
Every generation confronts a unique challenge that tests its collective mettle. For us, that challenge is global warming.

Our online community helped draft a new Declaration of New Patriotism showing our commitment to stopping global warming. We have a goal of collecting 75,000 signatures and will deliver the declaration to Congress by July 4th. Please join our campaign by signing the Declaration of New Patriotism today.

We're also collecting stories of people from around the country who embody the spirit of the New Patriotism. If you know a New Patriot, please share their story below.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Declaration of New Patriotism

Global warming is the crisis of our time.

As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s birthday, we renew our commitment to the qualities and values that have guided our nation for more than 200 years.

We the undersigned, pledge to:

  • Be mindful consumers, by minimizing our personal global warming “footprint;”

  • Be active citizens, by pressing our elected officials to take urgent action now, and by pressing all candidates for office to commit to passing strong legislation to cut America's global warming pollution;

Please help us add to this declaration. Add your comments by clicking "Comments" or "Post a Comment" below.

Thank you.


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Jinny Lee said...

What it means to be a Patriot...HONOR the constitution...simple as that!

Anonymous said...

I believe a patriot is someone who thinks "bigger" than self, in all aspects of communal living. A patriot researches the best solutions to public problems, accepting the reality of present hardship. He/she looks beyond gratification in assessing life values.

Anonymous said...

Have no more than two children, and bring them up to be responsible American and world citizens who reuse, renew and recycle, and have no more than two children themselves. Bring up your children with a love for nature and the planet.

Anonymous said...

I think a true patriot is someone who can deny their desires for some object or experience in the interests of the greater good. For example, I did not buy a huge fancy car when I went out to get a vehicle, but instead bought a fuel-efficient vehicle when my heart was yearning for a racy sports car.

Anonymous said...

1. As Americans we need to strive for bio-diversity in our environmental community.
2. We need to add into our GDP numbers the added value the environment has and the cost our impact has on the environment so we get a true GDP.
3. We need to unite business, community, and government to strive for sustainability.
4. And we need to strive for local solutions.

Anonymous said...

I think one very simple solution that would help save fuel (and therefore help to reduce global warming by reducing consumption) would be to return to the Carter-era policy of a 55 mph speed limit. It was proven to reduce consumption by 15% and, as a bonus, reduce traffic injuries and fatalities.

I think a patriot is one who cares about his country enough to see that it is not an exception to rational rules for a livable world, and who cares that his country be a part of the larger global community. A real patriot also cares about the stupid fallacy of "business uber alles", which is what we have been experiencing for the last 500 years, and that has made global warming the apocalyptic reality that it is.

Anonymous said...

I would like to suggest a bullet point about teaching whenever we can. When appropriate, we can spread the message to all we come in contact with as part of true patriatism. To be globally minded as well as nationally with regards to our planet Earth. Also one about home gardens and trees.

Anonymous said...

I believe an additional bullet point (or, points) need to be added to provide incentives for private enterprise and ordinary citizens alike to adopt habits and technologies that mitigate global warming. I know the first two bullets touch on that, generally, but specifically advocating incentives towards behaviors that mitigate global warming should be included. What those behaviors and technolgies would be, would be offered as a pallette of behaviors and technologies offered so that each person can choose those that each feels he or she can adopt easily.

Kim said...

I believe it is time for Americans to show our "true" color; green. We can and should be the example the rest of the world should follow regarding global warming. We need to put our focus on finding alternative fuel sources and continue searching for alternatives.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is one who loves one's country and defends public safety and welfare. Saving the air, water, and earth is defending public welfare and leaving an honorable legacy for future generations. A livable planet in which to reside.

Anonymous said...

rfcwyI have done this twice, and you keep screwing it up, so stick it!!!

Anonymous said...

We should also pledge to be respectful of nature in every way, remembering that we share the earth with many other life forms.

Anonymous said...

Not supporting products or businesses that are opposing the idea of prevent global warming such as the oil businesses, automobile businesses.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought: Not everyone has access to public transportation, and some folks must drive big vehicles for whatever reason. However, everyone can use less gas and create less pollution by just SLOWING DOWN. The faster you go, the more gas you use. Plan ahead and give yourself enough time to drive at a reasonable speed. Accelerate evenly from stops and avoid speeding from traffic light to traffic light. Listen to some music and enjoy the ride. You'll get there.

Anonymous said...

While working to stop Global warming we should harness the extra energy from the sun in whatever ways possible--this, of all times, should be the age of, not nuclear, not fossil fuel, not oil, but solar energy. I like to talk to people one on one--plant seeds of hope--yes we can do something--everything you do makes a difference, even if you don't think so. Get people into the positive, out of the negative,

Anonymous said...

To preserve the liberty of enjoying our nations natural heritage.

Anonymous said...

Educate the public, old and young. Have environmental classes in ALL schools, for all children. They are the next generation coming up who unfortunately will have to clean up the mess this generation is leaving them with. I get frustrated with the slow moving government. Speed up the process of capping. Foot draggers are seriously slowing the process down.

Jan Weiss said...

Being a patriot means having the courage to question our leaders and insist that our leaders represent the people - not their personal interestes or their friends in high places. Being a patriot means respecting the liberal and rebellious idea that the constitution is.

Anonymous said...

As I expect that what is really needed here is a redefinition of national goals and resposibilities, not just energy savigs tips and pleges to recycle and minimize our impact upon the planet, while worthy goals, lets discuss the Macro topics.

I really think that the US needs to have redefine National Security. Security comes from Not Having Enimies, instead of having the largest and most deadly armed forces.

Anonymous said...

We should now be making major changes in our lifestyles, not just half-baked efforts. I recently gave up my car and am taking the bus. When I look around at my fellow bus riders, it appears that few are there "by choice" like I am. We have to be willing to make sacrifices to our comfortable lifestyles if we really want to do something about global warming.

Anonymous said...

Stop bitching and start a revolution!

Patriotism was the last refuge of scoundrels!

The status quo will not help us, the American focus on the bottom line is killing the planet. What we need is the people to rise up and demand (more powerfully then voting) change, new stricter laws, and strong punishments for pollution, waste and fraud. If we can make this change here it will happen in other parts of the world. We can only be American Patriots if we choose to change the course this country is on... the people must lead. Its time for the mother of all sit'ins and it may have to last a while. Good luck to us all.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say research in an alternitive form of fuel. We have the ability to do so. So we need to step forward and make a difference to help ourselves and our children and our children children.

Anonymous said...

I think what it comes down to is that MUCH stricter laws need to be set by the government in order to stop global warming. I think that ultimately people in our society mean well but are too lazy to make real changes. So just as lead was outlawed in gas things need to be outlawed like:
- the use of plastic bags (paper instead)
- non-biodegratable water bottles - we need to use alternative plastic for this
- outlaw the use of pesticides - there are plenty of organic options that can be used

and so many more --

People don't stop using unless they have no other choice!! If companies are making these harmful products than people will use them.

Anonymous said...

I like the comment from the non-American. Why not emphasize in the pledge a commitment to working more closely with the rest of the world on this issue?

Anonymous said...

Since corporations control the politicians who, in turn, try to control the government, we should step in with this Earth-friendly tactic to put control back in our own hands; We have the right to demand from any company we hold stock in to leave this planet greener and cleaner. You and I and millions of other people own bits and pieces of many of these corporations by purchasing stock in them. Go to their websites and send them your comments about being stewards of a cleaner planet. Whenever those companies hold elections for stockholders to vote on, vote. Make your voice count and let them know that you are committed to a healthier Earth and expect them to step up to the plate and be responsible (or you'll invest your money with some other company who is.)


Demand from your automakers that they put their their time and money into more efficient cars.

Demand from any mining companies you may hold stock in to replant new groves and forests after they strip the land.

Demand from commercial fishing industries that they engage in the IFQ (Individual Fishing Quota) program, as well as other safe fishing practices for marine wildlife, such as dolphins, whales, sharks and sea turtles.

Demand from big oil companies that they spend time and money on a new, clean fuel. Oil is finite. They need to think ahead if they want to stay in business. Demand that they quit spending billions to extract these last few trickles of oil from the Earth. Act now.


Demand that your favorite restaurants purchase food from companies that engage in environmentally safe and earth-friendly practices. (A good example of this is Chipotle restaurants, which use meat products that are open-range, and are now using organic foods in their ingredients.)

Also demand that they use Earth-friendly take-out bags and containers that you can recycle.

Demand that your local grocer carry organic foods from local farms that engage in clean and organic farming practices. Asking for local, organic produce will save a significant amount of fuel pollution in cross-country transport.

Demand that your public libraries (and other public buildings that you pay taxes on) install only the clean, energy efficient lighting fixtures and lightbulbs instead of the old-fashioned lightbulbs or incandescent lighting.

