
Every generation confronts a unique challenge that tests its collective mettle. For us, that challenge is global warming.

Our online community helped draft a new Declaration of New Patriotism showing our commitment to stopping global warming. We have a goal of collecting 75,000 signatures and will deliver the declaration to Congress by July 4th. Please join our campaign by signing the Declaration of New Patriotism today.

We're also collecting stories of people from around the country who embody the spirit of the New Patriotism. If you know a New Patriot, please share their story below.

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Second Draft of the Declaration

Global warming is the crisis of our time.

As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s birthday, we renew our commitment to the qualities and values that have guided our nation for more than 200 years.

Today, we recognize that patriotism is not only about love of country. It is also about a shared commitment to the welfare of our planet.

Future generations will judge us based on our success or failure to be good stewards of the Earth. We owe our children and our children’s children nothing less than our very best effort.

We the undersigned, pledge to:

  • Be mindful consumers, by minimizing our personal global warming “footprint;”
  • Be active citizens, by pressing our elected officials to take urgent action now, and by pressing all candidates for office to commit to passing strong legislation to cut America's global warming pollution;
  • Spread the word, by educating our friends, neighbors and loved ones and making sure they recognize that each of us has a role to play in meeting this all-important challenge.


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Anonymous said...

Global Warming is a very serious issue that we are facing right now. I believe that, as a team, we can find solutions and save our planet. However, I don't think that the EPA is making any progress. Without the EPA's help, our planet could wind up in jeopardy.

We all should remain positive because there are solutions.

As long as we take this problem one step at a time, I belive the world can be saved for us and our children's future.

Victor Torres
Cortland, NY

Nuada Nudo said...

I am a proud member of the Kituwah Nation. We believe strongly in the protection of Mother Earth and the future generations to come. We cannot stress more strongly that we need to be protective of what we have. There are now many species that are completely extinct. Usually this means that another species will suffer as a result of this. I remember, as a child, looking out over a grassy field, interspersed with poppies, and seeing butterflies beyond measure. Now, we see so very few. Why? Because we have ignored for too many years that we cannot constantly use pesticides and other chemicals. All of us-no matter the race, colour or creed-need to think of our future. If not, we may too become extinct.nqwmgx

Anonymous said...

"Global climate change needs global action now. The alarm bells ought to be ringing in every capital of the world"
People need to start thinking beyond the horizon they see. It is not only a political matter. People rest too much on the idea that the government should take the first step. There are a lot of things we can do right now! It freaks me out that there are still so many people who seem to be untouched by this global problem. I think it would be a good idea to address global warming in work places and show them how easy it is to help.

Life with my Aspie said...

Most of the people that subscribe and contribute ideas to the "Declaration of New Patriotism" are currently doing what they can to lead environmentally friendly lives. Instead of drafting a declaration for us to sign, how about drafting a declaration for corporations to sign. Then, post the names of the corporations and what they are doing to reduce global warming/environmental destruction. We could send letters of support and thanks to these companies in an effort to encourage them to take further steps in being an eco-friendly business.

I'm not trying to be cynical, but what's the point of asking those of us who are already committed to a cleaner earth to sign this declaration? We need to focus our efforts on non-eco-friendly businesses.

Anonymous said...

I think the idea to tag this initiative to 'patriotism' is sematically doomed. Patriot and patriotism come from the Latin root 'patria' - or fatherland; a more appropriate reference/slogan would be female 'not nice to fool with mother nature' kind of thing. Anything else only encourages loons to come out of the woodwork with their antisocial to sociopathic control issues.
In my opinion a more rational approach addresses more do-able processes and technologies. How about capturing pollutant particles from fixed power-generation facilities. Current trends are manufacturer driven; energy wasting exhaust treatment processes which just encourage entropy.
The basic dicotomy here seems to be that those who favor logical responses are shouted down by those who fear technological repair options. The media seems to encourage these 'sound bite' irrationalisations. Greenhouse gases (all bad from the 'comments') are mostly water vapor for heaven's sake - banning or (somehow) eliminating water vapor turns the planet into Mars! Reducing man-made CO2, NOx and SOx should be the real short-term goals. Long term education concerning the 'details' of the issue including the relationships between ourselves, the planet and especially solar cycles would be the only durable answer possible.

Anonymous said...

