
Every generation confronts a unique challenge that tests its collective mettle. For us, that challenge is global warming.

Our online community helped draft a new Declaration of New Patriotism showing our commitment to stopping global warming. We have a goal of collecting 75,000 signatures and will deliver the declaration to Congress by July 4th. Please join our campaign by signing the Declaration of New Patriotism today.

We're also collecting stories of people from around the country who embody the spirit of the New Patriotism. If you know a New Patriot, please share their story below.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Declaration of New Patriotism

Global warming is the crisis of our time.

As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s birthday, we renew our commitment to the qualities and values that have guided our nation for more than 200 years.

We the undersigned, pledge to:

  • Be mindful consumers, by minimizing our personal global warming “footprint;”

  • Be active citizens, by pressing our elected officials to take urgent action now, and by pressing all candidates for office to commit to passing strong legislation to cut America's global warming pollution;

Please help us add to this declaration. Add your comments by clicking "Comments" or "Post a Comment" below.

Thank you.


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Anonymous said...

If the US government does not want to take action, I think we need to empower city mayors to act locally to retrofit their cities with greener solutions, similar to what is happening in San Francisco. They recently banned plastic shopping bags. I'd like to see other cities follow suit.

Jack said...

We need to point out that Global Warming does not really exist and REAL PATRIOTS do not play on the hysteria of the uninformed masses. Just a few short years ago everyone was preaching "Global Cooling" so the logical conclusion is this is normal earth cycles and man had nothing to do with it. We should also point out how Al Gore uses more energy than 20 average Americans and how he wastes fuel by jet setting all around the globe.

Anonymous said...

Patriots preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC(!).
Patriots support, unconditionaly, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,
not the current occupant of the White House.

Anonymous said...

I think that in this current age of global economy, that being a patriot has been by logic extended to believing not just that one's own county is the best, but that our world is the best. The concept of other being outdated and politically incorrect. I have never figured out why exactly we as humans must find a way to put down some other in order to prove that we are good. Isn't it enogh to just say why we are good, no one is going to say our reasons for believing that we are good, are erronious just because we do not compare ourselves to some other, be it animal, or otherwise.

sando said...

A patriot is one who put the needs of the planet above his own agenda, above his own party, above his own checkbook, AT THE TOP OF THE LIST in everything he does.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is a lot more than "shut your mouth, wave the flag and do what you're told". Patriotism is a love of your country, not blind subservience to the government. And when we see the government damaging the country we love, it's not only a constitutional right but a patriotic duty to oppose that government out of a love of your country.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is a problem of epidemic proportions. It will directly affect the lives of everyone on the planet. This is not about ego. This is non-partisan. This is not "us vs. them" it's "Us vs. Us".

Anonymous said...

We are all travelers on this spaceship earth. We must keep it in as pristine shape as possible, not only for our enjoyment but for our collective survival. The remediation of degredation is only an engineering problem, we must be willing to pay for it. This is an absolute, we have no choice. Our survival is at stake!

Anonymous said...

reuse, reuse, reuse. recycling is great but also takes a lot of energy. patriotism is questioning your government and world governments. minimizing consumptionof everything. working together as a community, helping your neighbor. and above all, making conscience decisions in your daily life to protect the environment. to get people and businesses to think first of the earth and not their wallets. ben

Anonymous said...

Words, words, words! These do little. Again we re-iterate that for over twenty years we have been warning all of the damage we have been doing to our planet, whilst HAVING a solution that has been running in the military for this term, now we need to implement these proven technologies in everyday life.

Anonymous said...

After World War II the world suffered economic hardships. In order to build up the economy countries pushed for free trade and free enterprise with little government regulation. That was one of the biggest mistakes all countries made. To allow big corporations to practice business with little regulation and no way to police bad business practices. Many corporations that are big polluters go into to countries with little environmental restrictions. As long as big powerful corporations conduct business with little regulations and effective ways to police their practices, I doubt we can solve this problem in time. Money and greed take priority with most companies not a future enviromental problem.

Anonymous said...

One of the things I always think about but I've never heard anybody talk about is a very easy but I think very effective way we could all each reduce our carbon foot print. Everytime you go to the sink kitchen/bathroom and you turn on the hot water for say washing your hands, and you don't wait for the water to turn hot and you just wash and rinse in what is basicly cold water then you just wasted a gal. or so of hot water filling your pipes with hot water, which will cool before you ever use it.
My point is that if you really don't need HOT water then just turn on the cold. Just because the water coming out of the Faucet isn't hot doesn't mean you're using hot water!

Anonymous said...

A patriot does not invade other countries, respects their independence.

Francis Edward Garren said...

I believe that the USA must lead the rest of the World in stopping and reversing Global Warming. This effort will require the entire World to unite and combat Global Warming with the same resolve,unity, and determination as the Allies fought WW-II. Sadly until recently the USA has failed to accept it's vital and essential role in this endevor. Powerful forces in Industry and their friends in, and at the highest levels of our Government have done everything possible not to address this issue. This has been their policy even in the face of overwelming scientific facts. These individuals have allowed power, money, arrogance, and greed to cloud their judgement. I fully also believe that these individuals should be brought before the Amercian Public and charged with treason against humanity.

Anonymous said...

We certainly can't expect 3rd world countries to lead us against global warming. As the wealthiest country on the planet,if we don't show a good example,there is little hope for any relief. It must be a top priority. And young people,who have more at stake,have to become active in massive numbers.

Anonymous said...

We need to think about what we need versus what we want. As Americans, we have more than enough, and rather than acquire more stuff that contributes to planetary destruction, we should share what have and curb our desire for excess.

Anonymous said...

your all wasting your time .Nature is at fault here ,this is not the first time nor the last time that the polar ice cap has melted.It is a cycle that has been repeated many times over the last couple of billion years it takes millions of years to swing in either direction.Considering the fact that you will not likely make it much beyond 100 years old ,you don't have a chance of seeing nor enacting significant change.And if you did nature would only corect it anyway.Hey continue to try to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gasses the best you can. You will still make the enviroment cleaner and the air better (maybe)to breath ,i'm all for that but please don't fool yourself nor let the powers that be fool you either. As far as the polar ice cap melting it's done it before and will do it again . And ask yourself this .if the northern ice cap is melting why isn't the southern ice cap It's the same planet (duh). the so called hole in the polar ice cap that we couldn't see 100 or so years ago has always been their. we just couldn't see it (hadn't been in space yet)this is not a man made hole but a natural vent to alow gas build up to escape . keep in mind we would have to produce a lot of gasses just to equal even one volcanic eruption and those gasses need somewhere to go or they would poison our atmousphere and deplete us totaly of oxegen . so please enough with the complaining already.

Anonymous said...

It needs to be much prettier. More inspiring. Try adding lyrics from America the Beautiful. Also we must press toward our participation in the Kyoto Protocol. If we need to suggest that China and India be included among the developed nations so that they, too, have mandatory restrictions, that's okay. But our ratifying the protocol is essential.

Anonymous said...

We should encourage cities to "green" themselves by planting more trees at the street level and putting plantings on the roofs of the high rises to lower the heat signatures/radiation of the buildings.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism- One that works attentively to bring peace to all. A true patriot will be part of the change. Tackle global warming not as a point gainer but as a true passion for earth and its habitat.

Anonymous said...

A good patriot always questions those that we elect to make good decisions for us. Often times, they do NOT make good decisions, thay make self-serving decisions. When they decide to think only of themselves, we need to remind them with our vote who actually is in control...US! A good patriot uses their power to vote and exercises that power in every election.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means standing up for what you believe no matter the cost because it is right. Our forefathers banded together in their thirst for freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. We can do no less than to band together to save the planet from a total meltdown due to global warming. We have been blessed to have enjoyed the beauty and natural resourses of this planet; surely, we can pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor to conserve and preserve it for future generations.

Unknown said...

A true Patriot recognizes her/his contributions to pollution and global warming, as not one of us is exempt. Patriots feel a moral obligation to the planet and future of living beings to live with environmental integrity to curtail our pollution as much as possible and achieve zero emissions and then acknowledge the responsibility we each have to raise awareness and encourage others to do the same. Patriotism is every one of us educating, inspiring and infecting others to want to be part of the solution to global warming, for all our sakes.

Doug said...

War and violence degrade and harm the environment. They are unhealthy to all of creation. Peaceful people are not unpatriotic. They should be listened to. They care about all of the earth. Not only special interests.

Anonymous said...

This is what is being overlooked!
Deforestation: The hidden cause of global warming:
In the next 24 hours, deforestation will release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying from London to New York. Stopping the loggers is the fastest and cheapest solution to climate change. So why are global leaders turning a blind eye to this crisis?
By Daniel Howden
Published: 14 May 2007

The accelerating destruction of the rainforests that form a precious cooling band around the Earth's equator, is now being recognized as one of the main causes of climate change. Carbon emissions from deforestation far outstrip damage caused by planes and automobiles and factories.

