means to me to love this country enough to do what is necessary to keep it beautiful and habitable for generations to come, buying green, living green. Along with that, it means recognizing that we are only a part of this earth and that we have a responsibility to all creatures who live upon it. That means helping them help themselves to have a good, healthy life and not killing them - in other words, learning to love them.

*Maryanne* said...

* to be good stewards of the earth and all living inhabitants
* not to deter or reap profit from the earth and its creatures in any harmful fashion

purple kumquat said...

Be compassionate about our Mother Earth. She's the only Earth we have...we have to take care of her.

I think we shouldn't underestimate the youth; young people can do great things.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism,doesn't deter one from being a good global citizen.It simply means loving your country enough ,to work for the principals "for which it stands".Today that can mean fighting for the Constitution of The United States.Defending"Restoring Habeas Corpus" Promoting Campaign Finance reform,and publicly funded elections.Supporting HR 333 a Bill to Impeach Dick Cheney.Removing oil executives from the White House.protesting the fighting of illegal oil wars.Living by your treaty obligations and international law.Even Legalising Industrial Hemp for Fiber Food and Fuel (both Bio-diesel,and ethanol/methanol)could be consedered patriotic.
Grow your own Organic fruits and vegetables and herbs if you can.Join a local C.S.A. farm.Shop and work local,walk, bike ,ride and drive green.Try vegetarianism.
I would like to see the fleet averages at 50 MPG for cars,and 40 MPG for light truks by 2010.That's easy doable and a good start.
Bring back the electric car.Nationalise all oil companies and utilities to prevent price manipulation by oilagopolies.Ban private armies as congress has no oversight over them.And protect Mother Earth because she bears us.As global citizens we should respect Earth as a living entity Gaia as Jame Lovelock called her.
Lovelock predicted that after this last great extinction only 500 million people would be living,near the two poles ,in the only remaining habitable areas of the planet.Let's prove him wrong!

Anonymous said...

Protect this amazing planet for the generatons to follow

sandyc8 said...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...The Declaration already states what is needed. It is the right of the people to life and our government's foundations and principles shall effect our safety and happiness. Clean air, clean water, and proper stewardship by and from our government of this planet is our right that we can demand as citizens of this country. Independence from policies and actions of those that would harm our people by harming our environment shall not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

We separate our plastic, metal, batteries, paper, newspaper, cardboard and even boxes in which food is purchased. It all goes to the recycling. Our actual amount of trash per week is small because of this and most of that is biodegradable. It takes little effort to do this. Take responsibility by picking up the piece of trash you see on the ground. Find employment closer to your home, or at least carpool. Learn to live with the thermostat set at 72-75 in the heat and 65 in the winter. It doesn't take long to acclaimate. For that matter, the United States could learn from the Japanese regarding the cooling and heating of their homes. Why waste heat or cool on rooms no one is in? Having individual (and much smaller) units saves a lot of money and energy.

Anonymous said...

When we have done all the conservation things that we can to reduce our carbon footprint, I am afraid that we still have not done enough. We must also reduce the number of footprints. There are 6 billion of us now and in 2050 it is estimated that there will be between 7.4 and 10.6 billion. We need to work toward reducing human fertility. Limit your family and encourage others to do the same.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is someone who places the interst of all people above the special interests of an individual, corporation, or politial party. Patriots are committed to searching for the truth, staying informed, participating in governance at all levels, and voting. Patroits are committed to education for all, fairness, and truth telling.

Anonymous said...

We can honor our country's heritage by preserving the ideals it was built upon: the family business, the entrepreneur, agriculture, "waste not want not", a people with the power to speak their minds and carry out the democratic process.
Today, it's all about corporations. Corporate agriculture and big business are not only forcing the family-owned businesses and entrepreneurs out of business, they're contributing to a bulk of the pollution in the country that is contributing a bulk of the pollution in the world!
We must support our local agriculture, sustainable farms and other small businesses by choosing them over the various 'Marts and other Corporations. We must vote for officials who support small business and keep the corporate CEO's pockets from getting fatter while others suffer. In doing so, we're not only preserving our environment, but our economy and our national heritage as well.
We must also educate and mandate. Films like "An Inconvenient Truth" must be shown in schools. Recycling must be a requirement in all cities. People need to know that every little bit helps.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is one who loves his/her country to the extreme; One who recognizes the need for change and is willing to fight for it and not sit around letting events unfold on their own. A patriot can be any person who wants genuine change for the better who someone who simply loves their country. Some people think they love their country, but a lot of them just enjoy the rights and priveleges they have and take them for granted. Lets all be patriots for Earth, we can't allow ourselves to take it for granted any longer. There are so many people who have the potential to be a true patriot, but simply need to be exposed to the need for their support and shown that they can make a difference. While we need to continue to fight to protect national lands, etc. we need to grow in number and gain support of some of the people riding the fence. God Bless.

Tracy said...

The entire world needs to enforce rationing of all the things that we ourselves cant get naturally from our own hard work.Teach sustainability (suvival naturally)and all else needs to have strict limits.Without limits on all of our stuff,every single one of us will surely go through total chaos .Think about how different life would be without all the things that makes it so easy and enjoyable,even to all of us who are passionately reading the hopes and prayers that we're all typing in this declaration. We are all guilty of this nightmare

Unknown said...

Think about it: never be swayed by convenience. Never be swayed from any beliefs. Don't be stubborn when you are not determined or don't think it is right; be steadfast when you believe in anything, truly. Love your mothers, your mom and the one you will always live with, Mother Earth. She loves you only as long as you love her back. Why can't Americans love her truly? Vote for a president that loves your mothers as you do. Care about future generations because they are people, too. Care about the people who are in need because they will love you. There should not be such thing as an "Ugly American." Everyone is beautiful on the inside, even though tht sounds really corny, it's true. Spin the Yin-yang.

Unknown said...

The internet can lead us to the practice of democracy as no other force has in the past. We can send comments, such as this, we can make sure we, the people, are heard at the highest levels of gov't. I applaud all those public institutions for good who use the net to reach out to citizens and to gov't. And it is fairly clean too.

Anonymous said...

A real patriot recycles for their country, educates people even if they drive an SUV and seem unreceptive to learning the truth, and supports new sources of energy that are passive and non-aggressive eshewing nuclear as an option.

A real patriot boycotts the purchases of hormones and antibiotics in food products.

A real patriot tries to buy locally.

A real patriot understands that the new mini florescent lights contain mercury and pushes the EPA to support recycle containers in grocery stores and building supply stores.

A real patriot votes and runs for office and questions the politically corrupt status quo.

It is damn hard to be a patriot, but it is better to at least try than not try at all.

Anonymous said...

"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

Now we are engaged in the great challenge of global warming, testing whether a nation so conceived and dedicated can marshall the collective will and wisdom to long endure.

Brave men and women have labored and died that the nation might live. We now must decide if we are worthy of their sacrifice. The future world will not remember what we say here, but it can never forget--or forgive--what we do here.

It is for us the living to dedicate ourselves to the great task before us. We resolve that the work and sacrifice of this and previous generations shall not have been in vain, that this nation shall avert the destructive consequences of climate change upon humanity, and that "the government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

Abraham Lincoln, with updates by Joyce Emery, Ames, Iowa.

Anonymous said...

Buy only green stocks, live green, exude green,
set the green example and don't expect the little kids to make up for your mistakes. Be an example for the world and those little people.

Anonymous said...

We must begin the conversation on population control. Until we find ways of controlling the population, the human footprint will continue to grow. We will continue to fight over our depleted resources. We will continue to strongly identify us versus them in our nations and our religions. We will continue to have great disparities in wealth and standards of living. We will continue to cause environmental degradation making the planet less and less suitable for human habitation. We will continue on our path to global collapse.

Anonymous said...

the very fact that the US is the major reason we have such a huge issue with global is reason enough for every Amrican to do their part in eliminating it. If not for this current generation at least for those who follow us...time for talk is long over...time for action was yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable watching people everyday, throw away everything, waste, drive without thought, eat too much and not think that every action has a result. Everything we do has a consequence and in our feeble human minds I dont think we will ever change our ways until society and government demands it. The Chinese are wrong in so many ways but unregulated population growth is the root cause of all of this and they may be brutal but they have it right in that area. Freedom can only go so far until it becomes chaos.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is having the strength to stand up and defend the right of people to have their own beliefs and values, even if those beliefs and values are in stark contrast to your own. It is the willingness to stand up and make selfless decisions for the betterment of your community, instead of selfish short sighted decisions for the benefit of a few. We build a better society when we are all working for the betterment of everyone, instead of only ourselves.