At the decision-making table we exclude three important constituencies--future humans, all other life forms, and the dreadfully poor humans, roughly 2 billion of them. Because they have neither voice nor identify nor do not get a 'vote' on decisions that will affect them profoundly, we, in this generation, should see ourselves as and behave as their trustees. Patriot? Well, perhaps, after first being a Trustee.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter was right, put on a sweater or a comforter before putting on the heat, etc... but go LED for lights: less energy, no mercury, no migraines. $30 at homedepot, but only online-complain. Ban toxic lighting first!

Anonymous said...

In the words of a legendary footabal coach, "dance with the one what brung ya" the Earth is, in essence,our Mother ! ! ! For without Mother Earth, there is no life. To pollute "Our" Mother is to sicken ourselves. Our Culture must cease to worship at tyhe alter of the almighty dollar bill and worship our Mother.

Unknown said...

Global warming is the most important issue for the U.S. and the world. If we don't have a planet that supports us, all other issues will be insignificant.

I love my country. I hate the direction we seem to be going at the moment, but I know we still have the greatness required to become a leader in stopping global warming. That's why I am a patriot.

I am a quiet person and not the type to sign petitions or engage in shouting matches, but this is the issue that will define our time.

Anonymous said...

More than anything, we need to elect a U.S. president who takes the lead on this issue by setting an agenda and appointing people who will help Americans understand that they must make sacrifices in order to preserve life on this planet. We need someone in the mode of FDR or JFK, a great communicator who can rally people to the environmental cause, as well as someone who is an unflagging activist for change. Among the actions he/she would need to take would be mandating fuel-efficient cars and developing more renewable energy sources to end our dependence on oil, but not limited to corn-based ethanol (how about giving the electric car another try?); offering incentives to citizens to carpool, use public transporation or work from home; making it a patriotic duty of businesses to help conserve energy and encourage their employees to do so; mandating energy-efficient, non-polluting, nontoxic materials in construction, whether for housing or public or private buildings and structures; setting benchmarks and deadlines for all of the above; and gathering the best minds in the world to attack the problems of energy conservation, global warming, pollution, etc., without regard for nationality, creed or color. We can do it, and we MUST. But it will take leadership and unity of purpose that so far hasn't surfaced among those who hold the most powerful positions in this country. It's time we found those leaders and elected them.

Judex said...

Being a Patriot of the Country or the Planet !

This is only a nice way to say it !

Some People on the Titanic saw the Iceberg, and they did their best to avoid it. The Iceberg was visual.

Global Warming is not that so visiual yet ! Not many are trying to avoid it. The next generation, our Children will judge us eventually.

I have stopped buying whatever contributes to Global Warming.

I do not drive my car as I used to. No more pleasure driving. I do not travel for Holidays to far off lands etc. etc. I have taken lots of actions so that I play my part in reducing Global Warming.

Do same, and encourage Parents, Relatives, Friends, Acquaintances, to do it. You will do something good for the next Generation !

Ayterion said...

This is a speech we gave in china and at the Habitat 11 conforence in Istanbul written by Ms Terry Welch e-mail or

Speech Prepared for
World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996
Written By Ms Terry Welch , N. Welch , Mr Andrew Nixon ,and Mr Charles knox copyright Terry Welch

Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.

Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking water supplies presently degraded by toxic industrial waste streams and human waste water streams. The Perfect Science purification methodologies will permit all sovereign nations to concurrently initiate complete restoration of all contaminated aquifers and fresh water reservoirs within their sovereign territories. The scientific technique behind this wondrous accomplishment will be fully revealed to all world governments and their scientists at Habitat 11 in Istanbul.

The challenge today is for this august body to move from the paradigm of poison to the paradigm of purification. The paradigm of poison has been the pathway to this critical World Water Conference. Fresh water supplies, once bountiful are increasingly degraded by industrial poisons and human wastes. The paradigm of poison is premised on the persistence of these industrial and human wastes in the drinking water supplies.

Within the paradigm of poison, the compounded effect of increased global industrialization and population growth will easily generate enough persistent toxins to effectively create a global drinking water catastrophe. The global water catastrophe will be the direct result of an exponential increase of persistent toxic industrial and human wastes impacting upon the fresh water supplies throughout the world. The obvious conclusion within the paradigm of poison is eventual collapse as stated in U.N. resolution 44/228.