The rampant slashing and burning of tropical forests is second only to the energy sector as a source of greenhouses gases according to report published today by the Oxford-based Global Canopy Programme, an alliance of leading rainforest scientists.

With all other human intervention producing CO2 & methane into the atmosphere.
For the first time in the 5,000 years the Inuit elderly methods of survival no longer work, methods which were passed down from generation to generation in Alaska, as of 2000 they could still make igloos now in 2007 they can't anymore the ice is too thin! Something dramatic has happened in the past 7 years worldwide! From a year 2000 issue of This Old House they could still make igloos.
Switching to Florescent Bulbs is a problem they contain mercury, huge pollutant, LED & natural lighting is the way to go!
Solar panels, wind generators, geothermal, hydroelectric (90% of Brazil's energy comes from)& wave energy. Manure and from sewage to methane, hydrogen from (H2O)water is the way to go. Ethanol (Brazil has been using for 30 years in it's vehicles) other wise known as moonshine by hillbillies here ,butonal, bio-diesel, from waste from rice hulls, bagass from sugar cane, wood chips, switchgrass & other waste products from grains not used for consumption, (grain alcohol, wood alcohol).
Ignorance about science from the general population is a main problem. Originally both the diesel engine by Rudolph Diesel & internal combustion engine now known as the gasoline engine by Henry Ford were to help the farmers to produce their own fuel, specifically designed to run on farmers crops thus self sustaining.

Anonymous said...

We need to provide and support the leadership necessary to make major changes to our lifestyle. We need to make global warming the number one issue in each election, by our support and vote for candidates that can provide this leadership.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is holding your friends and compatriots accountable for their ethical choices. Failing to do this is merely allowing your nation to continue to be ruled by despots, oligarchs (as the US is at present), and dictators (as the US policy is essentially set at present).
Since Bush and cronies are continuing to deny the immense evidence gathered from observations over centuries, continuing to force oil, coal, and the deadly nucear industries and technologies on us, and continuing to force unjustified war on any country endangering US corporate access to oil, and violating, overturning, and ignoring the US Constitution, Geneva and other treaties, and US statutes, it is patriotic to remove them from all power and prosecute them for their crimes.
It is unpatriotic to fight for them, to follow their orders in any fashion.

Anonymous said...

We the people of this planet will measure what we purchase for consumption to our physical well-being, keeping our eyes wide-open to better ways to minimize waste, rather than wanting more than we can handle.

Anonymous said...

I promise to practice conservation in many ways, to recycle, to purchase from local growers, to bike instead of drive as much as possible, to support green businesses, to use energy efficient bulbs and natural cleaning products, to recognize the impact my own actions have on global warming and to educate others so they may lessen their collective footprints. We must stand up and defend our country...our environment...our planet. We care, and we are patriots of the world.

Anonymous said...

One way to be a patriot is to vote. If you don't, than don't complain about the way the country is run. Love your country and don't be afraid to show it. And recycle!

Anonymous said...

We have only this one planet to call home. It is absolutely imperitive that every country does everything possible to ensure it can continue to sustain life for all indigenous plant and animal species.

Unknown said...

Three points:

We Americans generally subscribe to the notion that individuals should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. Capitalists often use this notion as justification for reducing or eliminating government regulation. But anytime someone releases carbon dioxide into the air or pollutes a communal source of water or leaches nutrients from the soil, they are doing damage to their neighbors, and this should not be tolerated.

We should strive not merely to reduce our negative effect on our environment, but to transform it into a postive effect, a la "Cradle To Cradle" by William McDonough and Michael Braungart.

There is no tradeoff between environment and economy. Our economy is absolutely dependent on the preservation of our natural resources and maintenance of habitable temperatures. We must clean up our act if our society is to survive.

Rev. Toby Nixon said...

It can be patriotism if we are defying a despotic, fascist government.

Unknown said...

I just wish that people would care as much for all life on this planet, as they care about humankind. This means that they should treasure their environment and other living organisms just as they would for themselves or their own children.

Anonymous said...

wage peace on the environment -
know that we are accountable for what we leave our children, so educate them with nature walks; make them aware of where their garbage goes; give them solutions for recycling, and above all lead by example.

Anonymous said...

Be a part of the solution and not the problem: Heal our environment by purchasing wisely; then recycle everything that's recyclable.

Anonymous said...

Being a Patriot should mean loving our country and being willing to defend it against any and all threats. As Global Warming is the biggest threat to the future of our country and the world taking the necessary and immediate steps to avert the coming devastation should be the top priority for our citizens and elected representatives. Our Declaration of New Patriotism should make adamant our right to remove a President or any other representative who does not act in accordance with the voice of the majority of the people. We must make education a priority so that this voice of the people is based on sound evidence. Through adequate education our people must be exposed to the impact of their actions on their environment and be taught the alternate ways of responsible living to secure our future.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is one that looks ahead. Yes, there will be/may be sacrifice now; however, our children, grandchildren, etc. will thank us.

Anonymous said...

Be worried parents, that care about the future of our children and their home

Anonymous said...

It has been said tthat patriotism is the refuge of scoundrels. Polotics in early 21st century in America shows that this can indeed be true. Therefore, rather than being a patriot, why not instead a fully functioning human being? The actions of such would be the best for his/ her country, for the world as a whole, for the environment....

Anonymous said...

Many people may not realize that animal agriculture accounts for 18% of greenhouse gases--more than automobiles! The methane gases from animal wastes, the pollution of waters, the clearing of so much land to plant crops for animal feed--all contribute greatly to global warming. So, among the many wonderful suggestions that people have made, I would strongly advise everyone to consider becoming vegetarian, or vegan, or at least cutting way down on their meat consumption. It is healthier for humans, animals, and the planet.

Anonymous said...

This Viet-Nam USMC Vet is Slowing global Warming by sellin our new Technology that increases mileage, & lowers pollution for all vehicles And July10th 2008 Is Energy Independence Day in North America by 2010 USA will no longer need imported OIL . I own a Green Clean Company
and am Proud Charter Member of National Union of American Families Proud Political and Enviromental Warrior Dennis Drake

Anonymous said...

A patriot understands that creating a sustainable society is the greatest legacy we can leave our children and grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

Being a Patriot means taking care of the world you live in ... that includes the other people, the land, the other living beings - the entire earth. If you don't live being mindful of the world you are a part of, then you can't claim to be a patriot.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Christian environmentalist (a shamefully unrepresented contingent) and feel the issue of our earth's health is deep in the heart of God. We are called to be good stewards of what we are given, and we've failed miserably. I'd like the language "global stewardship for all humanity" to be added within the text. Thanks for asking!

Anonymous said...

Urge the Congress to pass legislation calling for strict gas-mileage caps on all vehicles, including trucks, SUV, minivans. No exceptions!

Rachel said...

The truth can no longer be ignored. Everyone must do his part for a planet who has sustained us for so long. We cannot back down until this problem is solved.

Anonymous said...

As David C. Korten points out, one of the most significant human commitments of the last half of the twentieth century has been to econimic growth and trade expansion. Let's move away from these commitments and towards what humans want-- a secure means of livelihood, a decent lace to live, healthy and uncontaminated food to eat, good education and health care for our children, and a clean and vital natural environment.

Anonymous said...

Back to the dream of America, the soul of America.

Anonymous said...

Whether it be Global Warming or the Iraq War, it is NO LONGER 'My Country Right or Wrong' that makes a true Patriot. A TRUE PATRIOT knows when his country is doing something wrong and does something about it.

Anonymous said...

Because of the fast-phased technology, we tend to adhere to "fast clean as you go" without reminding of the drastic effects of the styrofors (chloroflorocarbon) and plastic cups we used to consume our staple food. If we could minimize the household nonbiodegrable trash then we could help mother earth. We should br responsible enough for the papers and tissues we are using. We should support "planting greens" to compensate for our pulp allocation. We should promote anbd elect leaders who are environmentally and socio-civically concerned and with high affiliation with NGO's like Green Peace and the like. Most likely they will create a bill that will help Mother Nature. Communities should be informed locally and nationally of proper waste disposal. Other states and communities do their part very well and other states will surely will capitalize on their experience and expertise.

Anonymous said...

Global warming clearly demonstrates the oneness of the inhabitants of the planet, as there is no creature who is not affected by its outcome. Thus, New Patriotism requires us to acknowledge this connection and act responsibly, not only on behalf of our own citizens, but also in the interest of the entire planet.

Anonymous said...

I think the learning should start in the schools. I live in a City where I pass children,teenagers and adults who litterally throw trash on the streets even if their is a trash can nearby.