DanaLA1952 said...

I suggest that we have everyone reflect each day on what they did to help save the planet earth, diminish there carbon footprint and enlist an additional person in this movement to reduce global warming and increase of responsible stewardship of the planet.

Unknown said...

I want to see more companies use 100% recycled goods i.e. recycled plastics, paper, glass, tin, aluminum, and anything else that can be recycled that I didn't list. (The list can go on!) I want to see more recycling drop off locations, more curbside recycling options and more recycling companies to help pick up the load of recyclable goods being put in the bins on our curbs and in bins at drop-off sites because more people would be willing to recycle if it were easier for them. It is sad that we need ease, but how else will we get more people to pick up on recycling? It should be taught in schools and companies should recycle more often. By recycling we can cut down on so much! We can stop taking the goods from the earth and polluting it by dumping them back on or in it. Then we need to work on better fuel consumption for the vehicles that will pick up all our recycled goods. And when we are recycling all our trash we can work on reducing other things like electric consumption by making compact florescent bulbs standard in many sizes (meaning more people will find a use for them).

Anonymous said...

We are at a critical turning point for ALL life on earth. Its sustainability depends on the one species, humans, who have brought it to this critical state by blindly and/or greedily consuming and exploiting our natural resources. The only hope for future generations is that inteligence and forsight will guide humans instead of greed.

Anonymous said...

A patriot cares about the security of their country. If we continue to gobble up foreign oil with big cars, our security is in the hands of the oil producing nations.
Global warming could cause severe storm flooding in cities throughout the U.S., especially the coasts. The National Guard is tapped out due to the war in Iraq.
WHO'S GOING TO HELP? A patriot cares.
A patriot cares about America's skies, waters, plants and animals. They care about future generations.
They care, period.

Gadfly said...

I want an explicit right to privacy, more stress on international human and labor rights, First World and American labor-environmentalist cooperation, and more privacy rights.

Anonymous said...

we go to war and exert SO much energy killing others in the name of our country, behind the idea of being a "patriot" If being a patriot is defined by protecting or standing up for one's country, then the easiest, most effective way to do so is reducing our carbon footprint. What our earth is going through right now is indeed harming our country as well as our if we really want to be true patriots, we need to start at home and take a look at how we are contributing to global warming, how we are contributing to the destruction of our country, our home, our earth, and take steps to improve our planet's condition.
P.S: cutting back on meat is a VERY smart decision if you want to help the environment...RESEARCH THE IMPACT THAT EATING MEAT HAS ON THE ENVIRONMENT!!! here's a link to get you started:

Paul Noeldner said...

Every good citizen supports public ethics as well as personal values. This is what it means to be a patriot. Public ethics are the rules of the game that make it possible for all of us to sustain a level playing field for all our teams. We need to support laws and principles that enable sustainable, fair, scientifically sound, and nonviolent arbitration of limited resources and conflicts of values.

Anonymous said...

Our country was founded as one nation under God. People of all faiths across the country should step forward to join the effort to save and protect God's wondrous creation. Imagine what would happen if religious groups called on their members to devote themselves to being caretakers of the Earth!

Anonymous said...

In our time, an appropriate sense of patriotism might call for the better angels of America's nature to once again come forth. The fact that this is a great nation means that it has great responsibilities to our troubled world. We could use our vast resources and influence to lead the way to the alleviation of dire world poverty, debt forgiveness, address in a meaningful way, and lead by example, in finding solutions to the grave threats to the environment, reducing nuclear proliferation and devote our money and resources to creating a society and a world marked by justice, sharing, real brotherhood and peace. Then we would once again have an America we could be proud of, an America the world would view with affection and respect.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is the love of one's country, and what I love about my country is that it was founded on the democratic principle of protecting the rights of the individual. Those rights (the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) by definition include the right to clean air, water, and a climate that can sustain life. These are not commodities to be bought and sold, these are our Constitutional rights, and it's our patriotic duty to demand a government that protects them.

Unknown said...

We should have a clause that says that every human should have a responsibility to be a steward of their local, regional, and global environment. Being stewards of our environment is so important because the environment is at the root of many cultures (whether they be indigenous, native, or more recent peoples). Being stewards of the environment is also economically favorable for all because without a stable environment there is no hope for a stable economy. Lastly, active citizen stewardship of the environment preserves and promotes peace, equality, and diplomatic stability in countries around the world. If such stewardship of the environment is not a common characteristic and ideal of Americans then wars for oil, water, and other resources will dominate as world conflicts in the years to come. Being stewards of the environment is patriotic because it preserves our culture, economy, and security as a nation!

Anonymous said...

Look up what Chief Seattle said so long ago. Oh that we might have been wise enough to learn it!!

Lanny said...

Our species is one family on one planet. We may divide ourselves up into nations, clans, religions, association, and other lesser groupings. The truth remains that we are all The Human Family.

We can eliminate the divisions within the Human Family by turning away from those who would use some lesser grouping as a tool to amass personal power. Peaceful resolution of all disputes is possible.

We also need to eliminate the division between The Human Family and the Natural World. We can harmonize Human activity with the goal of a healthy, diverse planet.

Global warming is just one of many wake up calls issued by the planet. Whether the Human Family will mature enough to acknowledge the calls and end foolish behavior is the challenge of our times.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot in regards to global warming means making difficult sacrifices on a personal level for the collective good of the planet.

Anonymous said...

Businesses rely on us for profit. If we choose to only support eco-friendly businesses and choose to absolutely ignore the rest, then the rest will have to change if they want to compete. It's completely in our hands, and it's the easiest thing anyone could ever do. For example, buy as many things as possible that can be recycled or reused, no exceptions. Also, there are some businesses that donate a percent of their profit to wild life/nature conservancy organizations and I urge you to support these good folks.

Anonymous said...

* Eliminate wasteful and excessive consumption of the earth's resources, which is degrading the natural environment to the point of possible catastrophic collapse.

* Eliminate misguided, ego-driven wars that result in barbaric treatment and death of tens of thousands of innocent people, as well as major contributions to wasteful consumption of resources and degradation of the global environment.

Anonymous said...

The time for change is now. We can all do our part to minimize our negative impact on climate change. Let's start with U.S. automakers who have the power to make a real difference!

Anonymous said...

Organic, Local, and Less Food!!!!
I grew up in France, and I've witnessed that Americans eat way too much food. I would almost say that they eat twice as much as any other people.
Eating organic food is healthier and better for the environment, and local food doesn't require thousands of miles of transportation, reducing overall carbon emissions and helping the environment.
---Don't be scared to stand up for what you believe! If you see someone being uneco, educate them. If you have educated them and they continue to be uneco, tell them again. If they continue again, get made and make them look like a fool!

Anonymous said...

Overtime, the eco movement will inevitably progress. So what's the problem? WE DON'T HAVE THE LUXURY OF UNLIMITED TIME TO ACT!!! Studies have shown that we have 13 years to change before there is permanent damage to the environment, yet governments and other "pretending to be eco" businesses have said they will change by 2050. Do not support those people, they don't care at all about the environment and are just pretending to! 2050 is a joke, let's aim for 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything 2050 should be taken legal action against, because there is not enough time and science has proved that. WE NEED TO SHOW THESE OTHERS WHAT KIND OF FORCE THEY ARE DEALING WITH!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Global warming must be solved epa and president bush must act on global warming.We NEED TO SAVE THIS PLANET FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS AND THE KIDS OF warming must end we need to act now and don,t wait until it,s too late.The glaciers in the arctic are melting fast we need to stop that.Global warming should be number one on the list for meaningfull action lets lead the u.s and fight global warming.

Anonymous said...

Bush has made so many mistakes in 7 years... The only way he can have any kind of positive legacy is to lead and launch the fight against climate change. I would love to tell him this.

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

HERE's the EASIEST thing you can possibly DO:

WWW.GOODSEARCH.COM instead of google.

type in a charity that is fighting climate change and for every search, 1 cent will be donated to that charity.

I search for

Who do you search for?

Chris Taudvin said...