Perfect Science is therefore most honored to present to this World Water Conference the paradigm of purification. Within this new paradigm of purification there is no water crisis. There is merely the challenge of implementing the solution. Within this new paradigm of purification, there is no fear of degraded fresh water supplies. Utilizing the Perfect Science purification methodologies, persistent and toxic industrial and human wastes can now be easily destroyed, creating vast resources of readily available fresh drinking water across the globe. Utilizing the Perfect Science purification methodologies, industrial waste streams and urban sewage can now be completely neutralized before their discharge into the environment. This revolutionary process of neutralization will prevent recurrent degradation of purified drinking water supplies. Within the paradigm of purification there will be plentiful resources of fresh drinking water supplies of the 21st century. Perfect Science grants that, as stated in the aide memoir, the greatest challenge confronting the human family is the management of increasingly threatened water resources. Yet Perfect Science is here today to underscore the elimination of this threat. Perfect Science is making available to all nations cost-effective water purification methodologies that until now almost seemed impossible to consider. It is now within the grasp of all nations and their peoples to restore the ecological balance of planet Earth, swiftly and completely.

It is utmost importance for all attending this conference to know that the Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies have the capacity to not only purify all global drinking water supplies, but at the same time, these purification methodologies can be applied for restoration of polluted surface waters, polluted global soils and polluted global atmospheres. Destruction of toxins in surface waters will restore aquatic food chains across the globe. Destruction of toxins in polluted soils will restore agriculture bounty across the globe. As will be fully revealed, in Istanbul, at Habitat 11, Perfect Science has truly developed a comprehensive global program for stabilization of collapsing ecosystems.

Perfect Science is presently poised to assist all sovereign nations in developing the ways and means of removing industrial toxins from polluted drinking water supplies, surface waters, soils and atmospheres. This historic capability will transform the negative economic and social trends stemming from the present global toxicity crisis. The Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies now permit,for the first time in global industrial history, the development of such positive economic and social trends that the course of present human development will be changed forever. Perfect Science is here to inform all participants that all planetary ecosystems can be repaired without compromising continued industrial development. The Perfect Science Worldwide Environmental Purification Program reconciles the simultaneous demand of sustainable development with increasing industrial growth throughout developing nations.

Let us make a covenant, today, to bury the paradigm of pollution and poison, and, in unison, give birth to the new and exciting paradigm of purification, where the human condition is freed once and for all from the threat of global ecocide.

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
tel-phone 1-708-755-0850 or law office 1-815-723-2909
Copyright © 1999 T.Welch Perfect Science
Last modified: August 7, 1999-2007

Anonymous said...

By lowering the amount global warming pollution that is released into the atmosphere on a dily basis we are giving more time for individual species to evolve and adapt to better cope with the ever changing world and in the process are enhancing species richness and diversity.

Anonymous said...

The Bush administration has finally accepted (after much national and international pressure) the fact that global warming is a reality and a devastating threat to ALL life on our planet. But he has refused to to anything about it as yet, feeling that it would damage the national economy. Contrary to his contentions, many large corporations, both national and international, as well as many of our state governments, have decided to take action to start resolving the problem of global warming,as they see that it is in the best interest of business, the security of the country, and the well-being of the present population and future generations to do so.

Unknown said...

I agree with those who have said that stronger wording is needed, and also that some acknowledgement of the global nature of the challenge should be included. "Do what is right, not what is convenient" would be very appropriate, as well as some mention of "set an example" or "take the lead in a global effort."

And to those ("Jack") who have commented sarcastically here about putting the good of the planet ahead of our own: well, yes. Since we sort of need a planet that's in tolerably good shape in order to keep living at all, and they're in short supply, y'know?

Anonymous said...

What is learned, can be unlearned. We have been groomed to be materialistic consumers to support profits of capitalism. We can choose to live in balance and harmony with other people, other life forms and the planet. We can practice mindful stewardhip of the resources, living as an example. An organizing service would assist with educating and informing the public that this is an appealing, rewarding lifestyle. The Union of Concerned Scientists have ample documentaion that attempts to inform the public on multple environmental issues have been blocked by the current Presidential Administration. That causes me to wonder if the EPA is blocked or disempowered as well.

Anonymous said...

The dynamic that we have created whereas we treat each other conditionally, which is just another term for "Tit for Tat". When was the last time that we helped another without a chance or request of the same in return?
Isn't it time that we embrace each as our brothers and sisters: as kindred spirits and the love and respect for the world will follow. We have forgotten each other and our home.
It is about the intention of helping out every living thing that is around you-
My best Question:
How can I help, this minute?