Students should learn the errors of their ways at a young age so that the learning can continue and they pass the information on to their children.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is a very bad idea. Whether we like it or not, we all live together on an increasingly smaller planet; the only way we are going to survive here is to get rid of all national boundaries as we currently know them, and build a strong planet-wide sense of identity. The business world has already made huge strides in that direction with "globalization," and those of us who actually do the work are paying the price - with our concepts of national identity serving to keep us contesting each other instead of uniting against the common sources of exploitation. Patriotism only makes bad situations worse; unless we begin to view all humans as living in one country, we are doomed to ever more ferocious wars, ever more ferocious abuse by multinational businesses, and ever more destructive misuse of our ever more limited natural resources.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is caring about all of the citizens of America, not just a select few, and caring for the health and welfare of those citizens by acting responsibly in how we treat our environment. Any person that is not taking action to stop poluting our water, air and food is not doing their patriotic duty.

Anonymous said...

Enact a law in the United States Congress that mandates that a person must be eighteen years old to drive. Students under 18 should not be working so don't tell me they need to drive to get to work. Students under 18 should not drive to school, they should ride the bus. Yes, all of them, even the in crowd. Think about how many less cars would be on the roads, how many less young people would be injured in accidents. Think about it and add your own list of benefits.

Anonymous said...

The earth is everyones. All races, all creeds, all genders, all religions. We must maintain and preserve the earth, as we maintain ourselves. We must not take more than we give back, eat more than we grow, strip more than we recover.

We live in a finite world, with finite power to cleanse itself of our wrongdoing.

The earth will live on, but will we?

Anonymous said...

A true patriot is a patriot of the world. Patriots don't drive gas guzzlers because the resulting climate change injures people in far away lands. A true patriot challenges the decision makers to make moral decisions that bring justice, mercy, and fairness to the world. A true patriot never backs down when they challenge the anti-environmental, anti-peace status quo simply because they are called disloyal

Anonymous said...

Support solutions that don't cause more harm than good. Corn ethanol and other food-based biofuels require more environmentally-destructive industrial agriculture and raise food prices in poor countries while taking lots of oil to make. Nuclear power is dangerous on many levels, requires uranium mining and creates permanent, deadly waste. These and other such quick fixes will not save us, and we must recognize that!

Unknown said...

We the undersigned, pledge to hold ourselves and our elected leaders accountable for the health of the only known planet in the universe capable of sustaining life. Further, we pledge to take an active role in our local community to ensure a sustainable future for the sake of the global community and our children.

Since the Declaration of Independance, the United States has been a leader and a shining example to the rest of the world for what is possible when people with belief, determination, and new ideas unite to make something happen.

Let us never forget the legacy our forefathers have left us and let us be thankful for the opportunities they have given us to make a difference across the globe.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

How better to love a country than work to preserve it?

How better to support it than to break its dependence on foreign oil and maintain our freedom?

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot is not blindly supporting the sons and daughters of privilege because they can pay to be elected. It's not about "My country right or wrong." Being an American patriot should mean defending the ideals of community and country we hold dear. Patriotism is not a faith but a challange to challange the direction of your country. Vote.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see automobile manufacturers start concentrating more efforts on hybrid vehicles or ones that use alternative fuels instead of these "crossover" vehicles and stop manufacturing so many of these oversized SUV's and pick-up trucks.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means being a responsible citizen - being a responsible citizen means taking care of our country, our children and the resources on which we all depend. Taking care of our country means being actively involved in ensuring that the generations here today and the generations yet to come will have air to breath, water to drink and food to eat.

Anonymous said...

well lets see; all us WOMEN seem to know how to fix the problem. i didn't see many men comment...? we need to get word out to all these enormously large manufactors to make it happen... when i shop, i ONLY purchase recycled products. and they are hard to find which in turn takes the longest for me to get in and get out of the grocery store. claritin does not use recycled products to package their items nor does tampax. i came across some of my magazines that weren't using recycled products. so what did I do... sent an email asking why these companys cant start using recycled paper. COME ON LADIES LETS CONTACT THE MANUFACTORS! grocery shopping is supposed to be in-and-out.

Dan S said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Doug said...

The solutions are available, now we need the will, money and leadership to facilitate widespread change. This might be the primary challenge for our century.

Meg said...

We the undersigned pledge to
* Leave our country in a livable state for our children and their children by

a) improving the carbon footprint of our personal transportation sources by rewarding manufacturers of fuel-efficient, low-emissions vehicles with our purchase; by lobbying for dedicated bicycle lanes in our cities; and by planning our trips for efficiency

b) creating a countertop compost (great for fertilizing your small urban garden, which in turn connects you more to the outdoors and natural growth cycles, expanding your understanding of dinner beyond the plastic package you buy at Ralph's); using compostable food storage bags, or glass or recyclable food containers; replacing our incandescents with compact flourescents and properly disposing of used mercury-laden compact flouresents; turning off all home electronic equipment when not in use; line-drying clothing; buying energy efficient appliances; properly insulating our homes; taking shorter showers, and washing dishes without the water running

c) reduce or completely discontinue use of home air-conditioning, allowing ourselves to really feel the effects of global warming, while reducing our carbon footprint.

d) install solar panels on our homes

e) purchase goods from manufacturers who show a stewardship of resources by operating in an energy efficient, fair way, and/or by using organic materials

f) buy organic plant-based food from local farmers' markets; buy food from grocers and restaurants which support local and/or organic growers.

g) vote for elected officials who have a demonstrated track record of public service, and not a demonstrated track record of corporate service

Anonymous said...

Time for America to revoke their declaration of independance and join with the rest of the world in fighting climate change.

Anonymous said...

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
-John Muir, naturalist, explorer, and writer (1838-1914)

For if one link in nature's chain might be lost, another might be lost, until the whole of things will vanish piecemeal.
- Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A patriot is said to be one who acts in the best interest of its country. I believe that it is in the best interests of our country to act in the best interests of the whole world.

At the moment, that means accepting responsibility for our mistakes and healing the damage we have done.


Pay back the large semi-subsidized stubborn polluters who refused to change. End government (our) subsidies to oil and auto industries, and apply those monies to NEW CLEAN technologies ONLY from NEW companies who are committed to a better world!!

Let GM sink under the mucky mire they have paved; make Exxon pay 100 percent to clean up its spills.

But you know what? It's going to take more than lip service from limp politicos and more than talk from consumers.

Good luck to us all.

Anonymous said...

That which does not follow the way of Nature, will not last. Lao Tzu

James said...

I agree with a lot of what other people have said. Education is key. Allowing children to make their own informed opinion based upon the facts, not upon some arcane information their parents may be clinging to. Also, using our money responsibly. Shopping organic and only purchasing merchanise from retailers who are responsible environmentally. Allowing education to lead opinion, not old ideas based upon fear.

Anonymous said...

As long as we have over population we will never win the war against global warming; it is people who pollute, not animals or even insects. People are responsible for cutting down trees, polluting rivers, killing animals and spreading garbage.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means having a healthy distrust of your government and being willing to fight for what you consider to be right.

In the present context, it implies protests, legislation and other citizen actions to remind this Administration that America is not yet for sale to the highest corporate bidder.

Anonymous said...

A new "patriot" is the same as an old one. You vote, and then keep track of your politicians. Gevernments have never run well on auto-pilot.

guyblur said...

The United States has a long-standing reputation as a global leader. And when the situation calls, a leader is required to take bold actions and make sacrifices. We are proud to be citizens of a country that will take a leading role in environmental preservation, and we will do our utmost as patriots to support our country in these global endeavors.

Anonymous said...

A new Patriotism would be about being loyal to the planet that we are all living on, along with every human, animal, plant, etc. All creatures live on the same planet, and every being living on this planet IS a creature and owes their sustenance to this planet. It's time that the creatures living on the earth respected and honored the planet and each other. If this were true, there wouldn't be any pollution.

Statham GA said...

Patriotism is at the root of many of the world's problems. The word has a negative connotation to many people. Can't we have a declaration without being patriots?

dustyroses said...

Eventually, all cars should be at least hybrids, and public transportation should be more accessible, especially in suburban and rural areas.


Anonymous said...

Declaration of New Patriotism

Global warming is the defining crisis of our time and for our planet.

As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s birthday, we, the American people, join with the entire community of the planet and renew our commitment to the qualities and values that have guided our nation for more than 200 years.

We the undersigned, pledge to:

Be mindful consumers, by minimizing our personal global warming “footprint;”

Be responsible manufacturers, suppliers and producers, by undertaking to reduce our business' carbon footprint by at least 10% per annum.

Be imaginative and responsible elected representatives, by committing our respective administrations to a policy of reducing our nation's carbon fuels consumption by 90% within five years.

Be active citizens, by pressing our elected officials to take urgent action now, and by pressing all candidates for office to commit to passing strong legislation to cut our Nation's global warming pollution;

BSTGS3 said...