Hi, I'm glad to see the ideas I shared with Environmental Defense being implemented, although I was hoping that you would contact me and help me develop my ideas. I'm wondering if ideas are more useful being capitalized on without acknowledging where they came from and/or if it's immaterial to show acknowledgment where acknowledgment is due in relation to global healing?


Patriotgal said...

Be good stewards of our environment, to protect and safeguard our planet and our resources, and to leave a legacy of global cooperation

Emily said...

I think we should have cities be more responsible as well! We need to get more recycling options in EVERY city! The only recycling option we have in my city is paper. We need them all :paper, plastic, etc. Our Cities/Towns need to get these things taken care of. And also educating everyone about global warming and pollution. We need to save our world and keep it as clean and safe as possible!

Anonymous said...

Stop the exploitation of our old growth forests, grasslands and National Parks, which in most cases are also the last areas that natural wildlife has to live and thrive. We need to conserve all plant, ocean and wildlife now, before it is too late and the earths entire ecosystem collapses. If this happens, we all suffer.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not you believe in global warming and its causes, everyone knows that pollution is bad. Let's do everything possible to cut pollution, and everyone will be ok with that!

Anonymous said...

We are patriots when we act not on our own behalf, but on behalf of future generations yet unborn.

Anonymous said...

"Patriotism in its simplest, clearest and most indubitable meaning is nothing but an instrument for the attainment of the government's ambitious
and mercenary aims, and a renunciation of human dignity, common sense, and conscience by the governed, and a slavish submission to those who hold
power. That is what is really preached wherever patriotism is championed. Patriotism is slavery." -- Leo Tolstoy

Anonymous said...

We need to work on the root problem - to many people on the planet. Paul Erlich's 'Population Bomb' has exploded; but no one seems to have heard or cared.

Anonymous said...

Recycle, reduce your waste, be concious of your impact on our planet. It's that simple.

Anonymous said...

I believe that if we send the illegal aliens home, we will also be able to preserve our resources such as gas and water. With 20+ million illegals in this country it places an unfair burden on our resources to house, feed and keep them supplied with the basic requirements of life. It will ease the burden on our natural resources, and reduce pollution greatly. Also, by reducing the population, we can preserve our farmlands and the pressure to exploit our National Parks, grasslands and old growth forests will be eased.

My last idea requires companies around the world to produce comsumer goods (cars, food, clothing, etc.) to US standards if they hope to import into the US. This would also cut pollution drastically.

CyberCelt said...

Earth Teach Me to Remember
by John Yellow Lark

Earth teach me stillness as the grasses are stilled with light.

Earth teach me suffering as old stones suffer with memory.

Earth teach me humility as
blossoms are humble with beginning.

Earth Teach me caring as the
mother who secures her young.

Earth teach me courage as
the tree which stands alone.

Earth teach me limitation as the ant which crawls on the ground.

Earth teach me freedom as the
eagle which soars in the sky.

Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall.

Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.

Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life.

Earth teach me to remember kindness
as dry fields weep in the rain.

Anonymous said...

A true patriot considers the common good, not just the enrichment of a few. This may mean sacrifice, and re-adjusting lifestyles to benefit the environment. It means becoming knowledgeable about the environment, about those groups, corporations and organizations that both harm and help the environment. Being patriotic means looking to the future, not just living for the moment. It means caring about the generations to come, and leaving the earth a better place, not a depleted planet. Profit is not the bottom line for a true patriot. Preservation, restoration, renewal is the bottom line. If we are to remain healthy as a species, we must realize we cannot destroy our habitat.

Anonymous said...

I heard on NPR that Sonoma County has set their Global Emissions reduction goals to be in line with the climatologists' union recommendations of what is necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change. So I asked the city and county of Santa Cruz to do likewise. The city is already on board and the county is now in the process of formulating their goals. Try calling your county supervisors and city council and see if they will do the same, and let's get out a challenge to all U.S. city and county governments to do the same!

Also, consider getting an electric vehicle. Neighborhood electric vehicles are already available from Chrysler and Ford, and could be used for around town, up to about 25 miles on a charge, 25 mphr. They're not as expensive as gas-powered cars. Also there are electric scooters and bicycles. All electric vehicles save a lot on global warming emissions and on money. It's only a few cents per mile to operate them.

Anonymous said...

Personally I have eliminated all chemical cleaners and beauty products from my home and replaced them with wonderful natural alternatives. For those that don’t know Simple Green cleans everything, Method brand makes cleaning products for all cleaning needs, whole foods has great cleaning products and of course white vinegar cleans everything from laundry to windows.
I also bought a 1982 Mercedes Benz Turbo Diesel yesterday! I filled it up with Bio-diesel today and will never go back. I have honestly never felt better about purchasing a vehicle. It is beautiful and classic and it dose not pollute the air I share with all of you other earthlings!
While searching for a diesel vehicle I realized that many people think you need to convert a diesel car before you can run it on bio-diesel. That is not the case all you have to do is find a bio-fuel station or you can make it with used veggie oil. You can also install a conversion kit that allows you to pour used veggie oil right in your car and run it on both bio-diesel and veggie oil. I have been told that once you do the conversion you only have to fill up your tank every 1000 miles (isn’t that cool?)!
So my point is that we all do everything in our everyday life to make the planet healthier and cleaner. We have the power to change the world; don’t wait for it to be to late.
Thank you all- TARA

Anonymous said...

For decades most Americans just didn't get it. We are an opulent, over indulgent society that prefers to use & overuse even more, be it land, water, trees.. just name it. When we tap all the natural resources that an area has, we move on to the next area.

We need to be less greedy, less selfish by using less & reusing more. It's trite but as the saying goes.." Think Globally, Think Locally". REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.

Anonymous said...

We human beings have been created out of the same physical matter as that which surrounds us. We rely and depend on this symbiotic relationship - yet we have forgotten this, removing ourselves (in the Western World anyway...) from the close contact we once had with nature. We've become dependent (in an extremely short time) on the comforts that technology's brought us and the idea that human beings are the most intelligent life-form on the planet. I believe the solution lies in our need to re-align ourselves with the natural world. So lets take off our headphones and listen to the birds, the wind, the sea...and re-awaken the 'connection' that lives in our bones, blood and flesh. This natural wisdom lives inside of us - it's our ancient birthright.

Anonymous said...

First of all the patriot must acknowledge the greatness of God Almighty, worship him and obey Him as the creator of all things and the fountain of all good blessings as our founding fathers did. Secondly he must be a good steward of Gods creation and His word.

Unknown said...

To the best of our ability, we, the people, recognize the wisdom and balance of the world we live in, and in pursuing life, liberty, and happiness, we will not upset that balance and, if we do, we will rapidly restore that balance without concern for personal gain.

Anonymous said...

I believe, as my ancestral cousin, Thomas H Jefferson, that being a patriot means to stand firm in your belief to "do what's right in the best interest for all" and what's "right" is to assist in the efforts to re-claim terra as a "green planet", the "eden" that God once created. Together, we can make a difference.

Jack said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

to leave the planet in better shape than when we came in. To reduce overall toxic load and find newer non-toxic ways of living for all.

Anonymous said...

Using passive energy from the sun should be a mandatory solution for all home owners. I have joined a team of concerned Americans that offer a no investment Solar System.
to the American homeowner.
If everyone reading this passes this on to 2 or more people, we could reduce global warming 40% by 2020

triatlon said...

I belive that nature is our mother and that we owe her even our lives. Infact life is a ine big lottery. Who decides why are we born? Since we are here we are obligated to take care of this wonderful place.

Unknown said...

If we, as one people, took responsibility for each other so that our actions would allow us to each pursue the greatest good for ourselves as individuals and as a commnunity - that I believe would be the highest form of patriotism.

Anonymous said...

We should definitely add a bullet point about educating others about global warming. But, this does not need to say we need to outright tell people, if we lead by example that is sometimes the best way to get people to follow you.

Cynthia said...

If one lives in a house that is filthy beyond being habitable, one can move out and burn it down. When our only planet becomes filthy beyond habitation, where will we go?

Anonymous said...

Spend a couple of dollars more each month to purchase green electricity. By pass the elevator and walk up one or two flights. Flip the off switch. A million little steps adds up to miles.

Anonymous said...

I am 67 years old but realize that I must hand the earth on to my grandchildren. It is this sense of community which leads me to support the cleaning up of our environment.

Anonymous said...