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that many here have mentioned population as one of our major problems. In all the public discussions of global warming, pollution, decline of species, and other crisis we currently face, it is rarely mentioned as a contributing factor, but it's a huge one. I remember reading about ZPG (zero population growth) as a teen in the 60's. It made SO much sense to me then and we have added millions & millions more people since then. To promote ZPG they had done studies of the negative effects of overpopulation in rats. Very interestingly, many of the negative behavioral changes that were observed corollate directly to what seems like a general decline in the behavioral traits of mankind these days. As we all now know, earth is a small planet and getting "smaller" every day. Face it, if we were elk, man would have culled the herd long ago "for our own good".

Anonymous said...

first off - the next presidental candidate we want to win needs a stylist - Americans are mostly creatures of vanity - we won't vote for the best person if they don't look the part ( sad , but true - imagine if all gore had fixed his hair - we'd still have some money and we would have taken much greater steps to help the environment!

second - we need to stop letting insurance companies rule the country -
for instance - why don't we all pay for car insurance at the pump?
the more you drive, the worse mileage you get - the more you pay. No one driving will be an uninsured. If you want extra coverage I'm sure you could get it. - thats only one example

Perhaps we need to be just a bit more strict about our population explosion. Maybe higher taxes or fines for people with more than 4 kids - we have a finite number of resources and plenty of kids who need loving homes who don't have them.

I could probably write for hours on all that is wrong with this country, but this memorial day I plan to remember the good things about America and what other American have done to help the planet.

Please also remember & remind others why you love this country - We don't have to be the minority! show your pride by doing the right thing!
( i know if you are reading this blog , I'm preachin to the choir)

union yes!
recycle or die!
vive la resistance!

betho said...

The planet is going to survive no matter what we do. What is at stake are the ecosystems that sustain us. It's OUR survival that's in doubt - not the planet's - though I understand that "welfare of the planet" is a catchier phrase. As the environment degrades, the world's marginalized people will be the first to suffer. Many already are suffering. If the new patriotism only thinks about the planet and not about being a good citizen of the world community, then it's barely scratching the surface of what we need to survive in harmony in the difficult times of the 21st century. We need a shared commitment to the welfare of the planet that supports sustainable prosperity and health for all the peoples of the world. Read "Making Globalization Work" by Nobel prize winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz for practical ways to accomplish this.

judeedee said...

I love what people have said, some more than others. I agree that this Declaration should not try to sound "middle of the road" as it does in this draft. It is too easy to pass over, like some people I know will. People need direct hits, something they can personally relate to. As said in earlier posts, we live in a trendy, capitalist, apathetic society. we over-consume, and over-populate without thinking of the consequences. We think of ourselves and not other species. I believe that television programing should include more documentary, or based-on-fact programs Show more movies like "Blue Butterfly". So many people still live their lives without noticing, much less appreciating, all the natural wonders around them. Focus on the youth, hopefully they have not been indoctrinated with consumerism as much as their parents.
Also, people must learn that they are accountable for their actions; being complacent, and apathetic will directly harm their children, and themselves.
It is a big job, a huge change in the mindset of Americans. I also, believe that part of our Declaration should point to compassion and appreciation for people of different economical levels, religions, etc. Just last night on a cable news network, the host made a big deal out of "America is not known as a WHITE country anymore...!?"-when speaking about stiffer immigration laws. It made me cringe.
How can we come together as people, all as one, when there are so many that continue to divide us according to race--which is a man-made term and scientifically has no validity at all?
If E.O. Wilson can cross religious boundary's to unite people in the fight to save our earth and its species-all species--then we should be able to take the risks and reach out to people as simply, other people, not other races, religions, locales, etc.
Lastly, I agree that as Patriots, we have the responsibility to defend our rights by objecting to our goverment and the ones in power. It should be a crime to let them continue when we know they are decieving us and our children. They are the ones who will be left to clean up a monstrous mess! It may be unfixable if we continue as we are now. Also, I agree that our obligation is to all peoples across the planet. We can learn so much from indiginous peoples.
I say look to them, and to how nature works. Nature has a perfect system. It is only when man intervenes that cycles get broken and species are lost forever. The truth is, that if we ALL don't do something drasticly different Now, it will be humankinds extinction next.