A quote on patriotism that suits this agenda perfectly: "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." - Edward Abbey

Unknown said...

The "Declaration of New Patriotism" stems from the original thought that "all men are created equal". The same is true of the environment on a global scale; no part of the environment is more precious or in need of nurturing than another; the only way to approach global warming is to become a steward of the earth as a whole...we need to develop a mindset that embraces the concept of a Declaration of Interdependence, and then act though our lives depended on it, because they do.
Michele Woodbury

Anonymous said...

As Americans, we should understand the concept of freedom which is true patriotism. We should also live it and teach it to others. We should also not give blind support to one politician. Questioning a politician and his/her patriotism should always be done. We should criticize a politician’s ideas but never his/her loyalty to the United States of America.

suzannecerny said...

I am personally impacted by the changing weather cycles because I am older and my body doesn't readily adapt to extremes. I lived in northern Canada 100 miles from the Arctic Circle in my twenties and I lived in Tucson, AZ in my older age so I know what extremes can be like.

I am in favor of really finding out what can be done to limit those extremes from happening in temperate climates throughout the world. Whether it is all caused by modern man made
technology or partially by natural causes.

I think we owe it to ourselves to look at it in the scientific circles.

In the meantime, those of us, including our corporations and our elected officials, should do everything we can to suppose that limiting use of electricity and emissions will keep the situation from becoming worse.

Here are several suggestions:

Moving the auto speed limit back to 55. I try to stay at 55 to save gas and am often needing to move up to 65 or 70 even in 65 zones to keep from causing accidents.

We could have a running toll in the daily papers and online on the amount and atmospheric cost of emissions from war planes and other war events that trigger air pollution. Our newspapers should show all the cities emissions, atmospheric testing and fuel usage, including corporate emission fallout such as commercial airlines, as a running chart; similar to the weather charts.

That way we don't have to read that the US or China has a particular percentage of contribution to Global warming, or cooling, but which cities, which corporations, which wars around the world are contributing to the problem. There is little we can do in the short term, but this will give the general population a measure to work for.

Let's also note which elected officials are changing their own habits to fall in line with the legislation they are enacting or voting for, thereby helping to solve the climate change problem.

It takes time to make a change. It took me twenty years to fully adapt and assimilate diet changes so that I now have a healthier and greener nutritional menu in my home.

At age 68 I am starting to use my bike and public transportation again, like I did when I was young and didn't own a car.

Let's make it clear that denial and violent reactions to what we might read in the running information on polluters won't solve the problem but clear understanding that all is being done to alleviate the problem in the next twenty years.

Let's give the economy and the worst polluters time to change their habits so that we don't create other disasters while making the change.

Let's put this kind of open honest opinion into the public school agendas and not make the prevailing government policies the only guideline for teachers in the public schools.

Let's hold open debates and town meetings and let's attend them.

Anonymous said...

During the Vietnam war we saw a lot of bumper stickers reading "AMERICA - Love it or leave it!" implying that anyone who questioned government policy was less than American. Then a much better slogan came along, and I wish I could remember the source. But here it is: "AMERICA - Love it and make it better!"

Anonymous said...

We got into our current situation by jumping on the oil bandwagon without thought of unintended consequences. We can just as easily cause new problems by not exploring the unintended consequences of alternative fuels. Problems are already starting to emerge with the new push toward producing ethanol. So I think we need to include a statement concerning finding the best alternative fuels (those with the least side effects), and maintaining flexibility through using many alternative fuels so as to minimize the consequences of any one fuel. Otherwise we may find ourselves in the same boat with a different hole a few decades from now.

Anonymous said...

Support businesses that are green and become vegetarian!

tgfleet said...

Society faces so many troublesome dilemmas. Groups are fighting to preserve their liberties. groups are debate over abortion issues. Conservatives and Liberals are constantly challenging one another's views. And all are worthy causes. But what is it worth really if we self destruct the only planet we live on or have any hopes of survival on? The questions we really need to ask ourselves is, do we want to survive as a human race? And do we want a next generation? If we continue down a self destructive path, then we are basically saying that we really don't care about survival or the continuation of our own species. We have mastered the ability to develop enough nuclear weapons to annihilate everyone in existance and then some. And we have even dedicated ourselves to avoid that grave manmade possibilty. But if we continue to ignore global warming, the effects will be as just as devasting in the end. So we need to wake up and pay attention because the time is now. Before we are not here to debate any issues, ask any questions, or take any actions. This is one of those situations where we all should have been careful what we wished for. Because living the dream is causing the nightmare.

Unknown said...

Education should be a key idea in the "Declaration of New Patriotism". More people in America & all over the world would do more to reduce pollution, cut back on energy consumption, etc. if they just knew where to start & how easy it can be! A very important place to begin is through our school system - if the youth of America grasp environmentalism, they are likely to bring ideas home & spread their knowledge to their families. It's important to get not only Americans, but all of planet Earth's citizens excited about saving our world!

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is a tool of ideology, and ideology a tool used in convincing a population that it is of a certain way. Patriotism and ideology, along with nationalism, can lead to ethnocentrism, whereby one culture thinks its way of life is better than all others. This is wrong, so I think that a new Declaration of New Patriotism should include a warning against ethnocentricity, and actually work against it. Because the U.S. political leadership is full of itself, it makes us look arrogant, and sadly this makes it easier for our government and businesses to trample upon the people and environments of other countries. Part of our new declaration should make it clear that we are responsible for our actions, and as such, each person in the U.S. should be held accountable for environmental and social progress; they go hand in hand.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism should be the personal desire to enhance the environmental, social, and fiscal viability of the home, the town, the state, the country, and the world as a whole, because no person or nation exists in a vacuum.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is no longer the last refuge of a scoundrel, pace Dr. Johnson. It instead defines the spirit in which we make the local and particular congruent with the universal and the global. In the end, we are all together bound in a fight against global environmental degradation, religious intolerance, prejudice, racism, dictatorship and the violence perpetrated upon the innocent. Yet we must root our universal rights and obligations in the special individuality of our local lives and communities.

Anonymous said...

I think it should be clear that there is no single "silver bullet" solution. Also, avoid statements that imply it is our (that is, people/human beings) fault: that only turns a large portion of the population against the message on emotional grounds.

Anonymous said...

The time has come to become a patriot of the world, this best serves our own beloved Nation. Serve the world--serve the United States. Don't just do something for the globe, do what it takes! Stop global warming, it's not just a good idea, it's the way to save us all. Use the power of our country not to kill others, but to save us all. Think universally.

Anonymous said...

A patriot is someone who ignorantly believes that his country is better than others, that he intrinsically deserves to live and prosper when members of other countries deserve to wither and die.

It's a dirty word. It's like religious faith, every bit as thoughtless and destructive, but without even the comfort and inner light of knowing that you're going to heaven/valhalla/a better reincarnation.

We must stop thinking in terms of which country is the best, and start looking for global solutions. We are world citizens, and the global warming issue should remind us that no matter what country we're from, no matter what our religious beliefs are, no matter what colour our skin, we are all in this together! We should not offload the burden to poorer countries. We cannot afford to point fingers and feel self-righteous as a nation. We must not just do our part, but work to bring the world together, as if our lives depended on it.

Anonymous said...

The USA is horribly wasteful. Not only do we need new types of energy, we need to look at how we use energy. We have to transition to small, lightweight, aerodynamic and efficient vehicles. Almost no one needs a 4x4 SUV and we're the only country that has them. We also have more resources going to livestock than any other country, so we need to find ways to cut back. We spend more on our pets than most countries spend to feed their people. Finally, we need to find super efficient methods for growing biomass. Soybeans are not the answer, algae is. There is no such thing as "clean" coal.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited that America is finally getting serious about global warming and civilization's impact on nature and the world. But there is still a lot to be done!

I don't believe the current trend of ethanol/biodiesel is the path our government should be taking. Food supplies are already in high demand and using them for fuel will only lead to hunger in the third world (which our free trade system is already exploiting to it's fullest potential.)

Beyond any new technology, we need to be more concerned with our wasteful habits and the unfair balance between the resources we consume and what is allocated to the rest of the developing world.

One viable option is for more of us to embrace a part-time vegetarian diet. Methane, a product of animal farming is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2 and recent statistics have shown that agriculture is the number one cause of global warming.

Here's some links on the points that I've mentioned... thank you for reading!

Ethanol / Biodiesel / Worls Food supply:

Vegetarian / Global Warming:

Anonymous said...

A new patriot is someone who takes pride in the beautiful land of America, one who repects the land, and treasures it. A patriot is one who sees the land and the natural resources as invaluable and unreplacable for short-term gain. To be a new patriot, one must be selfless, think of future generations, and think of new ways to use technology to better the air quality, fuel efficiency, and not be dependent on foreign resources. New patriotism means solving our energy problems by using simple methods that everyone can utilize, and making that a reality, not just a piece of legislation that gets kicked around in Congress.