All citizens have an inalienable right to clean water, land, and air.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism starts with respecting and caring for our country. This obviously starts with life, ie NATURE.
There must be laws to stop all the packaging waste production companies are getting away with. There must be laws to stop manufacturers from selling Hummers and other gas guzzlers to the general public. There must be laws set up to prevent farmers from using dangerous pesticides and incentives created for farmers to go organic. Fines and laws regarding dumping in waterways need to be severe. Recycling laws and incentives must be created where there are none and the ante should be upped where they are in place. Large events such as sports, theatres, broadway and opera need to supply recycle containers and follow through. The same goes for schools,churches, restaurants/bars and all work environments. Penalties for not recycling need to be high.
Our Eco system which includes the need for clean air, earth and water and the health and safety of ALL animals needs to be protected in all regards. Human beings cannot survive if we slowly (sometimes quickly) kill off our animals, water, air and earth.

Finally, let's work on preventative measures for the future so our world is still here for our children and grandchildren.

waypasthadenough said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Do people really need to race cars? Should private jets really be allowed? How about people who fly for sport? There are too many other ways to spend time and engage in recreational activities. If we are doing things that harm the environment in such big ways how can we even call it entertainment? Will we never learn until we are all suffocating? What will it take to change our greed- Watching the next few generations as they appreciate all the plants and wildlife in picture books because they are no where to be found in real life?

Anonymous said...

we need a compelling, lasting message the american public -- now driving SUVs, will rally around. Something akin to "a man on the moon by the end of the decade." something on the order of 'america - clean, green energy independence in a decade.'

There's a patriot message here that can appeal to both sides of the political ailse. no more oil wars, world leadership, innovation, independence, capitalism, etc

It needs to very 'what's in it for me' centric, because unfortunately aultruism doesn't last long

Anonymous said...

Promote and protect biodiversity through policies based on compassion, scientific evidence, and the impact on future generations.

Anonymous said...

I would like to bring up the matter of population control, one of the reasons we have global warming is that there are too many humans using too much of the earth's resources, perhaps we should control our population, thereby reducing the stress on the evironment.

Anonymous said...

There's only one planet here, so why can't we take better care..... of her.
She can't tell us that she hurting,that she choking on our wretched air.
We look deep into space to try to find another, when will we come to realize we can't replace our...
Mother Earth.

Anonymous said...

Pay attention to our immediate environment and talk with local leaders (elected or otherwise) about our observations, concerns and ideas to alleviate global warming. My personal concern right now are the dying honeybees, which I continue see in my own area, and I'm not a beekeeper.

Anonymous said...

If everyone did just 1 thing (recycle, change light bulbs, educated a friend or supported alternative fuels) the cumulative effect will move to a better planet.

Diana Carolina said...

Educate the public about the effect of war on global warming and take actions to help our planet like recycle, economize in each one of our daily workings. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Our leader, GW Bush and his administration is of the same breed, greedy without regard for humanity or the future. If we look to the Dalai Lama who says "My religion is kindness" and "War is an outdated concept" mass consciousness will shift to what is good in human nature and the way to reduce green house gases will be obvious and easy, without the feeling of sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

Tax incentives for folks who practice "Eco-friendly" purchasing; government subsidies for alternate energy sources including solar and wind generated power; Incentives for builders when they incorporate planet friendly technology, techniques, power in new home building;Incentives for cities and towns who implement responsible MANAGED growth; incentives for people who are willing to have no more than two children; mandatory inclusion of eco-education (cross ciricular) in all public schools; and a real thrust in schools from Pre-K to Gradeuate schools to encourage people to think outside the box, which is currently opposite to the general flow of education.

Anonymous said...

First, we start by educating all citizens worldwide that this is the only planet we have and we must take care of it for ourselves and all the creatures who co-habitate with us. Second, elect politicians who have some form of backbone and are not afraid of the big interest groups and are not afraid to speak up for our world and institute legislation that will stop global warming. Third, the United States has the most brilliant scientists in the world. I know all this vast intelligence can come up with an alternative to oil that will help to save our country and our world.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should buy a solar panel.
Once you buy one you will want another one. It's the only way out!
Use the universe to your advantage. Its not how much you pay for the solar panel, its the move you make to save the planet.
The earth is but one planet and we are the keepers of it all!

Anonymous said...

Not mine but Theodore Roosevelt's:

"We of an older generation can get along with what we have, though with growing hardship; but in your full manhood and womanhood you will want what nature once so bountifully supplied and man so thoughtlessly destroyed; and because of that want you will reproach us, not for what we have used, but for what we have wasted...So any nation which in its youth lives only for the day, reaps without sowing, and consumes without husbanding, must expect the penalty of the prodigal whose labor could with difficulty find him the bare means of life."
"Arbor Day - A Message to the School-Children of the United States" April 15, 1907

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important thing we can do is to educate others, in a nonjudgemental way, to the dangers posed by global warming and the things we, as the richest nation on earth, could and should be doing on a daily basis to reduce the causes of planet change. It all comes down to regular people being willing to make sacrifices of time, personal energy and comfort. If everyone sacrificed just a little, we could cut back on global warming substantially.

Anonymous said...

Europe has been on the global warming-sustainability-recycling bandwagon for years. They've been experimenting with new technologies and alternative methods. U.S. companies and citizens need to get onboard and join those far-seeing Europeans.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot in the 21st century means that we do everything in our power to ensure that we, as a nation, quickly and surely transition to renewable, clean, energy sources. We must move today toward alternate energy, and be a leader globally, in transitioning to alternate energy sources. We must not allow corrupt polititians, political or corporate interests to trump the common good of present and future generations. We must have the courage and wisdom to do the right thing, and to begin right now.

Anonymous said...

A throw-away nation has to be reeducated to the consequences of that so that its people are willing to accept the personal sacrifice in time energy, and appearances to recycle, wash and reuse, turn off lights, and accept a less than perfect lawn. It needs to become a mantra so that those who are lazy and self centered are shamed into it.

Then we have to push our governmental representatives to place petroleum replacement in the highest priority for research and start up encouragements, and to require higher fuel standards in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

New Patriots must be stewards of all the earth. So far, not many have been willing to make much of sacrifice. During WWII, gasoline, nylons, butter, etc. were rationed, and no one felt this was a terrible burden. We must return to this spirit of doing without for the sake of fighting the new war, the one to save the environment. I would be a much prouder American if I were perceived as a guardian of the planet rather than the consumate "consumer".

Anonymous said...

Being a Patriot means doing things that may not popular at the time. It means having the courage to stand up to outside influences and do the right thing regardless of their threats. Being Patriotic means loving your country more than the all mighty dollar.

Unknown said...

As an educator, I think it's necessary for the US Dept of Ed to include curriculum standards/benchmarks that emphasize global social responsibility for reducing, reusing and recycling so that all students will come out of the American education system truly understanding their personal impact on the environment through consumerism.

Anonymous said...

no words
can really describe
what patriotism is
for each of us
it means something else

in my honey-coated world
i would like that cumulative to be
harmony for ALL

The two quotes that sum up my patriotism best are:

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." ~ Mahatma Ghandi

"In our every deliberation we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations." ~ The Great Law of The Iroquois Confederacy

Anonymous said...

Be a patriot of the entire world. Stop wasting water: use a five-minute timer in the shower in the mornings. Recycle your plastics, aluminum cans, glass, and newpapers (even mixed paper and other products where available). Change your lightbulbs to energy efficient ones-they don't cost that much more at all, and end up being cheaper for you in the long run, anyway. Check your tires every so often, it actually helps your car pollute less because it provides better road traction and mobility. Stop driving around by yourself and carpool, or take public transportation (like in my area, the Metro). Pick up trash when you see it laying around because someone else carelessly threw it on the ground. These are just a few of many simple ways that we can do our part and fulfilly what is really our DUTY to take care of our Earth, our lives, and our future children and animals.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is one who dares to speak against leading figures for what they belive is best for their land. Patriotism would be to set aside the everyday convienence and put the earth first, even though it may take more time to.

Anonymous said...

Question authority ~ including your environmental "authorities". Global warming is the great threat of our time in the same way that global cooling was the great threat 30 years ago (like overpopulation and mass starvation). Remember the lesson of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Don't Panic! Don't be so distracted by "The sky is warming!" threats of the future that you are blinded to real bomb threats in front of your face.

Anonymous said...