Anonymous said...

In the declaration after each "global warming" insert "and toxic pollution"

Anonymous said...

There are only three things that are going to keep humans from screwing up this planet and then blaming everybody and everything else for the mess. First is the voluntary use of birth control by everybody and and the willingness to have two or less children. Second is the use of solar power. Our homes, mall parking lots and every other coverable space in this country should be covered with solar panels. In developing countries solar power should be the only system of power generation installed from now on. Third, is the determination and responsibility of all humans to follow the first two things so we can slowly reverse global warming.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Basic principles of repect for Mother Earth is a great place to begin. If you don't know what that means, find out, find a real dedicated Shaman to teach you. Try
Use the Secret principles daily and collectively. Put your energy into what you are for instead of against. You will get much faster results.
Use this forum to get collective agreement on this approach. The animal kingdom is smarter than a lot of humans. When the quality of living lowers the energy frequency of the masses, you really need to find new ways to get people's attention when they are rather asleep. So create positive wake calles and daily practical hapits to do this, start with free form writing to expose erroneous thinking patterns. When you actually get it in front of your eyes, you can SEE where you need to CHANGE.


Anonymous said...

A lot of efforts have been made by environmental organizations as well as some political leaders at state and local council levels, we all know the Federal government is hearing-impaired in this matter, but it is just a matter of time. We are winning the battle of environmental preservation and they are losing in the front line just as they face hard times in dealing with the Iraq war. But one other major concern is at stake: Global warming is "global" so as we finght to advance nationally, it will be a great mistake to ignore poor countries of the world. The US as a leading nation (not leading government) should this time around lead the war on Global warming. The topical forest in Africa and the Amazonian forest are in great danger of massive deforestation; remember, with no trees there will be no oxygen to breath. So reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a superb thing but concentrating in preserving these two massive forest zones will be extraordinary.

Anonymous said...

Genetic footprints are powerful. In reading the words of Bobby Kennedy, Junior, his thoughts express my own. The current administration has collapsed the efforts of generations before in conterevolutionizing our efforts.
Big business, and its cronies, have no place in government. If and by and for the people? Which people? Whose people? What country? What planet? Whose world? Not mine. Not ours. Only theirs.

Anonymous said...

Today, we recognize that patriotism is not only about love of country. It is also about a shared commitment to the welfare of our planet.
I added...
We are truly citizens of the world.

Li said...

Be a your own SPECIES- the HUMAN race.

We have evolved beyond the need for war..why not profit from a greener future instead of a decaying past?

A species that proves itself unworthy of existence through constant DESTRUCTION will be a species that does not last long.

Why not say 'yes' to our future?

Dont look to the next paycheck, look to the next generation:
INVEST in OUR future, and you will HAVE a future.

thank you

Anonymous said...

The past does not equal the future, unless we live there. We have the power, now, to declare a new beginning, a new future. And even though we may have differences with each other, we are all human and we all share one planet. We must step up both for ourselves today and for generations on into the future. Thank you for reading this. Step Up Now.

Anonymous said...

Our purpose is to leave the planet in a better place than it was when we arrived, whether that means picking up litter after a picnic or reducing our individual and group impact on pollution caused by our livestyles. A true Patriot cares for people, animals, plants and all life.

Anonymous said...

Hooray PWC! Very well said, and I'm in complete agreement:
pwc said...
While global warming may be one of the largest threats facing humanity, I feel that this declaration should view carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions as part of the larger problem of overall pollution.

Americans are responsible not only for the majority of carbon emissions but of other pollutants as well: solid waste, toxic components from discarded or otherwise unreclaimed electronics, industrial agricultural runoff destroying fisheries in the Chesapeake and Gulf of Mexico, to name a few.

Changing America's habits, and the world's, must include the idea that we must all reduce our entire global pollution footprint, not just carbon, and realize that our own health depends upon the overall health of our world, and of all the ecosystems and life on it.

And, no, its not 'too big' an idea. Big ideas are the only thing that will save us from an unpleasant future.

5/18/07 11:40 AM

Anonymous said...

I have just asked my congressmen to make the pro-life choice and move toward the protection of the right of all life on earth to clean soil, water and air.

Anonymous said...

A first essential step is for the US government to halt subsidies that we now pay major oil companies, mining companies and timber companies to promote their removal of our resources. By giving them hundreds of millions of dollars we promote extravagance and accelerate the production of greenhouse gases.