Anonymous said...

Unless we take care of the earth and all living things now, what are we leaving for our descendants?

Anonymous said...

I agree with public education, and I would like to see our own legislators, both local and federal, take positive steps to enable conversion to energy conscious programs.
1-Significant Tax credits to industry, business, and taxpayers for retro-fitting to solar, wind or energy-efficient systems.
2-Significant Tax credits not for the purchase of SUVs or Humvees, as we have seen in the past, but for fuel efficient hybrids.
3-Significant Tax incentives or credits for the lease/purchase of alternative fuel autos AND the phase out of gasoline engines with replacement of hybrid engine vehicles in government fleets.

This is a small segment of what needs to be done. We sat in gas lines in the 70's and government has done nothing to redirect dependence on finite fuels.

Unknown said...

We need to change the thinking about recreational use of petro products. People who jet-ski need to swim, people who ride ATVs need to bike, people who ride snomobiles need to cross-country ski. What better form of patriotism than to lay off wasteful usage and improve your health at the same time! (BTW this page is programmed wrong; tabbing makes all hell break loose)

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is an important issue; I think we need to include the oceans and especially the sharks in this Declaration.
The oceans are being looted and overexploited by private fisheries and by countries. Sharks, who guarantee the biological balance in the oceans are being killed by the millions (between 100 and 150 million to be exact).
"If the sharks die the oceans die", says Andy Cobb from South Africa. That is the bitter truth. If we lose the oceans, we will lose our life support system and when that happens we humans have no chance of survival.
Existing for 400 million years, sharks are the oldest large animals in the world, and they are close to reaching extinction.
Scientists agree that the oceans will be fished out by 2048 if we continue fishing the way we do it now. Long line fishing must be prohibited and sharks and other marine life must be protected and preserved.
If we lose the oceans we don't need to worry about Global Warming anymore because we won't live long enough to witness the impact of it. Therefore, I highly recommend to include saving the sharks and the oceans in this important Declaration.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is a deep understanding of what is important for the health and safety of a nation, moving beyond one's desires for the cause of the greater good.

Anonymous said...

We, the people of this planet, pledge to be responsible to by doing everything in our power to protect and maintain the health of the environment and all of its creatures. This includes reducing the amount of emissions we put out, educating ourselves on new technologies and implementing these. This planet is our responsibility and if we fail to care for it we will suffer the effects and consequences of our actions or lack there of.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We the united people, demand that all levels of government both public and private, strive to lower global warming conditions at every level of public interest. We are bound by the land, and we will protect the precious ozone layer that allows life to exist on Earth. We must develop and build with this in mind. Create sustainable and renewable forms of energy, wile leaving the smallest possible impact on the the earths atmosphere. May 15th. 2007

Anonymous said...

I would like for people to recognize Mother Earth has a living being. She is not your trash can or where you live, but something you are part of and cannot be seperated from. If you think of Earth as part of yourself, or an extension, maybe we would treat her differently.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the earth must control its population. A filthy overpopulated planet means death for every living thing on Earth, due to disease or illness. There are thousands of little things that can be done by millions of people which can have a tremendous impact on the health of the earth. Most important is to have elected officials who care about the earth and not about the almighty corporations that want to make millions tearing up the earth at the expense of the health of the planet and all living things on the planet. I consider the corporations to be greedy. Likewise let's all of us not be greedy: consume less, recycle, re-use, drive less, carpool, take public transportation when you can. When I see someone driving the biggest beast on the highway, I don't ooh and aah at their prosperity. I think they look silly and selfish. I'm not impressed, frankly. Impress me with your humility and your consideration of others. Don't throw your trash and cigarettes out of your car, drive kindly and responsibly, stop consuming so much, do your part to save energy: install ceiling fans, good windows and doors, water-saving appliances and energy-saving appliances, turn down your thermostat in the winter and up in the summer, pull your shades down in the summer to keep your house cool, use energy saving light bulbs, turn off the lights and all unnecessary appliances, use 4-watt nightlights instead of room lights, don't let your water run, don't let your faucets drip endlessly, tune up your furnace and air conditioner. While we're at it, let's reduce noise pollution too. Muffle those cars, trucks and motorcycles. You don't have to be the biggest loudest kid on the block. Again, the rest of us just wish you'd grow up! We're waiting for you to grow up. We'll know when you become considerate of the strangers around you. We'll all feel more peaceful. Be thoughtful not thoughtless. Good luck to all of us. We're in this together.

Anonymous said...

America is being destroyed from within by those who support genetically modified food, chemical pesticides that harm the soil and water, harmful chemicals in corporate food, and deforestation among others. They also desire to water down organic and environmental standards to harm everyone's health.

Anonymous said...

I think that Congress should make it mandatory that the car makers make the vehicles more environment friendly. I also believe that the utlilty companies should rise up against the oil and gas companies to make our utilities more affordable.

Anonymous said...

Make law that Everybody has to recycle.

No selling public lands.

No killing animals & throwing Mother Nature into an unbalanced environment.

Funding for Magnetic energy. (I truly believe big oil is blocking this) The hover car should already be on the market.

Funding for crystal energy. (Quartz) It grows itself, how cheap & natural is that:)

Solar panels affordable for working peons.

Anonymous said...

it is important to make our private property environmentally friendly by not using insecticides, herbicide and unsafe cleaning products.


by taking care of natures other creations both olant and animal

Anonymous said...

Patriotism should mean you defend the planet, not just your tribe; it involves at least 2 things: focus on the health and education of its people;

in part this means prevention: you pay or do a little now to avoid something worse or more expensive later on;

the 7 generation quote is also good: consider the effects of your actions 7 gen in future.

Unknown said...

Two items are needed for a patriot statement in todays world.
1. We must care for the EARTH, we only are here to enjoy it, and most of all preserve it for our future generations.

2. Don't let bigotry and greed destroy our lands.

Anonymous said...

'AS a living being'--typo

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is the wrong word. A completely new idea has to emerge....
here is the definition of Patriot:
one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests

We must use a phrase or make one up that means that an idividual love his or her PLANET and supports its authority and interests... Not those of created governments and rulerships but the planet itself... i can't think of a word, but maybe someone else can.

Anonymous said...

To continuously search for greener ways to build and power our lives.

Anonymous said...

Initiate programs akin to the "Truth" advertising about the perils of smoking cigarettes, focusing instead on the environmental, economic and other effects of using fossil fuels and what the dirty laundry and uber profit taking the oil companies realize while they say they have to raise prices (when they do not need to in reality).

Push legislators in every state to promote through laws recycling, conservation of resources, switching to non-fossil fuel primary energy sources.

Reconsider new safe designs for nuclear reactors.

Greater incentives to help the solar panel industry reach a tipping point in costs to enable greater sales to consumers.

Demand the auto industry delivery the 100mph hybrid vehicle which is reachable today with just an extra battery pack.

Anonymous said...

support fundraising activity, such as selling water bottles, in your community while incouraging walking as a form of exercise. that would benefit since less cars would be driven, plus eliminating traffic!!

Anonymous said...
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Caroline said...

New Patriotism must involve a new Jurisprudence - an Earth Jurisprudence which leads on to a sane legal system that includes all other species, which by dint of evolving in the same universe as ourselves also have the right to exist, the right to habitat and the right to fulfill their role within the great adventure of this planet and its cosmic home, the universe.

So, new patriotism must engage the law in order to put into practice new values, not perceived 200 years ago, but now of urgent importance. The New Patriot is an EARTH PATRIOT!

The only patriotism that can work in a healthy way is one that swears allegiance FIRST to the earth community which gave birth to us and on which we depend for every minute of our lives. Our allegiance to the USA would then be shaped by reality, not by our delusions of grandeur disconnected from the real world of a finite, sensitive planet.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We must continue to educate the youth in this country. It is their optimism and energy that will be the driving force behind real change in how we treat our environment.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is deep concern for, and working toward, the wellbeing of one's own country. But this work and concern are not merely for the sake of that country itself but for the sake of what it can contribute to the wellbeing of the world as a whole. A true patriot is a citizen of the world, not just a citizen of a particular country. This is especially true in today's world of globalization and pending global climate change.

waypasthadenough said...
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Anonymous said...

Educate ourselves to make the most striking responses when others say, "It's hype" or "we've only been keeping weather records for 200 years and we have had extreme weather before" or "they were talking about an ice age 40 years ago, what's changed". Explain that there is fossilized material in the perma frost now rapidly melting that will exponentially increase the amount of C02 released and trigger a massive increase in 'global warming. Identify small land masses that have already disappeared due to rising sea levels. Know what species are now endangered and which are recently added to the extincion list. Be able to talk intelligently about the effects of taking coyotes out of Yellowstone on Aspen trees in the park and how everything is part of a chain reaction. much of which, cannot be undone when begun.