(FACT from EnergyStar: The energy used in the average home can be responsible for more than twice the greenhouse gas emissions of the average car. When you use less energy at home, you reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and help protect our environment from the risks of global climate change.)

We all have work to do. It must start at our own home. If we want this to catch on, we need to practice what we preach.

Please recycle.

Please throw away cigarette butts (over 4 billion are tossed away as trash each year).

Please conserve water.

Please turn off the lights when not in use.

Please learn about and engage in creating "wild yards" or "backyard conservations". (Maryland's DNR has a nice site on this topic:

Do you really want more unnecessary chemicals in your bloodstream? Please purchase products that are environmentally friendly, use natural ingredients, and do not test on animals. You'll be doing yourself an immediate favor.

If all of this is daunting to you, take small steps. Revel in the joy of taking care of yourself and the Earth.

Anonymous said...

True patriotism casts aside partisan divides, because global warming isn't about politics - it's about science, about taking responsibility for our presence here, about stewardship for our descendants.

Anonymous said...

Encourage your neighbors to leave
their cars at home by giving rides
to those you RECOGNIZE on the
shoulder of the road -- who in
turn should leave a dollar or two
under the sun-visor.

Anonymous said...

We need to remind people that Americas was started by God fearing men who knew that they wanted a better life and knew they would have to fight very hard to get it. That spirit has inspired generations to continue that fight. Patriotism is that fight and remembering what we are fighting for. Its for the children and their futures. So this declaration must say that stopping global warming is for our children and then their children.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it is important to fight global warming. It is also necessary to protect free speech and civil liberties so that people would feel more free to speak up about issues that affect them like global warming.

Anonymous said...

To me, a patriot, in the narrow sense, is someone who is true to the principles and ideals of the country in which they have their community. A patriot in the broader, and, to me the more relevant sense, is someone who is true to the world community, while supporting the principles and ideals of their more local community.

The United States, in spite of its diminishing gravitas in world opinion, still has an opportunity to exercise leadership in a global effort to make the world a better place to live. It must lead by example and through persuasion, economic pressures and other civil measures, bring other countries (read India, China, Russia, et al)to the forefront of the march for environmental safety and health.

To do so would elevate the United States in the eyes of its own citizens, bringing a common pride in this country. It would also elevate our position as a world leader, making the United States more respected, more welcome and create a better environment for international relations, democracy and business - something even the most diehard neocon and staunch capitalist should embrace.

westtexas8 said...

Patriotism is love of country, NOT as we have been asked to believe for the last 6 years,being in thrall to a political party. We must begin to purchase organic- not natural but organic products. It is expensive but can be done. Purchase vegetables from a local farmer's market and freeze/can these foods. Telecommute to work when possible. Plan every errand to maximize fuel. Ride a bicycle when possible. Use more natural light, you just feel better when you do and it saves electricity. Purchase green products. Sit outside in the evening and talk to your family and neighbors. You will feel better,save electricity, and watch less T.V.! Turn off all applicances when not in use. Conserve, reuse, recycle. These are lifestyle changes that are just easy to make. There are products that ask consumers to consider what impact their actions will have on the seventh generation. What a concept...

Contact elected officials to insure that global warming is always on the agneda. Ask for tax deductions for any "green" improvements to any home/building.
Give tax incentives to all business who promote telecommuting, car pooling, and recycling programs. Put aside the political agendas and FOCUS on the problem- the planet is dying.

waypasthadenough said...

Repeat a lie often enough and the sheeple will believe it. - Adolf Hitler(slightly paraphrased)

The Great Global Warming Swindle:

Anonymous said...

We should realize that without reducing population growth, we will never achieve any of our stated goals. This being the case, we must insist that our U.S. Senators & Representatives reduce immigration to environmentally sustainable levels. As Edward Abbey said, "Growth for the sake of growth is the ethos of the cancer cell".

Unknown said...

"Patriot" is a loaded word for many educated, free-thinkers out there. I caution against its use without an overt redefinition. American foreign policy has tarnished any pride we may once have had about this nation. While I am in favor of progressive redefinition of this word, this nation, and our current consumption, I am hesitant to sign onto anything with "patriotism" in the title.

Anonymous said...

For the good of our planet,our generation, and all generations, let's work as hard as we can to to stop global warming! It isn't going to be easy, but it's something we, as responsible citizens of planet earth have to do! Until the federal government comes to their senses to put effective global warming-reducing legislation into place, we can all work as hard as we can to reduce our personal emmissions and "carbon footprint."

Anonymous said...

pressuring our government to tax companies who arent reducing their pollution footprint would help create a more competative economy while also being a environment friendly one too.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism means that you look differently than the others. That you can look at someone with: glasses, a big nose, cross-eyed, braces, and a different hair style and declare that they're more than what they look like. Especially when talking about Global Warming. Many people believe it can't happen, and won't. But, if they look past the glasses, big nose, cross-eyed, braces and the different hair style, they see that they're wrong. And won't be right until they look past them.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism means that you look differently than the others. That you can look at someone with: glasses, a big nose, cross-eyed, braces, and a different hair style and declare that they're more than what they look like. Especially when talking about Global Warming. Many people believe it can't happen, and won't. But, if they look past the glasses, big nose, cross-eyed, braces and the different hair style, they see that they're wrong. And won't be right until they look past them.

Anonymous said...

We should add sell electric cars, hydrogen is a disaster waiting to happen!

Anonymous said...

A PATRIOT is someone who respects and cares for the land he/she is born, not only the land divided politically into countries but the entire Earth.

Anonymous said...

The time has come when we have to stop having short term visions and needs, when we have to stop buying from the worst predators, when have to stop voting for the most destructive leaders.
The time has come when we have to start thinking and acting for the good of our planet and all generations to come. A time has come when we have to let our be voice heard and demand (with our dollars, actions, and words) responsibility and care towards our natural resources.

Jack R. said...

I've cut my CO2 equivalent emissions over 50% over the last few years by putting in a 93% eff. furnace to replace my old 63% one, using the AC on only the five or so hottest summer days, using CFLs, insulating the walls and attic of my 66 yr. old wood frame house, driving my 4 cyl car as little as possible, using my feet and bicycle around town 8 months/yr, and eating a mainly vegan diet. I'm still putting up about 8 tons of CO2/yr. Oh. The stat is now set for 63 F day, and 60 F night during the winter. I could install solar panels to get my CO2 output lower.

JorgeAGM said...

I am a citizen of the world and at the same time, an american, tough I don't live and ain't a citizen of the U.S.A, and that reflects my point: Patriotism is the love and recognition for the place we live in, placing it's well being and of all it's parts before anything else, and today, in the age of globalization, that means the whole planet, the whole world. Recognizing the parts such as the whole is very important, so let me say that americans are all the people who lives in America (no´t just the USA) and Patriotism is the care of us (all the people in the planet) for each other, for the Earth and consecuently, the world.

Jarrod Karl said...

A patriot loves his or her country and questions leadership when they appear to stray from the ideals of the nation. A patriot believes that the government should provide for the good of the majority and not a few select members of society. A patriot realizes that times change and an able and sustainable society must adapt to the changes in society. A patriot stands by his or her convictions, even when there are consequences for doing so. Patriots do not embellish the truth or take advantage of others for personal gain. Patriots do not relish in ignorance. Patriots respect the people of their nation and do not belittle them or single them out.

Anonymous said...

Encourage more planting of green spaces to put more Oxygen back into the atmosphere. LynnAB

Anonymous said...

We citizens have to stop global warming if we want to live (and that's not just so humans can survive). We have to take action- not using the washing machine so often, trying to use light from the sun instead of electricity-also solar power, and other things like recycling. We need to let our government know we are in danger. And we have to make them DO something about it.

Anonymous said...

Patriot's are individuals who walk the walk not just talk the talk!We as a country need to STOP- misusing our country's resources in destructive ways! Stop stripping our land! Stop poisoning our children! Stop feeding our livestock and wild anilmals unnatural food sources!Save our Farmlands!Save our wetlands! Save our Water! Are we that obnoxious to think taht it isn't each of our responsibility as a human being to preserve the Earth for the future.We will implode if we do not heed the writing on the wall!!

Unknown said...

I think a patriot is a person who is not afraid to speak out when he believes the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Anonymous said...

Whereas patrioism is defined as committment to one's land, it is our duty as a species to take the necessary steps to preserve the environment in a sustainable fashion.

Whereas global warming is the most pressing issue currently, bipartisan collaboration along with international cooperation is absolutely essential to curbing this world threat.

Whereas global warming is not our only environmental impact, we must continue to fight for biodiversity, forests, universal clean water/air, soil, farmers, plentiful water for all, and a stable population growth rate.