Being a good world patriot should involve finding ways to decrease human kind's harmful impacts on this earth. And that involves everything from having fewer children to decreasing consumption of energy, material goods and meat while finding ways to live in harmony with others and other species. But it also involves making things better for those here: creating more wild places, even in cities, making sure that everyone has access to good education and healthcare, creating armies for peace, not death and destruction, preserving our history, art, music and artifacts and bringing more joy and less suffering to this world.

Scott said...

One essential thing we need to do is to educate communities regarding sustainable development, particularly the idea that economic development need not be exclusive to "being green" or to social justice. The three can, indeed have to co-exist.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if someone has already said this... I didn't have time to read all of the comments. An important point in our fight for the environment, our country, our liberties is our responsibility to require our media outlets to provide real, unbiased and accurate information. Mainstream media has become pretty unreliable and until we insist on good journalism it is likely to keep sliding down the slippery slope (so to speak). We need our media to accurately and thoroughly report on global warming and other environmental concerns. The general public must be accurately educated and a good way to do this is through the media outlets.

Anonymous said...

The key to being a good patriot is in being a good steward -- in EVERYTHING! Let's add the follwing to the Constitution:
"The American people will ensure good stewardship of the following:
* peace
* freedom
* justice
* equality
* environment
* human rights
* animal rights
* separation of church & state"

Anonymous said...

No generation of Americans since World War II has faced as serious a challenge: to save our planet from changes so life-threatening that the face of the planet could be changed for eons. Mass extinctions of every sort of animal and plant life, pollution of air, land and sea, how much can Mother Earth absorb before we reach a point of no return?
As a leading economic nation, America must meet these challenges at home immediately and encourage and aid emerging nations like China to reverse the environmental threats that come from massive industrialization and fuel burning.
Do not doubt that George Washington, Tom Jefferson, Sam and John Adams are standing by to encourage the spirit of moral responsibility to our world, not just to our nation or our individual selves, and to continue their dream of liberty and pursuit of happiness in peace.

Anonymous said...

go vegetarian for the animals, human health and the enviroment,

Anonymous said...

I pledge to "go veg"! It's the single most important thing a human can do to help our Mother Earth.

Anonymous said...

Carpool, reduce un-needed trips, consume less, be thoughtful, and donate to new energy sources.

Anonymous said...

Conservation, conservation, conservation! This should be our first strategy in tackling global warming. We need to significantly improve the energy efficiency of our buildings and motor vehicles. The government should provide regulation requiring greater efficiency and/or provide economic incentives to do so.

sumitazure said...

Global warming is real and is global. Without changing our lives drastically we can all make a small contribution. That may not be enought but a good start. The bottom line is to use less energy, which means less Co2 from power plants. Even if you generate your own with Solar.

One of the root problems is our measure of success and happiness in life is tied to economy which for the most part ignores environmental cost. What if I say my happiness is in giving mother nature some respect, treating her what she deservers for how she nurtured life for millions of years. So I don't need that big house, stay 40 miles off work, drive a car alone or buy food produced half the world apart so for 1 calorie I consume, it used 10 calories to produce that.

Chloé Jo said...

GO VEGAN for the environment.

** The livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalent than transport (18% vs. 13.5%).
** It accounts for 9% of the CO2 derived from human-related activities.
Why not advocate eliminating the animals? Eliminate in
the sense of don't breed them for food. No demand=no
supply. Cows are only allowed to live 2-4 years
anyway, so if they weren't bred, there would be
drastic improvement in a very short amount of time.
Given that methane cycles out of atmosphere in about
10 years, while carbon dioxide cycles out in about a
hundred, if we address the methane problem directly,
we'll see change happen faster than just focusing on
carbon dioxide.

Knowing that the world isn't going vegan tomorrow,
encouraging people to eat way less of these foods
would make a big difference. The atmosphere doesn't
care if one person out of ten goes vegan or if ten
people lessen their animal food intake by 10%; the
result is the same: reduction in greenhouse gases. One
thing the federal government could do that would make
a drastic improvement would be to stop subsizing
factory farms. There's a huge federal farm bill coming
up this year that determines who gets money for what
in the agricultural sector. If Congress stops funding
factory farms, animal food won't be artificially cheap
anymore, and people will naturally eat less of it.
What does he mean by “You obviously don't advocate eliminating these animals”? Ideally, there wouldn’t be any food animals. As we know, we certainly don’t need their flesh to survive. Any animals that would exist, would exist naturally, through their own procreation, not because we are turkey basting them all! Realistically, though, it doesn’t seem like we can “get rid” of food animals because it doesn’t seem like the world is going vegan. So, the next best solution is for people to eat a lot less animal products and to only purchase them from truly sustainable farms. Becuase truly sustainable farms/farmers care about the environment and animals, they farm in such a way that has the least detrimental effect on our planet not the most. It’s kind of like we can’t just do away with all cars. But, we can switch to the ones that are most fuel-efficient.

Anonymous said...

Get big business and the military out of our government! The only reason we don't have electric cars and energy independence right now is because of greedy big business that cares more about the bottom line than the future of our children! We must get off oil!

Anonymous said...

No longer can our Planet or country afford to be run by the me generation. We all need to put our Planet's plight before selfish desires.

Anonymous said...

In front of the challenges which face humanity, today, it is time that the men feel plain like a political entity and make important decisions on a legislative level. This is why we propose to create a party able to reinforce the action of the human citizens in the whole world and to study the project of a Federal Human Authority. If national public opinions or governments are tilted to accept our request, we ask, today, the creation of the first Human Citizen Party, which will work to establish a human federative structure which will be common to all the human, in the respect of the variety of the cultures and the people.

To create this world authority of arbitration, we need your assistance to have the capacity to set up a party of the Human Citizens and to elect representatives independently of their national adhesion.

The free recording, like Human Citizen, will make possible to organize the election of delegates who will ask to defend our cause of the Humanity and, finally, to work out laws for a peaceful and civilized world.

Anonymous said...

While much of the damage has been done by industry and large-scale aggriculture, we can do our part to clean up our act, but must also voice our concerns with our representatives, and use our collective power as consumers to steer industry in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

We need to place editorial comments on TV and radiio, informing the public that the mentality of constantly purchasing bigger, better, newer, and more expensive, is harmful to the planet, and a phsycological ploy produced by manufactorers and retailers. We need to learn to be content with less.

pabelmont said...

Adjustment to global warming (and to population pressure and to water and other resource shortages) will be painful. Our choice, a political choice, is whether to bring on a bit of such pain by anticipatory changes in behavior intended to mitigate coming difficulties or whether, to the contrary, to wait until we are overtaken by disasters.

In so many ways, we are like someone driving at 100 mph toward a brick wall who knows she will stop but has a choice whether to stop by applying the brakes or to stop by crashing into the wall.

Anonymous said...

It is plain to me that the time to act is upon us. With each passing day this planet absorbs our reckless disregard of life, greed, and selfishness. The society and culture of take and waste has driven us here. The people and the world have come a long way since the birth of the United States and no one expected such waves of technology and medicine, but with those waves the runoff has seeped from us into our daily lives and the planet. This country was founded on the belief that we have it in ourselves to make the right choices to better our lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness. Then what must we do to continue those pursuits? The blunders of the current administration seem to renew almost every day. They blow off Global Warming, but what would you expect? Each member of the administration has ties with the oil and gas industry! Of course they edit reports and snuff out scientists; they want to keep making money. It is the same for the auto industry. In the past Americans have stood up against such tyrants and despots. It is time we do it again. There is an overwhelming consensus that Global Warming is real and the ones that claim it is not are controlled by special interest groups. I declare that the New-Patriotism of the United States of America is Environmentalism. It consists of: Renewable Energy (solar, wind, geo-thermal), Sustainable Forestry, Mandatory Recycling, Conservation and Growth Encouragement, CO2 Elimination, and Restoration of Our Waters and Oceans. We must encourage our Representatives to support this. Write them, e-mail, or call them. Just tell them. We must do this, we can do this.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could mention the idea that living with the environment, not against it, is patriotic. We share the earth with other creatures, so we must be conscientious of our effects on them and respect their right to share the planet with us. What affects them affects us.

Anonymous said...

To be a patriot in the 21st century is to be dedicated to the idea that the United States can and should be the world's leading model for environmental, social, and economic justice for its own people and those living in all other nations.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot is practicing good citizenship, not only towards others, but to the world we inhabit. Protecting the environment and the species in it by making simple daily choices that every single person can do.