Anonymous said...

The new patriotism involves being grateful for the freedoms we have and accepting the responsibilities those freedoms require. It does not mean blindly following our leaders. I can’t take any pride in following when leaders act irresponsibly, but I can take pride in taking responsibility individually for the common good. Our notions of patriotism must expand to include our global neigbors.

bellaggio6 said...

Being a patriot means loving the earth upon which our nation stands, respecting it and protecting it, and setting a good example for our neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Educate ourselves to make the most striking responses when others say, "It's hype" or "we've only been keeping weather records for 200 years and we have had extreme weather before" or "they were talking about an ice age 40 years ago, what's changed". Explain that there is fossilized material in the perma frost now rapidly melting that will exponentially increase the amount of C02 released and trigger a massive increase in 'global warming. Identify small land masses that have already disappeared due to rising sea levels. Know what species are now endangered and which are recently added to the extincion list. Be able to talk intelligently about the effects of taking coyotes out of Yellowstone on Aspen trees in the park and how everything is part of a chain reaction. much of which, cannot be undone when begun.

Sheila Huettl said...

The New Patriotism is GREEN PATRIOTISM.

Being a good environmentalist (protecting our natural resources, reducing the many uses of petroleum and petroleum-based products, reducing our carbon footprint, and making choices to enable sustainability) ultimately strengthens our national security and public health.

Author David Steinman explains the ways that going green strengthens our national security and protects the public health in his book Safe Trip to Eden: Ten Steps to Save Planet Earth from the Global Warming Meltdown, as well as on his website

It's time for Americans to understand the inherent connection between caring for our environment and the safety and security of our country.

Anonymous said...

The 'New Patriots' dedicate themselves to being true stewards of all the earth, so that children and grandchildren can enjoy the fun of unpolluted swimming holes once again, city skylines untainted by smog, clean, sparkling oceans, where coral reefs no longer die. But to realize this, every individual must begin to make personal sacrifices, so that Americans are no longer viewed primarily as "consumers", rather guardians of the planet.

Anonymous said...

We all have heard of using better light bulbs, driving less, hybrid cars, etc. The one thing I would advocate that everyone could do, is to completely cut out parrafin wax candles burned in our homes. These are made from petroleum by-products, and people should know this. The 'green' solution is soy wax candles. Imagine if no more soot and toxins were burned in all the homes that use candles. There would be less ashama, less allergies, less respiratory problems! I feel that if consumers know what they are using, they will opt for a better product that does not pollute the air we, and our children are breathing, and in a small way, reduce greenhouse gases.

Anonymous said...

Let's not villify "big business" and industry out of reflex, but rather try to work with them and redirect their creative energy into environmentally-compatible, sustainable practices that assure economic growth without sacrificing the environment. Convince them that "going green" can be profitable, and they will evolve!

Anonymous said...

I think it is primordial to care for the poor and the sick and not leave them on the street...Same for the children that should receive the basic to grow harmoniously and break the circle of poverty.

Mike Olson said...

I thought that the begining of the Declaration that Environmental Defense had was a little weak. Here is an alternative that is broad enough so that pretty much anything can be incorporated later, but that is specific enough so that it is known that the Declaration is dealing with climate change. Hope you like it! And, yes, one or two phrases are borrowed from the original Declaration of Independence.

"When in the course of human events it becomes apparent that human actions are impacting our planet’s climate and, in doing so, having far-reaching and dangerous consequences, it becomes necessary for people of all cultures, races, political affiliations and socio-economic classes to come together to promote sustainable practices so that future generations can inherit a planet with all of the wonders with which it is currently blessed.

To secure this right of future generations, we, the undersigned, pledge to:"

Glenn said...

A patriot is one who defends this great land and its citizens' right to clean air & water and the continuing health of its land and the plant and animal life with whom we share it.

Anonymous said...

Humans must stop consuming the earth like a wildfire. Stop the waste, stop the greed, stop the consumerism, stop the materialism. The earth is not an endless resource. It is finite, a rare and prescious planet in that it supports abundant species of life.
Let us force our government to act now! 20% of our energy to be from "green" sources by 2050? Is that a joke? Let us be truly innovative and work towards being 90% green by 2050. Are you ready?

Anonymous said...

I think you should include this line. "Every citizen has a moral obligation to preserve, protect and defend our natural resources even if that defense is against our own government!"

Ed Oberweiser said...

All our actions must be only sustainable ones. We must do nothing that inhibits the lives of all beings on Earth. Any standard less than this will destroy not only the United States but all countries

Anonymous said...

We will educate ourselves about our impact in order to inform others. We will vow to protect our forests, the air, water, earth, and the animals with whom we SHARE our lives. We will learn from native cultures the extreme importance of understanding our connection with every other thing upon this planet, therefore cultivating a better awareness of our lives and what we each can do to restore the fragile balance of Mother Earth.

celestialleo said...

Real partiotism transcends national boundaries, recognizing the unifying spirit in all mankind, while honoring the values, beliefs, and actions that make one's own country a unique entity worth honoring and living for.

Anonymous said...

Be active citizens by constantly being conscious of our impact everyday and accepting that we will have to make lifestyle sacrifices.

M Sneddon earthling said...

live as green as possible
study peace - not war
allow free and easy access to
birth control for all who are
sexually active
have all "officials" chosen by a jury selection method - all
citizens of legal age are
decrease car and truck use
buy locally - within a 100 mile
honor women and grandmothers as wise people worth consulting in
all foreign policies
redistribute wealth much more

Anonymous said...

Let's start a war, something the whole world can be allis in. Not a war against each other but a war against our ways, it's time to fight for a healthy planet! No guns, no tanks, no drafts just good people doing what is best for the world. We've worked so hard to make our world what it is today, let's keep it safe...let's keep us safe

Chris M said...

Every one should unplug electronic devices when they aren't being used. Not only does this save you money, but it reduces the amount of energy you’re using. Also, we need more fuel efficient cars in the United States. Many of us drive everyday, and if our vehicles are more fuel efficient we will be emitting less pollution. Finally, we should also try to make out public transportation more fuel efficient. In our society many people use public transportation, so it's important to make those more environmentally friendly.

Anonymous said...

At last there is the opportunity to make a difference for our future generations.Let our children and grandchildren remember that we have left them with a sustainable way of living, that to over consume is not the american way but a way of the past.Let us concerned pave a path of least resistance for our future generations that they too can have a choice in how they want to live.If there is no change there is no future ..................

Anonymous said...

We care about and act to protect future genrations.

Anonymous said...

Each one of us must be environmentally conscious with everything we do! Even simple things -- like turning off lights when you leave a room (even though they're CF bulbs), buying locally grown produce, banking and receiving bills online, and planting only native plants -- help save money and the environment!

We must not only recycle at home and work, but also buy and use products made of the materials we recycle!!

If you have trouble finding recycled content products or other environmentally friendly products wherever you shop, drop off (or give the manager) a Purchasing Comment Card, requesting them to carry these products!

Anonymous said...

The denial of human activity as the primary cause of global warming has become the denial of rational thought as applied to the human condition. We should make the affirmation of scientific finding over political conviction the primary qualification for holding public office.

Anonymous said...

We should encourage alternative forms of transportation by providing bike lanes on every city street. You can set an example by only driving when you have to. Bikes are fun, keep you in shape, and help the earth

Anonymous said...

In order to secure the integrity of the planet for future generations, we must be responsible citizens today! We must encourage our families, friends and neighbors to take care of the planet's precious resources before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

The document must speak to the fact that, with individual freedom comes a collective responsibility to preserve an environment under which that freedom can flourish. Like the Constitution of the United States, a commitment must be made to the generations of the future. We have an obligation to future generations that we never strip the natural environment of resources faster than they can be replaced and sustained. We need to construct a new form of capitalism that 1) doesn't always assume there will be more than enough and 2) regards the impact to future generations as equal to the impact on the current.
Further, the frame work must outline provisions for educating everyone that their individual decisions and consumption must be reconciled against the future effects they will have (as best we can model) if everybody in the country (or world) were to make the same decision/s for the next 7 to 10 generations.

Anonymous said...

It think this situation is giving all the humans on this planet an opportunity to take some responsibility for their behavior. There are fairly inexpensive ways to install solar power on homes, yet we see very few people taking advantage of these programs. My question to people is, "what is it going to take for you to take action to ensure your future exists?" I think people do not understand the severity of the situation we are in and it is time that they step up to the plate and actually do something that will reduce our CO2 output in this country. We need to overcome our immaturity and be willing to make wiser decisions regarding our environment. Our planet is speaking out to's time to respond to her with the right answers.

Anonymous said...

Perpetuate the idea that each act that helps sustain our environment makes a difference, and that we can collectively change the health of our planet. Nothing is too small to count.

Anonymous said...