It is patriotic to care for/defend your "own." In this case, "own" refers to the world.

Anonymous said...

True patriotism involves compassion for all our nation's people as well as protecting the physical health of our nation, and more importantly, standing up for your beliefs in promoting a better quality of life for all and in all ways. And, involves being a decent, moral, peaceful member of the world.

dan-o said...

tnzI think we should declare our unwillingness to kill people around the world in order to procure a commodity that is killing the planet.

I think we should set a goal to change our world from a petrol basesed economy to a renewal energy economy in 20 years regardless of how painful it may be in the short term to ensure the survival of our children for the long term.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot is about not caring about just yourself but your country, in this case, the world. Some people don't take the steps to reduce global warming because they don't believe its an issue that affecting them, however it is. This summer is hotter than ever, down in Las Vegas, and people don't understand why.

Grace said...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that human beings are not the only species on the planet, that as the only known species to have language and self-awareness we have a special responsibility to the rest of nature, and that when 99% of the world's climatologists agree that our behavior is directly harming the planet, we should change our behavior."

Anonymous said...

I would like to add the fact that all the bill's that have been proposed to our corrupt government about the reduction of carbon emissions have been declined because our policy makers have said that it would hurt our economy.Well people what's more important our economy or life itself???I remember when the three most important aspects of living in america were "life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness" now it seems to be "money,money,and screwing over anyone you can for more money"I think it's absolutely ridiculous the state of the world today when all that matters is greed and cut throat consumerism and not humanity and life.I for one am fed up with our government and the outright criminal activity that our president and vice-president have repeatedly shown in their almost 8 years in office.I mean c'mon people global warming is a real threat and no one seems to care because people keep buying their hummers and gas guzzling SUV's and it's only getting worse!It's time to step up people and tell your government you're fed up with everything that's being ignored about global warming and tell,no demand,that something be done!!

Anonymous said...

Understand that in order for us to save America and the world we have to clean up America first. We have to make our country a clean and safe place to live. We have to demand that corporations begin paying much higher taxes to fund much of what needs to be done. A 50% tax on all profits is a good start. We used to tax them like that and it is time we start doing it again.

Anonymous said...

Animals have the right to a life free of pain, suffering, neglect, abuse and torment. Domestic animals should be under a "guardianship" and not property.

Anonymous said...

We need to change our habits! Our wants and desires are taking over common sence amd rea;ity. This world is making so I'm re-thinking the idea of having kids, not becasue I don't want them but becasue we are living in a world that cannot sustain. This paving paridise and putting up a parking lot is killing our ecosystem, and is going to leas to a massive dystruction if our habbits don't change from a want to a need life style. If we know nothing else then would it matter? So if we change now 20 years from now it wouldn't matter casue that is all we will know....

Unknown said...

A patriot is willing to put their life on the line for the future and the people of their country.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the declaration should make hybrid cars mandatory for dealerships and manufactorers. hybrids are a lot better for the environment and gas mileage is alot better than the fuel guzzeling planet killers that we have been driving for almost 100 years. If everyone in the world drove a hybrid car instade of one of the old ones, green house gas emittions would be cut in half in no time! Also, mentioning something about lowering the price of hybrids would be good to. lol

Anonymous said...

Patriotism includes honoring the previous generations who have struggled and often died to provide a safe, free, and hopeful culture for themselves and their children. Our fathers cannot have fought and died in vain. We owe it to them to value and protect the life they have given us. The life that was once only a dream.

Anonymous said...

recycle recycle recycle now there's nothing to it if you just know how so tell your mom and your dad and you sister too, recycling is the thing to do...

Anonymous said...

We should make it easier for everybody, rich-poor, young-old, to use 'green' products and help the world to be a better place. We can do this by educating anyone and everyone about the importance of taking action against global warming. Let everyone know it can be as so simple as riding a bus and changing a light bulb to help stop global warming.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is a belief in the fundamental principles on which this nation was founded. Among these are personal freedoms without infringement on that of any other individual, without regard to gender, ethnic background, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or species. A true patriot must also act in her/his daily habits to reduce her/his impact on Mother Earth and cause no avoidable harm to the ecosystem in which she/he lives or the life forms who inhabit it, except where absolutely necessary for survival. This includes abstinence from hunting, fishing, trapping, vivisection, other forms of animal exploitation generally and a diet that destroys one's body, speicifically the Standard American Diet revolving around animal derivatives. Such a diet is directly responsible for the annihilation of Mother Nature and equally inhibits one's ability to consciously practice the selfless, freedom-loving principles upon which this nation was formulated. Support for military troops overseas does not require one to support the chief executive (ie. President) or industrial complex (ie. Pentagon) that conscripted their deployment to foreign lands. Troops should be given the benefit of the doubt that they believe in these same basic principles, regardless of whether they agree with the aforementioned powers that be who mandated their service in such battles. The desire to go shopping, wave flags, post them one's house or vehicle or drive SUV's is no reflection of any bona fide love of one's country. Just as a loving, responsible parent will contructively criticize her/his children when they make mistakes or commit evil, a true patriot will readily critique her/his government and/or nation whenever justified. If we refuse to focus on our nation's atrocities of the past and present, we will never improve our stake in the future and continue to devolve into an abyss. We must admit and resolve the bad along with the good if we are to have any hope as a society for the future.

MaiaDawn said...

According to Thomas Jefferson, "Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism." We have, as patriots of America the moral obligation to take our government in hand and cut out the cancer growing within. We need to get our politicians out of the pockets of big business and back to being more concerned for the people who make up this great nation. We must protect our land, our water, our air and our wildlife. America was established to be a city on a hill and act as a beacon for the rest of the world. We need to reclaim that position by reclaiming our environment, reducing waste and dependence on fossil fuels and showing the rest of the world how it should be done.

Anonymous said...

We the people of the United States of America retain the duty to our country and ourselves to protect and maintain the natural environment in which we live. We have the duty to ourselves and future generations to preserve our nation and the lives which are affected by our actions.

Anonymous said...

How about all creatures were created equal and all should have the right to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means being passionate about making your country a better place. Not one single person can be elected and fix every problem we want them to. Any person who has done something to make the land of opportunities a happier, safer, cleaner place to live in deserves the title of a patriot. You don't have to be an environmentalist to be a patriot, but if you say you are one but never let your voice heard or never take action then you are not a patriot. That is not fighting for your cause.
Our world is my cause and I am speaking out and taking action...
How 'bout you?

Anonymous said...

I am not an American but I believe that we are all global citizens. I believe that the earth is one country and all of mankind is its citizens. On that note we must all be globally conscious and do all we can to take care of this beautiful world.

Evon Davis said...

When I think of the word
"patriot," I think of someone who loves their home land, the land of their fathers. But I truly mean, loves the land. The land is where we come from; it's what we're connected to. Although I was born in Florida, I've lived most of my life in Colorado, so I feel connected to the "purple mountains majesty," the clear blue skies, the smell of pine when walking on a forest trail, and the city of Denver. This is my home and my community. I love being a part of the community garden and cooperating with the land,animals, and insects to grow food and beautiful flowers. I value every tree and blade of grass. I value the open praries, the meandering streams lined with cottonwood.

I also value the ideals that have been handed down to us from earlier generations of freedom, independence, self-reliance, and the pioneering, entrepreneurial spirit. But I recognize that for these to have value, we must all respect the rights of others. If people do not temper their personal desires with respect for the other members and species of their community (including the global community), the things we value will be lost to all. So as a patriot, I feel gratitude for the good things that I have and do my best to respect all other people and species who share my home land.

Anonymous said...

lcfmeI believe we must set examples for our children and grandchildren. I have changed all the bulbs in my house,am re-cycleing, and car pooling. The air we breath is not just American air. All air eventually travels to other countries. We as individuals can help, but it will take a huge political effort to mak things happen. The crazy thing is HOW DID WE LET THIS HAPPEN. WAS THE WHOLE WORLD SLEEPING, UNTIL AL GORE WOKE US UP?

Pat I. in Texas

Anonymous said...

A patriot willingly makes thoughtful sacrifices for the common good and for the future; without regard for their personal or familial interests.

Anonymous said...

We must assure that our country is held to the highest standards of the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution esspecially freedom and justice for All. We must take seriously our stewardship of the earth where we live to make it a better place than we found it.

Anonymous said...

Environmental patriotism means,not only loyalty to one's country, but loyalty to one's world (our earthly home). If you look into the old testament you will find the first environmental laws(every 7th year, the fields must remain fallow); we must be innovative in our approach to renewing and not destroying our mother earth. First commandment should be DO NOT WASTE. Do not waste food; water; elecricity; fossil fuels. (In other words only cook what you will eat; do not leave the water on when not using it; do not leave electricity...lights, ovens, heat...on when not using; do not leave your car idling.