Anonymous said...

Our homes make a big carbon footprint. We can do lots of things, little and big: turn off lights, change to compact fluorescent bulbs, turn down the heat (or A/C), use hot water only when necessary, conserve water, weatherproof doors and windows, improve attic insulation, insulate pipes and water heater, buy fuel-efficient appliances, add solar panels/water heating pipes to roof.

Unknown said...

PATRIOT: 1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. 2. a person who regards themselves as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interferance by the federal government.
The iroquois law states that no decision shall be made without first considering the ramifications of the next seven generations, I think a true patriot would agree with this, especially when politicians today don't even consider the ramifications upon themselves, let alone their childrens children. A true patriot will not only defend our people but our land, our wildlife, our water, our trees, all of the things we call ours, which coincidenlty are not ours at all! We are simply their caretakers, and if our world were an old woman we would all be in jail!

Bob Higgins said...

True patriotism is found in defending one's country and constitution from attacks by one's government even in the face of misguided popular opinion.

Bob Higgins
Worldwide Sawdust

Anonymous said...

We can all make a difference! From carpooling, to changing to effecient lightbulbs, to become active and vocal memebrs in our community to make more people aware that change can happen! Educating others is our biggest opportunity for change!!!

Anonymous said...

Help others appreciate the specialness of this beautiful planet on which we live and the urgent need to take care of it.

Anonymous said...

The only way global warming will be stopped is if people are informed. If we make this an urgent issues to others, they will realize the seriousness of this. More tv commercials, more movies, bulletins on the internet that tell you what you can do and the consequnces if nothing happens!
Global warming may be scary but think about the future generation.

Anonymous said...

Recyle, help protect our ocean, forests, wetlands, and protect diversity should be good points to consider.

frankapineda said...

Not believing everything you hear, Global warming is not created by green house gases, but by the sun heating up our entire solar system not just earth. Do your homework, they are after a carbon tax, and not let the rest of the world develop. Be a citizen of the planet, there are no sides on our planet.

Anonymous said...

Spend as much on educating the American people through Mass media as Pepsi and Coke,etc spend on their commercials. If the people know,learn and have the ability to make change there will be change.

Anonymous said...

I think a doubled tax should be placed on all vehicles that are gas guzzlers, such as humvees, SUV's, cars with large engines that encourage people to speed, pickup trucks that get less than 20 miles per gallon, etc. I think that a national speed limit of 55 miles per hour should be enacted and ENFORCED!

Anonymous said...

If every one who signed this declaration would swap out just ONE regular lightbulb in their home with an energy efficient CFL, we'd save lots of energy and reduce emissions. People... do it!

Anonymous said...

We must think globally, we are of the universe,we must care
for the earth, the air, the waters, the vegetation, the animals and people.
We are all in this together...

Anonymous said...









Anonymous said...

What is a patriot? In the past, selfless service to our country is what made us great. We need to return to that principle. Avoiding the current rampant self serving behavior displayed around us is vital. A patriot rises above petty interests, is not swayed by the thought of personal financial gain when forming and promoting ideas, and is in it for the long haul. A patriot is willing to make sacrifices to achieve the highest goals. A patriot identifies the best and most needed causes and works tirelessly to convince others to help achieve the objectives required for our survival, prosperity, and well being.

Journey Home said...

Energy Independence. We need to declare energy independence. No more foreign oil. In order to do that we would be have to come up with alternatives to "dirty" energy and switch to "clean" energy sources.

Anonymous said...

A patriot loves their country in part because their government works, and any informed individual knows that to postpone action to reduce global warming will drastically increase problems for future generations and governments. It will target those least able to cope with climate change. Let's show we love our country by showing we love our people; doing work we can do now so as not to leave an unbearable burden to future generations.

Anonymous said...

Civilization is maintained by citizens working in cooperation to realize a shared vision. To overcome the environmental crisis we now face, we must recognize that many of our societal habits must be restructured. The overuse and waste of precious resources can no longer occur under a sense of entitlement. The world has become a crowded place and the US must be an ethical leader in resource conservation and environmental justice. Conservation is the key we must reduce our energy demands to gain credibility internationally and move society in the right direction.

Anonymous said...










Anonymous said...

If we make going green and saving our planet cool then we have a chance of slowing things down. When the Oprah's of the world get the message out to the masses an awareness of what's going on begins. Thinking our gov't is going to do anything is just living in denial. When people say I'm going to throw it they know where the away is? Schools and communities need to have field trips to the local landfill. It will open up eye's and minds to those who understand it's everybody's problem as we all contribute to the garbage.

Mr. Natural said...

We should foster patriotism toward our one-of-a-kind garden planet, without which, "we" are of no importance whatsoever.

Unknown said...

Treason and Revolt,
Protesting and Mass rioting
that will swing the mainstream Media

Anonymous said...

It is important to set goals and look ahead to the future. One should ask, “What do I want to see in the future.”
...real things like development but also intangible goals and aspirations. Like where do I want to be mentally in, say, 4 months?
And I think this is the thing that keeps me going from day to day. Just knowing that there is infinite possibility in the future. The future is hope. It is said history repeats itself...dreams, goals, and plans get compromised and rarely go to plan, but despite all of that there is still hope in a brighter future and reality that the one we find ourselves in today. It takes communication, planning, and determination, love, and respect.

Planning toward the future acts as a kind of leveling block so to speak. If two people set their goals on one thing in the future, both can strive toward it without worrying about the other’s intentions in the meantime.

Maria said...

* Focus our effort on switching to 100 percent renewable sources of energy--which would free us to use as much energy globally as economies demand and people desire--but do our most to conserve energy until we reach that point.

Anonymous said...

Until we STOP the world and our own skyrocketing, pandemic over population we will only be putting bandaides on this planet's survival problems. MANDATORY birth control for ALL is the ONLY answer. Simple as this, more people, more resources, more pollution, more global warming, more problems. For us in the U.S., we need new elected officials, not politicians, who have not represented us in decades and to stop big companies from making big profits off OUR planet's diminishing resources.

Anonymous said...

I suggest electing only those who truly recognize the crisis that global warming poses to our planet and have concrete proposals for change.

Anonymous said...

I think every state should be required to have natural energy like wind.And every state should have a state wide recycling program, so everyone is involved.

Dont give people the option not to participate and be lazy, make saving our planet a number one priority and a law. Make it mindless so people after a while dont have to think about it they just do it.

Anonymous said...

We are all patriots it’s in all of our blood and has been so for many generations over time. It has been brought out in times of terror, war, and peace. It is what makes us Americans it is the concrete that holds our free people together as a union. And we must never ever forget it because if we do all that has been created from our forefathers and defended by our patriots will be lost. This is a time of immense pressure and iron will. We must want the change we must learn to use our freedoms in the proper and lawful ways to obtain these for this is why they were created in our nation under god. We have not a moment to waste and that itself is the key. (Time) determines our outcome in this time of change. In the big picture it’s not just something we must want it’s something the world must want from all nations. We are a very lonely race (The human race)… In God We Trust.

Anonymous said...

until we separate our elected officials from their corporate masters we will continue to have an uphill battle I do not believe can be won. this separation need to start at the municipal and county level and move through state and federal levels,weeding out anyone who would favor a continuation of the infinite resources illogic. Politicians see tax revenue and jobs and futures for themselves rather than the reality of enslavement of the American people and the destruction of the planet. and many people are so bogged down in the day to day struggle of life that they have no time to pay attention. The crisis is becoming one that can no longer rely on voluntary efforts and actions

Anonymous said...

This planet can only be saved by and through the efforts of every living soul who inhabit it. All countries of the world and the people on it have the opportunity to come together as never before and work in conjunction with one another to rectify the damage already done and curtail the damage yet to come. We must elect officials who know of the veracity of global warming and have the political will to pass legislation to rectify many of the problems now existing. We must develop alternative fuels, protect the ecosystem, conserve all natural resources and we must do so now.

Anonymous said...

People need to realize that this planet is a blessing and we need to join together in order to protect it for future generations. I want my children to live in an environment that is healthy, clean and beautiful. Let's be the generation that makes that difference!
God bless!

No shineola said...

Like our fathers who defeated the scourge of fascism in the 20th century, our challenge is to defeat the scourge of global warming in this century. It is time for our brightest scientists to lead. It is time to ensure our children's survival It is time for a new deal for a new century. It is time for bright makes right.