For generations, parents have aspired to create conditions--educational, financial, moral--so that the future might be better for those coming along. All of those aspirations are at risk if the dangers projected from global warming become real. In short, the new platitude must be: for the kids, we absolutely cannot wait to confront global warming and seek the large and small actions to combat it. Nothing else we might wish for them matters as much.

Desiree said...

Planet Earth mothers us all. how can we just let her go after she has been so good to us? I think awareness is number one. Those of us that don't want to get involved or think it's not necessary just don't understand the magnetude of the climate crisis. It's important that we continue to stress the importance of the smallest actions. So little can go so far when enough people are doing their part. I also think that making cities and towns more bicycle friendly would be great. And it happens to be good exercise so we would be chipping away at America's obesity epidemic too! Kill two birds with one stone!

deege929 said...

I am a Native American and believe it is the obligation of all to care for all facets of this planet through planning for the next seven generations. We believe that the Earth does not belong to us, we belong to her and are charged as her care takers as well as all of the creatures who dwell on this planet.

Anonymous said...

Patriots don't support new nuclear power plants and 'clean' coal. Unlike Environmental Defense which does.

Anonymous said...

Start small: Think about our children and their children each time we think about buying a petrolium-based product (or a product produced through the consumption of non-renewable resources). Teach our children the virtues of "green" versus the vice and disasterous consequences of environmental "greed".

Enlist the aid of our media to further this social education.... It is working well with cigarette smoking, so why not use the same techniques with this much more urgent cause?

Anonymous said...

being a patriot is fighting for whats right

our planet


Being a Patriot means being accountable for your actions and choices. Making informed choices that you wholeheartedly can stand by and be proud of, acting with good intentions.
Blind obedience is NOT patriotic - standing up to your leaders when they fail to serve the people and instead cater to big corporations and lobby groups is. Now is the time to stand up and demand that all choices made collectively and individually are made with the best intentions. We, the people are the essence of this country. Let's show the world our true essence again.

Anonymous said...

On a personal level, we all need to reduce our energy use and consumption in general. On a national and global level, we need policies that support alternative energy and reduction, instead of continued consumption and oil subsidies.

Let's make caring for the planet patriotic. Peace to all people is patriotic too!

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is not blind adherance to whatever the government or "officials" dictate. The government is supposed to represent the people, not their own personal interests. We live in a free country. We have the right to state what we believe in and question what isn't right for our country.

Anonymous said...

If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Let's be part of the solution in solving the universal challenge of global warming. Together we can be the first global patriots.

Anonymous said...

I propose a Green religion, one that sees all of the Earth and its creatures as children of the same God and deserving respect, compassion, and the protection. The primary means of worship and thanksgiving, especially for the strong and fortunate, is through caring for all life on the planet.

RESPICE MUNDUM (Respect the Earth)

Anonymous said...

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel". We have no interest in being part of patriotism and see it as one of the real major menaces to a sane world.

Anonymous said...

We live in a global village; so I guess you'll not be surprised to hear some 'villagers' speak who are not American.

Having visited your country many times and with friends and relatives still living there; you might care to take any/or all of the following to heart ...

Americans ...

Please eat less meat. Cattle farming is arguably the largest single agricultural source of (methane) pollution.
Please take a bath or a shower with a friend.
Please stand in a shower and don't sit in a bath.
Please manufacture and drive smaller vehicles.
Please make shorter leisure journeys.
Please use less air conditioning.
Please recycle more of your waste.
Please travel less.
Please drive to the shops/supermarkets with a friend or three.
Please make more use of electronic communications and attend fewer business meetings.
Please convert to low energy lighting in the home and office.
Please insulate your homes more effectively.
Please cause every city of more than 200,000 to create a mass transit system.
Please teach everyone to switch off their TV/computer/printer/HiFi/mobile phone/fridges and freezers overnight/office lights.
Please consider dimming street/highway lighting by 15% between the hours of 1am and daylight.

Every one of these initiatives is being tried in many places around the world; especially in Europe.

If Americans joined in ... just imagine !!

Anonymous said...

To those who founded this great country and wrote the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution being a patriot meant standing up to ALL forms of government tyranny & oppression. To those patriots it meant very limited government, power in the hands of the people, a republican form of government (not a democracy which is mob rule), and acknowledgement of God as the one who gave us all that we have and all that we needed to create America. If we are indeed the cause of global warming then two things must be acknowledged: one, God created this earth and placed us here as stewards of his creation. If we are indeed ruining the place then we need to repent of our selfish ways and seek his wisdom on how to be better stewards. And two, government will NEVER solve a problem of this magnitude. Government can only create problems of this magnitude. The solutions you seek will only be found in private enterprise, voluntary organizations & charity from private sources. Government money and government coercion will not solve the problem... in fact that is exactly what the real patriots were fighting against when this country was started over two hundred years ago. If you use the power of the public purse and government officials to force lifestyle changes in your attempt to combat global warming and call yourselves patriots you will be peverting the very word patriot and dishonoring the memory of the true patriots who started this country. If you are able resist the urge to use government force and coercion in your fight you will be far more successful. Remember, if you have to rely on the government to force change - which the environmental movement has done to a great degree so far - then you haven't changed many minds and your ideas don't have merit. If your ideas have merit and are really neccessary and worthwhile you wouldn't need to force people to go along. Instead they would willingly.

monk said...

We need to give more focus on how an Individual's efforts to combat global wearming makes a the difference. Too many people think that what they do will have no impact.

Anonymous said...

Proposed wording:

"We pledge to help our nation take its place in the community of nations by:

- Working with the United Nations for peaceful resolution of issues with respect for cultural diversity.
- Working to achieve a sustainable future by balancing consumption with resources in a way that brings society into harmony with the environment.
- Working to bring world population to a level compatible with a sustainable future for humanity."

rush_lake said...

I want to paraphrase The Constitution, The unalienable right to life. We have the sacred duty to preserve the life of the planet.

Anonymous said...

Americans could accomplish much if they would just rein in their lifestyle for the sake of the planet. Smaller homes, fuel efficient vehicles, take pains to reduce, reuse, recycle. Support any and all green businesses and programs.

Anonymous said...

"Global warming" should be replaced with "man-made climate change" since warming is not the only environmental effect of human behavior.

1. MINDFUL CONSUMER. Elaborate more on "footprint". "Reduce, reuse and recycle" recommended by Phil and others is a mantra to guide personal behavior and demonstrate personal responsibility. Ultimately it is about sustainability and that needs to be spelled out. More effective than preaching at others, is to be an example for others.

2. BE AN ACTIVE CITIZEN. "Think globally, act locally" still says it all. We need to be active locally but always with the biggest picture in mind--global impact.

Anonymous said...

One of the most significant steps we can take to help our planet is to become vegetarians. Raising animals for food depletes our limited resources. World hunger can be eradicated if we instead nourish ourselves with the grains we now feed them.

Anonymous said...

What does it mean to be a patriot? Not quite the same as it means to be a matriot.
What's with all this patriarchal nonsense? It is part of the problem, not part of the solution.


1596, "compatriot," from M.Fr. patriote (15c.), from L.L. patriota "fellow-countryman" (6c.), from Gk. patriotes "fellow countryman," from patrios "of one's fathers," patris "fatherland," from pater (gen. patros) "father," with -otes, suffix expressing state or condition. Meaning "loyal and disinterested supporter of one's country" is attested from 1605, but became an ironic term of ridicule or abuse from mid-18c. in England, so that Johnson, who at first defined it as "one whose ruling passion is the love of his country," in his fourth edition added, "It is sometimes used for a factious disturber of the government."
"The name of patriot had become [c.1744] a by-word of derision. Horace Walpole scarcely exaggerated when he said that ... the most popular declaration which a candidate could make on the hustings was that he had never been and never would be a patriot." [Macaulay, "Horace Walpole," 1833]
Somewhat revived in ref. to resistance movements in overrun countries in WWII, it has usually had a positive sense in Amer.Eng., where the phony and rascally variety has been consigned to the word patrioteer (1928). Oriana Fallaci ["The Rage and the Pride," 2002] marvels that Americans, so fond of patriotic, (1757) patriot, and patriotism (1726), lack the root noun and are content to express the idea of patria by cumbersome compounds such as homeland. (Joyce, Shaw, and H.G. Wells all used patria as an Eng. word early 20c., but it failed to stick.)

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper

Loretta Bicicletta said...

Right on with all of you who said that educating others should be added to the declaration, but being careful not to be the wet towel of every conversation. Avoiding the doom and gloom is important to remember when trying to motivate people to act sustainably.

This is the crisis of our generation and we are ones to quickly embrace new technology, new ways of doing things, new ways of seeing the world that will put us out of harms way. We must show others how it can be done, especially as Americans who are screwing up more than we can chew.

Anonymous said...