Anonymous said...

One of the best things we could do is to know why we are having problems of such magnitude with our environment and pull the sheep's clothing off the wolves so they can't hide what they are doing. There are forces at work beyond the imagination of most Americans and until we stand up and work together to put an end to this immoral behavior, we will be doomed to suffer.

Read "Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Read this and then share it with some one who will do the same.

What are we up against? Consider what Benito Mussolini said, "Fascism should rather be called corporatism, as it is the merging of government and corporate power."

These same corporate powers don't want you to sign this petition,

And big oil won't tell you this, that without any new technology at all we can reduce consumption by 20%-50% right now by driving no faster than 55mph. Bring back the national 55mph speed limit.

Kennedy's book sites a study that claims we could do without middle east oil if we were to bring back the national 55mph limit! You decide, save the planet or same some time. What's more valuable to you?

Get serious everyone, we need to make some changes. The old school mentality of autos that accelerate like rockets and that can reach speeds that aren't legal anywhere in the U.S. is silly and wasteful. Let's get some laws in place that not only make auto makers design efficient cars but that make more sense so it is actually easier to do so. Let's face it, the electric car would be a lot easier to make if it didn't have to meet all those antiquated notions about power and speed.

New cars come with bar codes under the serial number now. Let's do like Oregon does, bring back the gas station attendant(more jobs) and when you buy gas, what you pay is determined by that barcode and how efficient your car is. Gas guzzling hogs pay more and that extra money goes toward providing "green" alternatives.

Anonymous said...

The Declaration should include a bullet point that people will pledge to vote only for people who support the economic and policy positions that benefit people over excess profits and unfair tax distribution. To vote for those who have respect for the health of the country's environment and it's citizens. To vote for those who will respect the rights and equality of all people, regardless of sex, gender, religious leanings or cultural origin. to vote for those who will pursue war as only the last and most desperate measure.

Anonymous said...

I think that the governments should stop behaving like negligent parents....
who are knowing, but irresponsible of the consequences of their lack of simple logical love... for this planet
My quote is this..." Nurture is our only advantage".

Anonymous said...

I believe that New Patriotism should represent morality and the right thing to do for our planet and all of humanity instead of the current culture in America, which favors industry and profit over long-term sustainability.
On this issue, the USA lags far behind the rest of the world. We need to change the priorities.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see added a commitment to bettering and increasing wildlife habitat/greenspace and actively aiding migratory birds and turtles.

Anonymous said...

I belive that knoledge is power, thus we MUST educate our future generations, we, the people, MUST pave the road to enlightenment. The governments should teach about the causes and effects of global warming in student classes. This generation can only do so much compared to the coming of the next. I leave you with this, "through discipline, we prevail!"

Anonymous said...

"All Officials and Leaders (and their associates, partners, advisers, etc.) should have to be 'held responsible' and Answer for their Actions, Decisions, Policy Making and Changing (esp.), or Especially for Their "lack of good decisions and Poor judgement, Policies, etc..
just as Any Other Cirtizen or Person is or would be. It should "include a History & Record" of Their actions or lack there-of, and should be "listed and follow Them" similar to the way a person's Credit Report is Documented and Follows Them, and/or like a person's Criminal Record
is Documented and Follows Them. (If this were "done & accurately Documented on ALL politicians and Major Leaders including the Corporations & giants of Big Business, and esp. the Lobbying Organizations and Lobbyists, etc... It would be a Bigger List than those that are In Prisons probably, LOL).
In regards to the Planet and the Environment, or anything dealing with the "welfare & health of All LIFE" Globally, the Policy Makers should be held as accountable as the most severe criminal or Law Breaker is held.
Those who's motivations were for "greed or Self-servingness purposes", should NEVER be allowed to "hold office or Lead again", etc...

Anonymous said...

I have not had time to read all of the other comments posted, so i don't know if someone already said this, but here goes. It is important to remember the little things one can do that make a difference. It is not all about using hybrid cars, which many people cannot afford. Something as simple as turning down the heat and putting on a sweater actually will help if everyone does it. Also, everyone should be entitled to the use of fossil fuels from time to time. Cars are very convenient inventions, when not used in excess.

Anonymous said...

The beautiful planet we live on is a blessing from God. It is an extension of God. How can we not respect this gift. Future generations deserve to enjoy this gift. Go outside, find some grass, a tree, a beautiful view, feel the wind on your face. Then you will know what this gift is, and why we must save it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We must find ways to encourage Americans to read newspapers, magazines, watch educational programs so that we can all be informed about the important issues concerning our country and our planet. The ignorance of many Americans is very disturbing and is the explanation for how we ended up with the current administration in Washington.

Anonymous said...

I believe most people want to do what they can, but they just don't know what to do. Virtually everyone knows to recycle, however, in addition to that there are maybe four or five things each individual can do on a daily basis that can make an enormous positive impact without being an inconvenience, if they only knew about them. Why isn't there some organization that makes that info readily available. Most folks are too "busy", too tired or too lazy to seek out what to do, so the infomation needs to find them. It needs to hit them over the head. I've seen people leave garbage on a park bench if a garbage pail isn't in plain sight. Europeans are much more plugged into mindful living than Americans and they live just as comfortably. We, as Americans, should be setting this example. We are far too wasteful. Also, big corporations that deposit thousands of tons of waste that is detrimental to the environment should not be given the option of fixing the problem or paying a fine as it is much cheaper for them to just pay the fine and most of them opt for this. Fixing the problem should be MANDATORY, no matter what the cost to the company, in addition to paying the fine.

Anonymous said...

I second the comment of Anomynous (5/15/07 11:36). We need to reduce the amount of junk we consume and educate others to do the same.

manicarver said...

A patriot is one who moves towards an environmentally sustainable economy to sustain systems which support the education and well being of citizens in such a way as to preserve the pursuit of happiness for current and future generations.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is someone who is willing to fight to protect his community.
To protect the rights of all citizens. To make the system just.
To preserve the ecosystem his community depends upon. To conserve his community's natural wealth and not waste the birthright of future generations. This means not just defending his community from outside threats, but also standing up to the powerful corporate and institutional forces within.
A true patriot doesn't fight for a flag or a nation or a government. He believes in his fellow citizens. He is a protector of the people. As in "We" the people.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is defined as a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. The highest interest of EVERY country is the threat to our planet. The next highest interest to every country should be the well-being of its people. I think we should stress the fact that Earth-friendly in most cases also means people-friendly. Ride a bike instead of driving a car!

Anonymous said...

I think that we need to realize that being a patriot in today's world means being a global steward. It is imperative that we lead by example. Americans have a great deal to learn and a long way to go towards fixing our impact but we are not alone. Worldwide, especially in China now, there is a huge need for co-operation between governments and citizens to protect the environment. People have to realize that without a healthy environment there is no economy. There are still third world countries ( I find that an odd term) that toss their trash in the streets and their human waste in the rivers because systems are not in place to handle it. Poverty is one of the biggest threats to our world and has a huge impact on global warming. There are a lot of smart people that need to wake up and being a patriot today means bringing it to their attention so don't stop at writing and calling our representatives. Send the message globally. It has been an unfortunate event that the war in Iraq has besmirched our status in the global community. Even more important then to let the world know that U.S. citizens care and are pro-active in this fight against global warming. It is the one we can not afford to lose.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is doing your share in helping sustain our country and our species. Whether or not you believe in global warming, you should realize that it is not economically nor morally wise to continue to rely on non-renewable and polluting energy sources. Sooner or later, oil and coal will become much more expensive and be used up, it is not a good plan economically to put all of our eggs in one basket, the ground and its oil and coal (however the government still says that our energy sources are varied, they are clearly deceiving us). It is unarguable that it is danger to our health, too. One look at Mexico City or L.A. will give rise to the the reality of us destroying ourselves, and that isn't even global warming. Also, how are we supposed to say to our kids that we were too ignorant, we didn't care, to do anything about the fate of the world at large? "I'm sorry, son, that we didn't do anything to help the polar bears or those thousands of other species. I'm sorry that you want to become a polar bear historian when you grow up. I hope your generation will think beyond themselves and actually care about the rest of the world." Will that cut it? A lame excuse for non action? I honestly don't know, but I hope that America decides to decide something instead of business as usual. Sure you think we're the smartest beings on the planet, but love your neighbor as youself. What has the polar bear ever done to you? maybe you hate youself or something. Stop being depressed. research. get out of your chair. do something. just something. so we don't have to live on Trash Venus.

richard dutton said...

A patriot is one who will make the
sacrifice for the love of country
and family, before ever selling his soul for dollars.