Unknown said...

I think we must protect our wilderness and other wild areas. We NEED those trees! We also need the diversity of species that live upon those lands.

Our government should be supporting and giving financial incentives to business and private citizen alike for each "green" measure they take such as installing a solar water heater, installing energy efficient windows in homes and the like.

ALL public and private buildings should be required to provide recycling collection containers and the same should be available on public streets.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism means to me caring enough to wake to the fact that the Earth is teetering on the brink of destruction and taking responsibility for our role in this as a nation and as individuals. This means -individually and collectively- consciously education ourselves and supporting only those industries, products, ideals and lifestyles that are non destructive in any way. This requires a commitment to care enough to educate ourselves as to what we are supporting or destroying with our every decision, such as what we buy, wash our clothes with, eat, drive etc. We must take our place as a world leader by living our individual lives with integrity and awareness of how our every decision affects countless other nations, individuals, animals, plants, and the eco-system of the Earth. We must take a leading role in representing and providing diplomacy in all international relations rather than force, brutality, coercion and war.

Anonymous said...

I think that one of the largest, contributors to global warming are all our gas-guzzling SUV's and cars. I believe if we want to make a significant impact, then we must address this issue! Instead of encouraging sideways steps of investing in ethanol, we need to put the pressure back on automakers to develop more efficient vehicals (Hybrids, electric, etc.)We also need to demand that our state governments put stronger limitations on automakers as well.

Tamara said...

There are two major qualities that define a patriotism. First, to be a patriot one must care about the planet and the devastation that is occuring. Second, a patriot must be willing to act and live a more sustainable lifestyle committed to ending global warming and reducing their eco foot print. Living in such a way doesn't necessarily mean we have to give up all our posessions and live completely off the grid, there are several simple steps we can all take to help our Earth. Everyone can do their part by recycling, switiching bulbs, driving less, buying organic when possible, buying in bulk, and buying natural products. We can all vote for and elect leaders who are committed to the fight against global warming.

Anonymous said...

Stand up for what WE know is right and best for the US and us.
We have been asleep at the wheel far to long as a nation.

inga said...

let's establish an intrinsic value of nature. let's agree that we are not above the spiders we kill in our houses or the aphids we spray in our gardens. let's put ourselves on par with our earth and all inhabitants be them mammal, flora, fauna, arachinid, marsupial, whatever. let's get over thinking we are dominant and therefore encompass the power to judge. let us escape the narrow binds of capitalism and relearn the value of the dollar. let's encourage each other to go forth as an intrinsic being of earth; one who is hopeful there will be a planet for our great grand children because today we took the steps to BE stewards of OUR land.

Louis McCarten said...

The United States like all nation states has critical natural resources including such things as watersheds, topsoil, biodiversity among other things. Without these things there would be no America. Clearly, it is a mistake to lose sight of sound management of any of these--but over the centuries we have sometimes done precisely that. It is unfortunate that sound management of our nation's forests. biodiversity, and wildlands sometimes collides with imperatives of economic growth as we Americans have not always made the best choices and it has been our next generations to pay the piper for such decisions.

Americans will also need to understand that technology and market economics alone cannot rescue from all of the problems that poor environmental decision-making can lead to, as technology is not the only determining factor in the quality of life; we are not robots and need to recognize this in the decisions we undertake. Thus we cannot afford to leave important decisions involving our nation's ecological health to the boardrooms of corporations that deal primarily in technological and economic abstractions. American people will need to remain in charge and that is being challenged in an increasingly globalized future. Technology, as mentioned previously, is not a magical elixir for all of the porr choices we make.

America's future can be a healthy one built on a sustainable, sound management of our natural resources. It can be a future of great prosperity, liberty, abundant natural resources in a land that has conserved its extraordinary natural beauty. In short, if Americans learn to manage and constructively human nature (including its negative side where greed, ignorance, and short-sightedness lurk), educate and strengthen their awareness of sustainable economic practices and integrate ecological principles into their economic mindset, America can remain the greatest nation on earth to live in.

Or it can be something less than that. America's future can end up being one of over-population, destroyed and depleted natural resources, corruption, and poverty. A future where we have failed to live up to our greatest potential.

Being a patriot means opting for the best future possible for America and making the necessary choices and sacrifices to procure such a future for our land and people.

Anonymous said...

TO be a Patriot means to speak up against the powers that be when they seem to not have the best interest in it for me.

Anonymous said...

we should stress efficiency of appliances, cars, etc. and strive for real solutions, not blindly grasp at things like "corn into fuel" that does not realy help.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

people in the world just need to be aware of all that is going on around them... by staying educated they would realize that instead of saying things are going to change actually do something to improve it yourself.

Anonymous said...

I think they should educate more about environmetally friendly living on tv, and other places where many people spend time. My friends know I'm a tree hugger, and I do things that are good for the Earth. But my friends think it is weird, but if they were educated more about the subject, than they would want to help out more to.

Anonymous said...

It should be our rights as citizens to have clean air, water, and soil and from these resources, clean food. Pollution not only affects the environment, but it also affects us. Exuding tons of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere and the water supply damages everyone's health. It should be looked upon as a crime. Spraying poisons on food that kills insects and other pests as well as genetically modifying food without knowing what possible harmful effects it could have on us is wrong. We as American citizens need to make it our right to live in a healthy, clean world without the dirtying from factories and other people across the country.

Anonymous said...

Educate people about whats happening to the world around them. Yeah they might no what global warming is, but do they know how to help? Also, elect politiciens who care as much as we do and who intend on helping-the ones who lead must also encourage.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means having resolve and not backing down when the going gets tough. It means setting a good example as world leaders, being ready to stick our heads above the crowd and take a few rotten tomatoes every now and then.

Anonymous said...

To me, patriotism is loving your country so much on so many levels that you consider it your personal responsibility to help it reach its full potential environmentally, socially, and on the global stage. You do everything in your power to eliminate your personal contribution to global warming and other environmental concerns. You have compassion for the downtrodden and are willing to extend a helping hand. Perhaps, most important of all, you keep an eye on the politicians who are voted into office to make sure they are adhering to the first two.

Anonymous said...

Revert back to the time when women reared the children at home and being there when they arrive home would remove 50 or more percent of autos off the roads. And making it mandatory for young adults to graduate in order to get a permanent drivers license! And if the women don’t want to do this, then the men should stay home and the women can build our highways, bridges and other infrastructures, buildings, homes, sewers, rigging wire etc outside in the rain, snow and blistering heat instead of the comforts that most women work! But of course the Democratic Party would scream bigotry, sexism; you name it because even though they are the reason for the millions of new drivers since 1965 and illegal immigrants wandering up and down our highways and who have created this problem would lose billions in taxes to feed their Marxist Socialist agenda!

Ken Baumann said...

-Be aware of the impending crisis threatening millions of lives posed by global warming, and take action to counter it's effects.

-Be savvy consumers, and support initiatives that will combat the threat of this global crisis.

-Encourage others to do what is best for the Earth's perseverance.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is doing what is best for one's country even when it means sacraficing some of the things we have become so accostumed to. It is not very hard to reduce the negative impact that we have on this world and it is just as easy to try and convince others to do the same. Besides all of this we are not the ones in charge and we do not make the "big" disicions when push comes to shove. This does not mean we should give up and do nothing it simply means that we have to try as hard as we can to show the "important" people how important or cause really is.

Anonymous said...

I think global warming is a major issue, even if some people say there is no scientific evidence about this theory- I think it is important that people care for the environment. By the time people realize what is happening, it will be too late. Many everyday americans don't give a care about the environment, they think that 1 person isn't gonna change nothing. But what if we all thought that? Each person in America realeases 6 tons of carbon dioxide a year- each tree soaks up 1 ton every year. But as trees are getting cut down that sequence is getting worse. The earth will be different if this continues, Florida, New York, and California will all be underwater with the glaciers melting into the ocean- the world will be crowded, no winter. DO PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THEIR KIDS? THEY WILL HAVE 2 SUFFER. THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING!! SAVE THEIR SUFFERING! THEY DON'T DESERVE IT!

Anonymous said...