First I think we need to do away with the idea of "patriotism". I saw a lot of comments about what patriotism means, but if you look it up in the dictionary here's what you will find...

Encarta World English Dictionary - supporter of own country: a proud supporter or defender of his or her country and its way of life
Compact Oxford English Dictionary - a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it.
Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary - one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests
Cambridge International Dictionary of English - a person who loves their country and, if necessary, will fight for it
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language - One who loves, supports, and defends one's country

The problem is that patriotism puts "country" first and in some of the definitions "its way of life" "authority" and "interests" and requires that you are willing to fight for it. If you look up the word country in the same 5 dictionaries here is what you get...

separate nation: a nation or state that is politically independent, or a land that was formerly independent and remains separate in some respects
a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
a political state or nation or its territory
an area of land that has its own government, army, etc
A nation or state.

So basically what we are talking about is supporting a government above all other things, not supporting the earth or the land. Although those same dictionaries also include other definitions of country that refer to the land, the land would never require you to fight for it, only governments do that. Additionally, the "interests" and "way of life" of this country and its government are the main reasons we have this problem in the first place. It is American consumer culture and the majority of the rest of the world's desire to emulate it that is the root cause of environmental destruction worldwide. So patriotism by definition is counter to a global ethic or earth ethic which is what we need if we are going to overcome global warming and the many other environmental challenges that are ahead of us.

I agree with many of the other comments particularly the following...

The need to be more mindful and respectful of indigenous people's points of view. We have a lot to learn from them. And I think that one of the first things we need to do is to STOP TAKING THEIR LAND! The majority of the remaining natural resources worldwide are on indigenous lands because they know how to live on the land without depleting it. Listen to First Voices Indigenous Radio live or in the archives at if you want to know more.

The need for each and every one of us to educate the people in our lives in a non-judgmental way. You won't change anyone's way of thinking by aggravating them no matter how right you are.

The need to create an earth ethic that recognizes that we are just one species among many and that all species have a right to a healthy living environment.

The need to recognize that global warming (although a big one) is not the only major environmental problem we are facing right now.

The need to simply USE LESS! We really don't need half the crap we all consume in this country.

The need for personal sacrifice. Changing our cultural paradigm is not going to be easy, but the consequences of not changing will be much worse than the sacrifice necessary to make change.

Anonymous said...

As a Michigan citizen, I urge that we list minimum acceptable standards for emissions and mileage, and these minimums should be aggressive and doable but a stretch for the automotive industry. Then, we move on Congress to pass legislation to get the standards passed as law.

We need to unhook the U.S. Military from the unnecessary use of gas and oil through war, as it is their war that keeps the price, supply and need for oil so fluid. Campaign finance reform would unhook Congress from the Defense Contractors and Pentagon, and would allow our representatives to represent the common man instead of the oil, defense and arms contractors and the Military Industrial Complex. This would also eliminate the need for constant war to keep the MIC in place and growing.

EVERYONE should watch Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth.” It should be required watching as part of all school science classes, at every grade level.

Lula said...

Patriotism has always been about moving beyond what is safe and easy so that a better future is created. Now we must move away from a culture which damages the earth and toward a different economic future. It won't be easy but it is right.

Anonymous said...

I think our first unique challange is illigal aliens, then global warming.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means acting in a responsible way toward future generations. It means leaving them an earth, a country, and natural resources that we have preserved and managed well and left in a sustainable, viable, thoughtful, and healthy condition.

Anonymous said...

Push for a reinstatement of the electric car that General Motors killed.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means loving your country (the good and the bad) and protecting it for ourselves and future generations. But, this patriotism cannot be at the expense of the rest of the planet. We need to be good global citizens.

Anonymous said...

Give STRONG incentives for the use of and development of new, cleaner, renewable fuel sources. Enforce even stronger sanctions against the worst polluters and those companies who stand in the way of environmental progress.

Doing the 'right' thing should not hurt consumers pocketbooks--put the onus on those companies who are not in compliance and who pollute the most, and on those practices which cause the most harm. For example, because of its environmental repercussions, leaded gas should NOT be cheaper than unleaded.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is enveloped in the acceptance of self and others. Once acceptance is realized any deviation is perceived as a hindrance or threat.

Anonymous said...

A good patriot is someone who never drives more than 5 mph over the speed limit and who accelerates gradually, thus saving 15-20% in fuel consumed. Imagine if we all did that!

Unknown said...

Environmentalism is the highest form of patriotism. We must focus on expressing our love for our country through the preservation of our land, rather than the enforcement of our power internationally. Just as we are the implementors of democracy when we vote as citizens, so must we each be caretakers of the social, environmental, and economic resouces of our country.

Anonymous said...

Our leaders must learn to lead by example and i submit that they should be held to a more stringent standard than the public at large. this will keep the neer-do-wells out of the races. Leaders up to now have not been shy about their hidious corruptions because the public has been led to believe that leaders are not held by the same laws everyone else is ... they simply resign their office and go on living under their lovely stolen parachutes ...THIS MUST STOP ... what also needs to stop is the flagrance with which polluters can pollute the land, water and people with impunity; particularly the untold hundreds of tons of DEPLETED URANIUM with which our gov, the english and the isreali's have been peppering all over the middle east and s.e. asia killing the people in their native lands and causing untold thousands of birth defects for them and OUR OWN SOLDIERS AS WELL ... THIS MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY AND SOME LEADERS TAKEN TO PRISON UNDER A MORE STRINGENT SET OF LAWS THAT SHOW LEADERS THERE ARE LIMITS TO WHAT THEY CAN DO!!!

Unknown said...

Perhaps adding something about the fact that we need to consider all of our actions from buying non-locally grown foods, to usage of biofuels, and the inherent pitfalls of our overall consuming.

Additionally, I think that we should add some statement regarding commercial deforestation and it's release of Carbon into the atmosphere, commercial farming and it's impacts on atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions other than CO2, and overall some statement regarding corporate responsibility. Afterall, we in the United States have given corporations the rights of individuals, perhaps now it is time for those same corporations to accept the responsibilities that everyone of us have as citizens. Equally, thoise corporations might want to explore their multiple impacts on the "greenhouse" effect as it is many times greater for the "individual" corporation than it is for the "individual" person.

Anonymous said...

We can fight global warmig, but it will take rallying the whole country with the fervor and intensity of the World War II. effort - everyone working together with governmnet support towards a shared vision.

Further, should we press towards taking up that yolk, shouldn't we also combine efforts with other issues that have shared visions, like clean water, a greater use of renewable energy sources, etc.?

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is not being an environmentalist. Patriotism is about human dignity, justice, courage, compassion, and equality. Patriotism is the stand we take every day in our hearts, declaring ourselves free from any oppressing agent, from any structure of persecution of thought, any defense of times past because tradition states it has been working. Patriotism is being a warrior of peace and individual dignity.

We in this time are part of the U.S. corporation not many people are aware of. The North American Union and the Amero (to replace the dollar) are coming up on the prospective time table. Mexican troops were being used for security and aid in New Orleans while our coast guard were told to hold off. Our guns for defense are being taken out of our homes and put into the hands of the police. We are NOT terrorists, we are not pieces of paper, we are not part of your corporation! We are Sovereign citizens of America. What a patriot answers to is not the "patriot act", but the original constitution.

Global Warming is something to really look at carefully. If anyone hasn't seen the film "Aerosol Crimes", I highly reccomend you go to Google Video and check that out. It will help you understand what's really changing the face of this planet.

Thank you.
Blessings and Namaste.

Anonymous said...

Being patriotic can mean nothing less than concerning ourselves with the consequences our own immediate and often selfish needs will have on the generations that will follow us. We have not inherited our country and world from our fore-fathers but have borrowed it from our grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

Tina said...
We all need to make little changes in our lifestyles that are eco friendly. Like recycling,rideshare,biofuels,reusable grocery bags,organic foods,reusable energy etc.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism means sacrificing status items such as large cars, houses that consume a lot of energy, and new goods over recycled ones in order to do our part in saving the environment.

Anonymous said...

First I think we should at least make solar power LEGAL IN ALL STATES!
and in every country.

We should encourage the use of Solar power, and other alternate methods of energy. Wind, water, bio fuels,

We should have incentives to do so.

Secondly We should elect the officials that also believe in this. IF we the people elect other people to run our country, and they do not do the right thing....
we will all have to follow them all not doing the right thing.

If we elect the people into office,
that ARE doing the right thing...
we will be able to follow them
ALL doing the right thing.

This will be a start in the right direction.

Learn about solar! it is a wonderful thing!
Animal Related, and good for the planet website indx.

Anonymous said...

Len said...

Bush said of terrorists, If we don't fight them there, we will have to fight them here. More important---If we don't fight global warming here, there won't be a "here" here for our children. We must lead the planet toward a cooler tomorrow or there may not be a tomorrow.

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