Anonymous said...

We must commit ourselves to creating a paradigm shift such that our comfort, convenience, and security today does not trump the forever health of our earth and our children.

Anonymous said...

A true patriot takes care of their community - their home - think global, act local. Get involved with your local park, support and vote for politicians and legislators in your town, city, and state that support a green agenda, buy food from small farms that are close to your home, support local businesses that are run by locals (and that you can take public transportation to). We can reduce our carbon footprint by staying loyal to the community we live in.

avatarDriggs said...

Along with "educating the Public" on environmental issues & means; especially in areas of Vehicles of ALL types and the "need for much more Efficient Fuel burning engines along with much Greater econony & gas mileage factors (the biggest things)...the Public needs to be educated More in areas of our Democratic & Political Systems, especially Constitutionally, and that Leaders, Law Makers, Top Officials, & Company Reps. can & should be 'removed' by the Peoples Decision when the "will, rights, and
welfare" of the Citizen (or Public in general), is or has been Jeopardized in Any way; or even when they have "favored or been biased" in the Process due to self-gain or self-servingness issues, esp...
(Being Patriotic is 'just as much about' preventing or stopping Some or Particular things, It is about in "doing Some things").

Keith said...

Gore created ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ but what you really have is an ‘Unspoken Truth’ which is POPULATON CONTROL. All other efforts to reduce global warming will only marginally prolong the inevitable. Like having a driver’s license, a job, owning a home, etc. having children is a privilege NOT a right and as a global community we need to begin to wholeheartedly embrace and support this idea. With the right effort the population can be controlled and balanced in such a way that the resources humans need more closely match what the earth can provide. For most other species when it is deemed that their population is excessive we take action. Why should it be any different for humans??? The earth and its resources can only support a limited number of lives. The population is growing exponentially!!!! Unless the population is controlled all other preventative efforts for global warming will be futile. Forget cancer research, genetic research, all life prolonging research and the associated billions and billions of governmental dollars that are part of these projects. It should be quality of life not quantity. Why in gods name are we putting money and effort into ‘prolonging life’ when the very air we breathe and the water we drink is in serious jeopardy?? Like a company on the brink of bankruptcy, the earth is in an extremely tenuous situation and exceptionally difficult, uncomfortable, and unpopular decisions need to be made ASAP. As serious an issue as global warming is why would one think the ‘solutions’ would be any less unpalatable than those to save say a financially flailing company?? Global Warming is only a blanket of trouble and underneath it lies: the depletion of fossil fuels, destroyed forests and natural resources, extinct animals/plants, polluted and over-fished seas, extensive socioeconomic issues, etc. etc. We can recycle a few bottles, produce more efficient cars, and build fewer power plants, but some SERIOUS thought needs to be given to how we are going to support the over TEN BILLION folks that will be on this planet in less than 30 years.

Regards Keith

Anonymous said...

"Who will speak for Planet Earth?" - Dr. Carl Sagan

- Integrity. We cannot have our most prominent supporters be hypocrites.
- The promise to do EVERYTHING we can to help save our world.

Anonymous said...

It's time America opens up their eyes to understand the basics we need. To have food, shelter, and comfort...We are all people and have seem to strayed from the fact, trying to find our differences, rather than our common ground. We've forgotten to work on our weaknesses and use our strengths to benefit everyone.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read all of the prior comments, but I agree totally with an early poster, Sharon, who said,

"Global Warming is America's opportunity to regain the world leader mantle by taking the lead in fighting it. Doing our part to fight global warming is not just good for the planet, it's patriotic!"

Individual actions are important, but they will not be enough. We must develop the technology to wean us from our addiction to fossil fuels while maintaining our economy. That means a strategy (i.e., scientific and government action) and technological development (i.e., scientific and industrial involvement, probably involving public funding). It won't be cheap and it won't be easy. But, whoever succeeds will be the world's economic powerhouse for the forseeable future. Let's make sure that it is the USA.

Anonymous said...

We recycle in every way we can, and it's so simple to do. My wife gardens in the flower gardens with the compost we make in the 6 compost boxes I built right after I became disabled in 1998, as well as the vegetable gardens we have along with my mother-inlaw's vegetable and flower gardens. We all contribute to it by putting all recompostable waste in box #1 and #2, then I turn the compost into advancing boxes until the final stage, which is from box's #5 and #6, which I turn into a pile and into "cage" #7, which is a large homemade wire cage that has the best compost anyone has ever seen that contains all kinds of garden and home waste, and even cow and horse manures, of which composted horse manure is the best fertilizer in the world for tomatoes and some flower varieties. The pile contains 100% of the same quality compost, and is cycled into the vegetable and flower gardens. I also pull the tabs from the aluminum cans and send them to my cousin's daughter for the purpose of buying her time on dialysis for her failed kidneys, and I recycle the can itself at the local can recycler, so recycling saves lives, and I intennd to do all the recycling I can for everyone in my family as an act of Patriotism for my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will continue these acts of recycling as long as God gives us breath!!

Anonymous said...

Being good stewards of the beautiful land we are blessed to inhabit. And a little of the old "Golden Rule" always helps, let's treat others (including our global neighbors and the Earth's non-human inhabitants) as we would like to be treated.

Anonymous said...

We need to wake up to the reality that what we do today will affect future generations in our country and around the world. We need to take responsibility for our actions, and change them if necessary, to ensure the continuation of the Earth in its most beautiful state.

Anonymous said...

We have a duty to protect the natural world, and to eliminate all the negative impacts humanity has made. We must remember this, because this is the only planet we have.

Anonymous said...

We, as a country, and as a people living and enjoying this planet, must accept the sober responsibility of keeping our planet alive, and healing it due to the sins of our destructive actions.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is not an excuse for blind nationalism (America, love it or leave it), xenophobia, or belief in American exceptionalism. What patriotism really does is show love for one's country, to criticize those that do it damage (both from within and without), to look across the world for the best ideas, to shamelessly borrow and improve that which will help us, and to innovate where no others have shown the way. We cannot tell the world that our healthcare approach is better than theirs when we trail in infant mortality and life expectancy, despite spending both more per person and more as a percentage of our GNP. We cannot scold the world on freedom and civil rights when we condone torture, special renditions and continue to surrender rights willingly that so many have died for. But mostly, we must start to once again look forward, imagining, then creating, an America for the future that is energy efficient, self-sufficient, and leading in education, health care, business, and productivity. If all of this is achieved while enjoying freedom, with the knowledge that we have the power of force to defend it, but no need to use it, then we have been truly patriotic. djm

Anonymous said...

As a citizen of the United states and Earth. We need to work hard to reverse harmful changes, from our pollution. We may not have a world for us and our children to enjoy, if we don't. Being a Patriot is working for a better world and country!

Sherry Marsh said...

Leave as small a carbon footprint as possible. Replenish the earth and take care of all creation.

Unknown said...

Upon rereading the Constitution recently, I observed that George W. Bush had committed many of the abuses that the king of England had done against us that led to our revolution. I think it is time we had another. It it time to US citizens to wake up and evolve beyond the Religious, political, and economic propaganda that are ruining this nation and making us hated around the world.

Anonymous said...

once it becomes law the only way something could be changed is to have a national election where the people not the politicians could decide weather or not to make the changes.

Chandira said...

I think being a patriot is realising that we are all on this finite planet together, and that only love, compassion, cooperation, tolerance and peacefulness will create a better image of America for the world to see. (You know, good old fashioned 'Christian values'.)

Anonymous said...

The founding fathers of this country recognised Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as unalienable rights. These are rights we are not only endowed with, but rights we must recognize and respect for all others. Global climate change threatens all life on the planet. We must not allow our greed to take the right to life or happiness from our children or grandchildren

Anonymous said...

we should all do our part in stopping global warming becuase just a couple of people can't change our earth.

judeedee said...

Here is a statement about Patriotism that I fully believe in and support.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt

Anonymous said...

I believe recycling should be required, and all trash companies should provide people with recycling bins. That or it should be illegal to not recycle.

Anonymous said...

Ensuring that everyone's Human Rights are respected. That other human beings and the environment are not exploited to make money. A patriot does not buy products that harm the earth or other people. A patriot tries to help the earth and help stop global warming.

Tish said...

We in this country simply have to care enough to educate ourselves (that means listening to both sides of the argument) and then going to the polls and voting our informed decisions.

Anonymous said...

Since the 1950's the culture of International Capatilism has masqueraded as the culture of America.This is far from the truth. American freedom (along with many other traditional cultures worldwide) has been repressed and enslaved by this relentlessly destructive global force. Because of this Freedom is more of a myth than a reality. As Americans we should realise this and demand that the worldwide destruction made in the name of our " Freedom,interest,and security" no longer be funded by our tax dollars. Instead we should focus our resources on fixing our infrastructure so that it coexists peacefully in the world without social or environmental impact. Our dollars should solve our problems, not create problems for others in the name of internatational corporate interest.