A Declaration of Energy Independence and Security

It is impossible to deny that our dependence on foreign oil helped to finance the attacks of September 11th, and continues to undermine our national security. In unity with our War on Terrorism, it is the responsibility of all Americans to ensure our security by reducing that dependence. Driving an obsolete vehicle or squandering our nation's energy reserves gives wealth, aid, and comfort to those that would do us harm. It is incumbent upon us to save the freedoms we cherish by applying our innovation, resources, and creative capacity to reinvent ourselves as a self-reliant nation. This inevitable transformation will enhance our security, invigorate our economy, and improve our environment. On this the 21st day of
June 2002 we declare, to achieve victory in our campaign for Independence and Security, we must:

Decentralize Energy Generation
As the lines between different forms of energy blur, we must open the energy networks to innovation. Electricity will power cars and trains, and sources such as wind, sun, waste oil, hydrogen and even refuse will generate electricity. Distributing generation facilities closer to where the electricity is used make it possible to utilize waste heat for heating homes and industry. Eliminating the need for costly and inefficient transmission lines will dramatically enhance the relative efficiency of Distributed Generation and will stabilize our electric grid, utilize domestic fuels, and reduce pollution.

Retool Transportation Fleet
Today our nation imports over half of its fuel, some from countries that have vowed to destroy us. We, as American citizens and consumers, call on American manufacturers - some of the most flexible and adaptive industries in the world - to provide us the energy efficient vehicles we need. Over the next ten years, most Americans will replace their present car; let those cars be gas/electric hybrid or hydrogen/electric hybrid vehicles. We have the technology and we must take the first step to our new energy future.

Retrofit the Suburb
The suburban landscape built over the last fifty years has emerged as the most destructive development pattern in history. These developments devour agricultural land, squander water resources, and do not function without the maximum utilization of the automobile. We must select communities that provide sufficient density and mixed uses to reduce the residents' dependence on the automobile, be pedestrian and bicycle friendly, facilitate public transportation, and simultaneously improve the quality of life for all of us.

Utilize Waste Stream as Resource
Biomass waste from lumber, agriculture, and restaurant operations can provide substantial energy and organic stock while reducing the demand on landfill space. As the cost of disposing of waste rises, it is becoming financially feasible to design high quality, recycled products. We must cluster this entire process, producing a cascade of value added products. Garbage dumps and sewage treatment plants around the country can be a source of biomass, methane, and pure water while protecting our precious estuaries and oceans.

Create a Sustainable Economy
Market Economy Plus is the guiding principle capable of generating the changes we need for our national security. Market Economy Plus is laisse faire economics with a long-term perspective. We must demand that our corporations and our government look ahead at least the life expectancy of a child born today. The Enron experience has taught us that shareholders, consumers, employees, and our planet's ecology are not well served by short-term business decisions.

We, as Americans, must aid our nation in this great endeavor by embracing a vision that looks far enough into the future to be of value to forthcoming generations. We must choose how to spend our wealth and cast our votes in a way that moves our nation to new prosperity and security. Together we can create a sustainable way of life for our children and grand children into the future.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means caring about your country, the environment,saving it for future generations and oing all you can to keep species from dying out. It means reducing dependency on foreign oil,demanding car manufacturers do all they can to make fuel efficient,hybrid cars at an affordable price and telling factory owners to clean up the air.

Unknown said...

America sees itself as a world leader. However, to be a leader one must exhibit not only military and economic power. One must exibit moral leadership.We need to do our share in fighting global warming.
I also believe we should become less dependant on oil for both our own self-interest and for moral reasons.

Unknown said...

America sees itself as a world leader. However, to be a leader one must exhibit not only military and economic power. One must exibit moral leadership.We need to do our share in fighting global warming.
I also believe we should become less dependant on oil for both our own self-interest and for moral reasons.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

At this point we must all make big changes, some of them will be sacrifices. There is no escaping the need for sacrifice. It is not necessary for the majority of individuals to own a car. It is not necessary for most people to use air conditioning. Each person contributes so much waste, and much of that waste could be eliminated. Most waste comes from luxuries, these are the sacrifices that must be made.

Anonymous said...

Young people still hopefully have a lot of life to live on this earth.
please keep it clean from polution and bad gases at factories and please just protect it and love it and love each other if we can do that than we can definitely love our earth ... we need to stop all of this fighting and anger and let peace shine through, that way we can all live with peace love and a clean earth.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Heyy i'm not american but i think we should make all taxes or cab energy saving vehicles because cab's are what most ppl use to get around and they will save money

Unknown said...

Being a patriot means putting your country first. Not just now, but in the future. Sometimes you have to act against your own or the country's current interests, such as making money by destroying habitats and the environment, to make sure that the country will flourish in the future and the country cannot flourish unless the health of the planet does too. In the same way that you can be as healthy as possible but still contract a disease because you didn't erradicate the disease, you can be as pro-American as possible, but if you leave the world, the air, the water in distress then you have not cared for your country and you have not protected it. Without a healthy country, what do you have to be patriotic about? If we want to be world leaders, then we must factor the world into any decisions we make.

Anonymous said...

Whether Global Warming is at a catastrophic point or in a natural momentum, we still must be accountable for our contribution to the pollution and destruction of our planet. As a most proud and grateful American I believe this country must educate the young and old about how to be envirnmentally concious and concerned. It is everyone's responsiblity to drive less, use more energy efficient appliances, educate thier children and play a part in fighting global warming.


Anonymous said...

"When the last red man is vanished from this earth, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, the shores and forests will still hold the spirits of my people. For they love this earth as the newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. So if we sell you our land, love it as we've loved it. Care for it as we've cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you take it. And with all your strength, with all your mind, with all your heart, preserve it for your children, and love it... as the Great Spirit loves us all."
Chief Seattle, 1854.

Anonymous said...

I believe more and more of the worlds population is starting to relize that golble warming is not just propaganda, however I do not believe that we are aware of how fast this is taking place. What we need to do is to provoke a speedy reaction from the public that will force steps in the right direction on minimizing the co2 we so thoughtlessly pump into the air.

Anonymous said...

A Patriot is someone who puts the country and it's interest ahead of any Politician, Corporation, or individual party, and their interests. A Patriot is someone who keeps true to the people, the country, and the American life, and demands that freedom be a mandatory necessity, not something that can be won or lost.

Anonymous said...

Treat the earth and everything on it with respect. Remember as Seatl (Chief Seattle) said, "we are all connected...we are all part of the web of life...whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves." Consider what impact you will have before doing something. Encourage others to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is leading others to lead themselves.

Anonymous said...

A Nation Without Borders is not a Nation

Anonymous said...

I think that recycling glass, plastic, and mixed paper should be a law. In my town we're not allowed to recycle that much, and not everyone has time to go down to the center. Global Warming should also be a class like: math, science, or english. Our school districts should educate our kids so that recycling and conserving energy will just come naturally, and hopefully that will put global warming at bay if not gone.

Anonymous said...

We the people, choose in favor of the people, for the envirnonment in which people live, and in which we all ultimately depend on. The New Patriot declares it is time for change. Change in public policy, change in world-wide committment, and ultimately a change in our personal decision making. The result of which is world in which people choose the environment over personal gain and/or profit. We as the New Patriots pledge allegiance to Earth. God speed.

Anonymous said...

I would like to recommend a bullet point that touches upon education in our schools. So that it is required that all teachers, in all grades (K-12) teach one or more lessons a year concerning global warming, and what students can do to help.

Anonymous said...

It is truly unfortunate that scientist discovered this problem 60 plus years ago and government would not accept it until just recently these past few years. One simple economic thing we can all do is recycle and conserve our electricity. I don’t know if this is part would be considered a part of the declaration or just something that can be done to help ease this global warming. Step 1 congress needs to step up and help. It would be a great idea economically to have huge cuts in the price of hybrid vehicles so everyone could afford them and increase the price on pure gasoline vehicles. This would ultimately cause people on the market to trade in there old cars for a new hybrid and people just looking for a car would be more enticed to by the hybrid do to the lower price I think. I think car dealers would be willing go alone with this idea, especially if it meant greater sales for them. Using ethanol vehicles would be even better. Ethanol is a temporary solution to gas and global warming but it would be a better transition then nothing at all. Water Wheels could be put on the sides of rivers, made of natural material such as wood, for the use of creating electricity. This would not disrupt the water patters because it is on the bank and you will not have to build around it. These are just a few ideas and I’m sure other people have many more. The biggest thing we can do as individuals is to recycle!

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