"Thanks for the last and greatest betrayl of the last and greatest human dreams"
William s. Burroughs
Dead City Radio

Anonymous said...

Greed is the heart of the problem. Greed drives capitalism, which convinces us we need more, better, new things. Everything has become replaceable rather than repairable. Greed drives this administration, which is why we will not see fuel efficient cars, calls for conservation, universal health care or any measure which keeps big business from easily profiting. As patriots we need to speak loudly, call for conservation, alternative green energy sources, vote and set an example.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

To take only what we need and leave the rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is more important then like sending troops to iraq. all bush cares about is iraq.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is he whom defends and fights for it land, a warrior who takes care of the soil that feeds him and the waters that quench his thirst, a protector of the species that live around him in harmony and come together to create a balance ecosystem. A patrio is he whom over all understand that his land, his planet, is the only thing he is really part off and responsible for.

Anonymous said...

It is time for all, eveywhere, to see themsleves as global citizens and take responsibility for the planet on which they live.

Anonymous said...

After having served 10 years in the military as the conscience of this country, I have learned to define patriotism this way: believe in what you stand for, and stand up for what you believe in.

Anonymous said...

I recommend showing and explaining to people how serious this crisis is. If they make an excuse about doing nothing like, "It will hurt the economy", tell them that without a planet, its hard to worry about an economy. I also recommend telling others to see "An Inconvenient Truth", it's very persuasive.

Anonymous said...

We the undersigned pledge to respect and protect our home the earth for all the its inhabitants.

Anonymous said...

We need to make drastic changes. I'm not just talking about raising fuel economy to 35 MPG by 2020 because that will happen anyway. NOTHING will happen under the Bush administration and it's good that we'll have another president soon. All the current administration did was pass neutral legislation.
Bush really needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

Now, more than ever, there is a public awareness of the seriousness of the global warming issue.

Companies like ExxonMobile, who pays over 2000 scientists from fake "organizations" to manufacture LIES, should be sued beyond normal means for ENDANGERING PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELL-BEING!

Lea said...

Simple, but still the thing to do as individuals and as a nations. Americans must curb our gluttony in everything from food to energy.
We must teach our children, BY EXAMPLE, that happiness doesn't come from the aquisition on possessions.

The rest of the world sees us as greedy and self-serving; with little to no resolve. Let's prove them wrong!

Anonymous said...

Show your patriotism by caring for not only our native lands but the entire earth starting with your immediate surroundings.

Anonymous said...

“Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.” (Ben Franklin) To be a Patriot is to love all man kind they are our brothers and sisters despite their differences. We must also love and respect the Earth mother from were all life emerges. We must be aware of the 7th generation we hold their lives in or hands what we do now will effect them. Learn not to fear God. Love your Country but see the beauty in others. Respect the Elders they hold the knowledge listen to what they have to say.

Anonymous said...

The definition of the word PATRIOT has been diluted over the past several years, and we can thank the Bush Administration for that. I think that to be a patriot is to eagerly do what can be done to speak up against President HITLER (ahem! sorry, I mean Bush, though is there really any difference?) for now & look forward to an INTELLIGENT PRESIDENT come 2008.

BTW, here's just something to keep in mind but didn't Nostradamus say that Hitler would be reborn again & lead a Superpower to ruin??? Reminds me of Bush.

Anonymous said...

We must make laws forcing people and businesses to do things environmentally correct. We are human and will not voluntarily do it. We worship money in this country. We must have laws to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

Let's encourage each other to stop taking so called sacred texts literally. Revelations, its Islamic version, End of Days, Reincarnation & Nirvana, all have the hidden message that we should not care for the future. Current religions are not solving the environmental and global problems. Lets learn to be moral ourselves instead of modifying myths that have not worked. has been a real inspiration to me.

Anonymous said...

I Geneva will do what ever I can including walking if possible instead of busing. I already have given up on getting a car or driver's license right now, so walking is good. It will help me do my share and help me lose weight too.

Diana said...

Be dedicated, responsible and respectful human beings through practicing effective land stewardship to Mother Earth by teaching others how to protect our environment.

Anonymous said...

I would like to suggest for Environmental Science to be a required/offered course that high school students are able to take along with their other science classes.

My second suggestion would be to suggest for government to provide more subsities to environmentally friendly projects and more taxes for environmentaly unfriendly projects.

My third suggestion would be for the encouragement to couples to have fewer children. Human overpopulation is the largest environmental problem.

coyotewhisper said...

Patriot is the voice for the unheard. Standing for what is humanly right, to go against the tide. To belive in this country its good. To be morally centered. To leave the least imposing footprint upon the land. Pariot is world cizten, reprensting America.

Anonymous said...

What is a patriot? A true patriot is a person who loves and respects the land (ecosphere/biosphere, aka Mother Nature) and all who share it, who marries the land and will protect and defend it against any and all efforts to exploit, rape and abuse the land or its inhabitances for immediate, selfish profit regardless of consequences.

A patriot is someone who will always stand up for the land and who will stand by the government as long as it is in the right and force the government to change when it is wrong.

A patriot is someone who, while maybe not happy about the necessary sacrifices makes them anyway because everyone depends on the land.

Homo sapians, arrogent pests that we too often are, need to pay attention and take heed - we are being told subtly and not so subtly that we had better get our act together and begin acting responsably or the land and Nature will take care of us...and we will NOT like it when it happens.

A true patriot is someone who puts the well being of the World above personal gain or glory.

Those who believe that MAN is supreme on the planet only need to remember Katrina, Krakatowa, tornadoes, earthquakes, stock market crashes and religious conflicts to be reminded how helpless we really are when faced with the wrath of the land. Those who forget or ignore this need to be not just disciplined but eliminated and their resources shared out with those who show proper consideration, respect and love for the land.

We are NOT the World; we are merely a part of it and must remember to share and play nice with others...and respect the source of our very lives.

Ray Walter Swangkee said...

It is Doubtful that very many People will have the Patience to read thus far, even if they Discover this Website and Blog; but, for those People who have had the Patience, I Offer the most Reasonable Solutions for our Massive Problems (including Global Warming and the Energy Crisis) on my Website, at:, which also Offers a ONE-MILLION-DOLLAR REWARD to any Person(s) who can Prove my Solutions to be WRong by Means of Reason and Logic.

Sincerely, Ray Walter Swangkee, who is the Author of more than 300 Inspired Books and Booklets, which are provided Free of Charge on my Website, along with thousands of Photos with Explanations! ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

A patriot is someone who embodies an inherent sense that responsibility accompanies freedom and is willing to adjust both freedom and responsibility according to the time and circumstances for the greater common good. In this instance, we refer to the environment and the crisis at hand if we, the people, do not adopt just such a position. We no longer, never did, have the freedom to spoil the Earth that sustains us. A true patriot understands that whether it be declaring all people equal or declaring rights for the Earth itself, no political or partisan label leads the charge. It is simply the right thing to do, no matter what one's beliefs or persuasion.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is a person who speaks truth to power.....
Such an individual is not concerned by election politics; but knows we have to protect the planet for our children & their children for generations yet to come!!

Anonymous said...

A patriot does whats best for the country and its people. Global Climate change is a serious threat in manyways to our security.
Global Warming is America's opportunity to regain the world leader mantle by taking the lead in fighting it

Anonymous said...

We, the people of the United States of America, hereby call for a separation of Corporation and State, with the fiscal income and political interests of the two being independent under national law. As individuals, we, from this day forth, vote to dedicate ourselves to the support of public transportation, and, in areas where viable mass transit are available, are willing to sacrifice our personal vehicles for use of this mass transit in our commutes to work and/or school. We will also make a switch to using all energy efficient light bulbs in our homes and businesses, thus greatly reducing the emission of carbon pollution. We the people will sacrifice what small amount of money it takes to purchase organic and local produce and foodstuffs when possible, and encourage our local grocers to provide these options. We, the earth steward patriots of the United States, will hereby vote in each and every election, and support politicians who truly love the planet earth and biodiversity.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is one who is constantly alert and willing to take action wherever required. A patriot does not run from action, yet confronts fully that which is taking place so that the patriot knows what is going on and its solution. A patriot is not afraid to stand up for what is right no matter what the opposition and odds. A patriot is one who works on the equation of "the greatest good for the greatest number." We are all patriots, some of us just have not taken responsibility for our beingness yet!

Anonymous said...

Forget about race, religion, and politics and enable everyone to join to join together to tackle this one issue that involves us all, and whose solution will benefit all of us.

Shanz said...

I am from New Zealand. I think that there should be more room and acceptance of education and student involvement in a solution. I am only 14 but i know that myself, other kids, teenagers and young adults can make a HUGE difference, but we need not be laughed or frowned upon by our peers, parents and other adults. We need to know what is going on, and be involved in how to fix in, in the end, it is us that will be left with the remains. In the end, we will make the biggest difference, it is up to us to set the standards for generations to come, while we still can. We are the GENERATION of CHANGE! Help us and let us make a difference.

Anonymous said...

we are the caretakers of this world, the youth depend on us to feed them, dress them, get them ready for the world to come, so what caretakers would we be if the world we let them loose too is absent of that care. it up to us to take responsibility to repair what we have distroyed if not for us but for the kids of the future. to fight for a better future .

Anonymous said...

"someone who has the ability to take action has the responsibilty to take action".. thats basically everyone even if its in a small way

Anonymous said...

*Recognize that ALL life on this planet is interconnected!
*Consider the consequences of every act to the seventh generation
*Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!
*Donate, Don't Dump!
*Stop buying needless junk!
*Invest in solar/wind/water power
*Get the former big oil executives and lobbyists out of their current government roles in determining environmental standards
* Insist that our government actually have standards!
*Create incentives for corporations to go green in their factories/offices
*Insist that household products are ecologically friendly AND affordable; there is no reason sustainability should only be for the well-off
*Outlaw SUVs/Hummers
*Phase out petroleum products in favor of ethanol/bio-diesel, etc.
*Use canvas bags when you shop ANYWHERE! not just the supermarket
*Walk/bike/take a bus
*Live like they did 100+ years ago: when the sun went down the day was done! Turn off the lights and unnecessary electric devices
*Open a window instead of using a/c
*Change your lightbulbs to compact flourescents and dispose of these properly
*Compost and garden!
*Support companies with innovative recycling campaigns
*Educate everyone you know, even if they think you're ridiculous

dhdanxc said...

I agree with Heidi, one of the first respondents that this is a global issue. Perhaps it is time for a global declaration of responsibility. We can start here with these ideas but the world needs to be explicitly invited to join us. I am certain they will answer positively if we promise to make REAL change here in the USA.
Dan M.

Anonymous said...

We need to acknowledge global warming... if we don't do something now it will hurt our furture children and our furture children's children, ect. We need to become more green, recycle more and so on. Nohting is going to get better unless we do something about it, now. But that is just my opinion! and God Bless America!

Anonymous said...

It is apparent that the sun is heating up many of the planetary bodies within our solar system--not just the earth.

It is creating confusion and delay to blame all of the current earth changes on pollution, i.e., "global warming." As I implied, this may confuse issues for people and slow them down in their efforts to clean up the pollution to themselves and the whole environment.

chad bramble said...

We need to recognize that we are not merely citizens of our wonderful country, but also our beautiful planet. Indeed, we should step beyond this recognition and lead.

Anonymous said...

Make this world a cleaner safer place for our children and grandchildren to grow up in. For all of Gods creatures both big and small.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we have a great responsibiltiy to the planet. We need to make responsible choices. We need to elect leaders who believe in saving the planet,and making sound environmental choices.

I would suggest federal funding to educate the public and provide rebates or free / reduced pricing as incentives for change. This could be as simple as free low flow showerheads and energy efficient lightbulbs to every household, to funding to help homeowners make their homes more energy efficient.
I also think there should be more done to provide a more sustainable, clean, efficient fuel for automobiles.
There should be incentives for purchasing alternate fueled vehicles, rebates, tax exemptions,interest free car loans, to possibly help make it easier for the public to make the greener choice.

J T Smith said...

Be willing to live more simply, consume less, drive less, support green candidates, promote environmental protection, recycle, love one another, have fewer babies.

Anonymous said...

Following are my ideas & points of view. Please feel free to adjust or edit as you see fit. Thank you for this opportunity.
Sincerely, John Gambardella

Understatedly, one method for us to advance past the fossil fuels that pollute our environment is to assist scientists and inventors in the development of alternative energies. Regardless of what medium eventually finds its way into mass use, it must be cleaner and safer than oil, coal and nuclear fuels.

The consequences of oil products consumption are well known. From air pollution to wars, oil exploration and use has been the source of many evils. While coal technology has advanced in recent years, the claim that the new coal burning plants are clean is a misnomer at best. The new coal plants are simply not as filthy as the old ones. The spent fuel of nuclear power generators still presents a dangerous conundrum. A long term safe solution to its storage has yet to be agreed upon by a clear majority of scientists (and state governors). Another strike against nuclear power plants is their vulnerability to a terrorist attack, and of course, many are getting very old.

It is also an understatement to say that the oil companies have very powerful lobbyists. The oil companies are wealthy, global controllers and drivers of the world economy. They will not stand passively while solar, wind, or geothermal machines, to name a few, become mass produced for mass installations. They must be “cut in on the action” if alternative energies are ever going to become a replacement source of heat, electricity and propulsion.

What if the federal and state governments subsidized, which is to say financially aided the “little people” who are on the ground floor of new technologies that may someday replace our libidinous hunger for polluting, irreplaceable fuels? Once the new technologies have been demonstrated to be practical, the oil companies can openly bid on the devices for the rights to manufacture and market them. The inventors would be well compensated, the oil companies would enjoy diversification, and above all else, the world would become a cleaner and safer place to live.

Such a program would have to be sponsored and promoted by the federal government in order for it to see the light of day. It must be subject to the oversight of a wide range of civilian experts from a variety of disciplines. Their yea and nay decisions must be fully exposed to general public scrutiny.

Will this be a slow process? Hopefully it will not be once it gains momentum as it earns public acceptance. Also, consider the independent inventors’ progress so far. There have been many fine advancements that have been appreciated (and utilized) by a select few who have the monetary resources presently necessary in order to benefit from the new technologies. Those fortunate few will not alter the deleterious, potentially tragic environmental conditions that have been created by over a century of apathy and over indulgence of the planet’s natural resources.

A revolution in new technology that incites a revolution in popular concern may be the saviour our delicate little blue and white planet has needed for so many years. What do we have to lose?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We need to show our Patriotism and world leadership by stepping up tothe plate and reducing our Global Emissions significantly, to show the rest of the world what can be achieved if you really try.

Anonymous said...

My opnion of the Global Warming issue goes back all the way to the recreational thought of Fate. But I have no time to explain it all here. Thus I will say this--I believe that informing large societies about the Global Warming issue should be the focal point of most activists' schedules. 1 person can make a motivating speech-- that one speech though can be heard by hundreds of thousands of people, those people could or could not be enlightened, but you can almost always expect there to be one person in that crowd who cares and that one person can be the next '1' person to do another speech on Global Warming and this way millions of peole will eventually come to understand our Declaration and the world shall become informed of the immediate crisis. My point and add to this declaration would be that-- 1 person CAN, and WILL make a difference.

Anonymous said...

We need our government to get involved, by making laws setting the highest standards for all manufacturers. Those making homes, cars, Air conditioning, heating,cleaning,insulation, and any other product or service that effects the planet. In the home alone, manufatures could do a lot more to gurentee cheeper and more efecient use of energy use. If the government set a higher standard we'd all be better off.

The Japanease are way ahead of us in this regard. They already have products, that are more efecient than ours. We need to learn from them, and others allthat we can to become more energey efcient.

Barbara Williams said...

A pateriot cares about others more then himself. He cares about the environment, schools, healthcare. Lobiests don't influence him and he decides for the good of the majority. A patriot lessens to others and takes time to learn everything he can before he acts. Peace is a priority and is willing to listen to people who don't agree with him to find a way to a peaceful solution. A patriot loves america and wants only good for all.

Anonymous said...

Elce said...

I believe that a true patriot is a
person who will defend his/her country from it's government.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is OK as long as there isn't a feeling of superiority connected with it.

We need to think of our country as a family, and nature as our home.

We need to take far better care of our people in our own country, and then, if we have the resources, help our neighbors.

And though we are making some progress at taking care of our collective home, we need to do much better, and SOON. It would be so much easier if scientific research could be presented without being muddled by politicians and certain religious factions (with due respect).


Anonymous said...

Peace would be the first thing to start another revolution.
That way we will all love therefore loving the earth and making it a better place.

But for real try to carpool and tell other people about the problem also as you can see millions of people already know how bad it is if you look up and down so we just need to start spreading the word and using less of what we need the most.

Save the enviornment =)
Save the earth =)
Save the people =)

Anonymous said...

There is so much uncertainty about the sciences involved as the new research shows that other planets are also warming which obviously means there are other solar system conditions involved in our global warming. I believe that the declaration should not be politically based as it only creates the we vs them syndrome. I believe it should be based on our responsibility to maintain our planet and as Americans to show leadership in cleaning up the messes we make. We need to show China and other 2nd and 3rd world countries as well as other world leaders that we can reduce the pollution we create.

Anonymous said...

Let's get the hotel, entertainment, and food industries on board by getting them to recycle. It really bugs me when I patronize a restaurant or hotel and they throw away recyclable items such as glass, plastic, and paper. I take home what I can just so it won't go into the landfill. These companies can also switch to more efficient lighting to reduce pollution. If all else fails, maybe Congress should enact legislation REQUIRING earth-friendly practices for all businesses and all citizens. Another thing that irritates me is for a hotel to have signage telling the guests the service staff will not take towels that are hanging, indicating the guest wants to save on water. Then they take the towels anyway!


Anonymous said...

To be a patriot means standing up for your country when you know what is right for it and sticking to it. We can't just wait around for people to start "going green." To make the change, YOU have to start it. It has to start some where. This issue is not only affecting the US, but the whole world as well, but we might as well start efforts here in our country before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

We the people should be the example setters of planet-care. We've given the world our parks and recreation areas, our natural wonders, we've provided the laws and funds to care for them, (until recent presidential destruction of such bills), we should also set an example to the world on how to take care of the entire planet. Our corporate violators should be severely punished so that others will see that maintenance of the planet is good business. Start with alternative fuels and prove how smart we really are, then tackle feeding the world, saving the oceans, etc. It's in our grasp to be historically significant generation.. either way.

Anonymous said...

Protect our world. Its the only one we have.

Jest2007 said...

Americans must be educated that their lifestyle is unsustainable. Consumerism has become paramount in this country and has taken a terrible toll on the environment. The lifestyle in this country must change. Also, overpopulation has hastened the problem of global warming. There is a finite area of land on this earth, and it can no longer sustain the burgeoning population. The evidence of this can be seen in this country--urban sprawl, loss of open spaces and wilderness, encroachment on sensitive ecosystems, vehicular pollution, etc. No one is discussing this issue. This may be politically distasteful, but at some point immigration must be limited in this country. This is a fact of life.

Anonymous said...

The future generations will definitely see us as an amoral bunch if we let them inherit this enviormental mess.

Anonymous said...

We should also include educating other people with a list of easy tips to help prevent and lessen global warming

Anonymous said...

Be patriotic. Shoulder the responsibility for correcting what we have caused. Our children should not have to suffer for our ignorance .

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is far too important to ignore. Green buisnesses should have more support, I think. Plus, cut taxes for those that live Green. The Greener, the less tax. Plus, we should make Green products more accesible, as well as making it law to have a green section in every store for environmental nuts like me.

Anonymous said...

We should remember that our children are our future and place an emphasis on nurturing behaviors that are environtmentally and socially conscious.

Anonymous said...

1) Work with neighbors and friends to plant a new tree in every neighborhood every month or more frequently.
2) Educate friends and neighbors as to how crucial it is to "green" our planet.
3) Organize support for companies that pay attention to environmental issues; boycott those that do not.
4) Push legislators to enact ordinances to promote renewable energy sources.
5) Tell car companies that you will not buy cars that require gasoline to run. Promote this idea with friends and neighbors.
6) Solarize your property if you can afford to do so. Push for government assistance to help people solarize their properties.

Anonymous said...

A patriot defends his/her country in all ways not just militarily.
Protecting, conserving our environment for the long term multi-generational is a patriotic duty.

Anonymous said...

I must repeat a comment made by Teddy Roosevelt, "The conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem. Unless we solve that problem it will avail us little to solve all others."

Anonymous said...

We should decriminalize hemp as quickly as possible so that American farmers can grow hemp for paper, clothing, plastics, and fuel. We can get all of our paper from hemp, eliminating the need to cut down CO2 absorbing trees. Hemp biofuel is also the most energy efficient cellulostic ethanol, with no emissions and no pollution, generating 1000 times more energy than ethanol from corn.

Anonymous said...

First we must remember that the Earth is our only HOME. We must protect our home for All life and for all ecosystems as we are all interconnected. We must control and decrease our population, as we are striping her of all of her resources. We must educate everybody as to the interconnectedness of life. For example, just last Saturday I showed a 7th grader a ladybug pupae, which startled her. She had been destroying them because she thought they were "ugly." It's the little things we need to show children so that they can learn and appreciate life. We must protect the diversit of life as it is our life insurance against extinction. We must do all of this FAST,as we are very rapidly running out of time. We must DEMAND that all governments and all corporations work together to save our collective lives without worrying about who will make the next million. We must be willing to live with less, perhaps less shoes, clothes, cars, whatever. It would be nice if solar energy was available at a much less costly rate, then more of us would be able to go green, or greener....Please, we must protect our Earth Mother so that she will give our children, no matter what species or race, a happy and healthy home.

Anonymous said...

I think every one can be patriotic. So think about others and drive less. Stop being lazy and go take the buss.

Anonymous said...

We should only support businesses that are allies in the fight to prevent climate change. We should not eat fast food unless we veritably cannot afford anything else. We shouldn't be afraid to express our concern about the environment. We should ride bikes as often as possible. If the government continues to aim for 2050 for change, we will say no and sue if they don't listen. Let's aim for the next 10 years, and I'm not talking about changing one incandescent lightbulb. I'm talking about carbon neutral. Sustainabily and mass conservation in the future should be our goal. The solution is education.

Anonymous said...

One global community with several Different cultures, one goal, One planet, limited resources, smart technology applications.
Protect the basics, Air, Water, Soil, Flora, Fauna.
Independence from Over population, over consumption, violence, prejudice.
The powerful we become the the more responsible an accountable we are, to set an example and lead the effort to a develope a diverse but united global comunity. Be a good neighbor, the best war against terrorism.
We must protect future generations as we protect the present, our resource management and every decision should reflect a commitment to avoid any action that will endanger future generations.
Protection and development of Human rights, Nature Resources, Biodiversity, Sustainability, Fair trade and cooperation, will have priority over corporate interests.
Humans have individual rights, a corporation doesn't.
Indivual, Community involvement, decentralization, micro generation of energy and ideas.

By Camilo Pool, Iowa, Planet Earth

Anonymous said...

Our laziness shouldn't cause the planet to suffer. Let's get off of our butts and do something more important than anything ever done before

Anonymous said...

* Demonstrate that our country is ready to take a leadership role in stewardship of the planet

Anonymous said...

The United States Government must be brave enough to ask the American people to sacrifice and change their lifestyle to positively effect global warming.

Anonymous said...

I pledge to revolutionize the relationship between humans and their planet. No longer will we assume the perspective of consumers, rather we will become caretakers.

Andrew, Victoria B.C.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately most corporations and
individuals won't make changes
without a monetary incentive or
surcharge so I believe there must
be mandatory rewards and or penalties depending on which choices one makes.

Anonymous said...

Do the right thing. Conserve energy. Use alternatives such as solar or wind whenever possible. Cycle or walk instead of driving; it's better for your health too. Most of all, minimize waste. All these measures will also save you money besides saving the environment and the world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we have already damaged so many aspects in our world; we owe it to the earth to make up for our mistakes and help to preserve nature and environment.

Anonymous said...

I think that we all need to learn to carpool, walk, or ride bikes. We also need to think about our own animals and wildlife that is affected. Without rain, snow, or etc they have no food and we have no food to survive. Without keeping the air clean we won't help nothing. Tell everybody you know that it is safer and better for the environment to carpool, walk, or bike. Farmers need to use cleaner fuels, chemicals, etc also to help us.

Anonymous said...

We must not forget that we are not all powerful but that we depend on the environment around us. The Earth is our home and we have been destroying it. Though we will face the consequences, we need to take the health of the planet into consideration to avoid far worse disasters in the future.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism involves doing what will serve the better good of one's country, in the long run, simply because it is the right thing to do, not because "I" will get more goodies of some sort out of it.

Anonymous said...

Being a Global, or Green, patriot to me means making conscious choices to turn out the lights in our homes, be selective about the times we do our laundry, picking items at the store made locally, visiting our local farmers market for local produce, carpooling or driving a hybrid vehicle when one is not able to walk, skateboard or bike to work or school, and taking care of our animal friends both domestic and wild by being their voice.

Anonymous said...

Lead by example but don`t neglect encouraging, pressuring the decision makers.

Anonymous said...

Elect officials that will govern with their grandchildren in mind.

Anonymous said...

call on the auto makers to be good corporate citizens and manufacture cares that get at least 40mpg

Anonymous said...

Our environment is home to all people regardless of race, creed or level of affluence. We need to make a conscious effort to build community and incorporate diversity as we work toward a sustainable future for all.

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