Anonymous said...

The American Dream -- including the ideas of Manifest Destiny, profit without consequence, the individual over social conscience, the immigrant dream of no limitation (of class or resouces), and finally Just Go For It because there are no limits -- needs to be re-examined and redrawn. We live in a different time than when our first declaration was written. We also live on a smaller (now heavily populated) planet. Like the sytems of Gaia herself, we are dependent on others for our continued existence. 'Others' include the trees and animals and bacteria of our planet. Where one falls, so do we all. A good way to begin, I think would be to apologize to the First People who were already (and are still living)here in this country when America began. Let's include those whom we excluded. And I do not say this lightly: I am a direct descendent of settlers who landed at Plymouth and Jamestown both. They foresaw this crisis (see the words of Chief Seattle). Let's say: You were right.

L. Berentsen said...

Ideas to draft a declaration...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath sewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

We the citizens have a right, duty and responsibility, as compatriots of our nation, to be knowledgeable guardians (caretakers) of democracy on all fronts: that of human rights, i.e., our "inalienable rights" of freedom, to include speech, religion, and to assemble and address our government when we believe our way of life, our rights and our duties as patriots are threatened; environmental concerns, i.e., preservation of our earth and our wildlife, for now and for future generations. As fellow citizens we have the right and the duty to live responsibly with our fellow beings, in our actions and in expressing our freedoms and to live tolerably beside our fellow citizens regardless of race or religion. We are also bound as knowledgeable, moral and ethical human beings to carry the responsibility and burden of guardianship of our environment, inclusive of nature and all wildlife as we are intricately bound with and dependent upon each aspect of our earth, and the preservation of our planet, regardless of any threats to the same.

A final note: I don't think order of consumer or citizen is of ominous concern. I can agree with the consumer going before the citizen. Yes, we are citizens first, but to take on the action of petitioning our congressmen and congresswomen (is absolutely necessary, and our duty to do so) is to get them to take action. Consumers consume, and by changing our consuming habits we are taking direct action.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel

Anonymous said...

I agree with most all the thoughtful comments posted, but am surprised most people choose not to address the most critical factor facing mankind in the future - population growth. If no consensus is found to resolve this, the planet will adapt to our over consumption of resources with the usual solutions: war, plague, and famine.

Anonymous said...

To be a patriot is not to act selfishly in decision making but by making important decisions on important issues such as global warming which affects all people.

Anonymous said...

I took an objective look at the declaration - I think it needs some key words that will rally everyone, not just the people who already agree with this stance. I think it needs words that will give pause to those who generally wave flags and think they are die-hard patriots. The word that comes to mind is PRIDE. We want to create a nation that we can be proud of - a nation that other nations look to as a model. A suggestion for the second and third paragraphs - hopefully someone can take it from here:

"Today, we recognize that patriotism goes beyond love of country. It is about a sense of pride in our nation so deep that it moves us to be concerned about our impact as a people on every living thing within our borders and beyond. It moves us to care about our responsibility for the welfare of our planet.

"Future generations will judge us based on our success or failure to be good stewards of the Earth. We owe our children and our children’s children nothing less than our very best effort, an effort we can be proud of."

I agree with others that the bullets also need to be stronger - less bland, and more of a rallying tone.

Anonymous said...

We all live on the same planet, there is only one. We must care for it as we care for and love our children. We must all do whatever we can to make this planet healthy for our future generations. Each of us must recycle, buy environmentally friendly products, eat organic, drive less, buy hybrid autos the next time we buy a car, take care of the animals that are endangered and write our Congress people and tell them we want better laws to protect our environment.

Anonymous said...

I have trouble with the use of the word "patriotism." I don't think it serves your purpose. By it's very definition, it means love of one's country, and does not encompass "having a shared commitment to the welfare of our planet." (However much we may think it desirable for people to care about the world as a whole.) The only way that "patriotism" itself leads to this shared commitment is through enlightened self interest: the realization that to preserve the country you love, you must ensure the welfare of the planet as a whole.

Anonymous said...

As "patriots", we owe an allegiance to the land, not to a governmental body. Our responsiblity should be, first and foremost, to preserve what remains.

Anonymous said...

Ok this needs A LOT of work. we need to add the four w's, who, what where, and when and add how and why. we need to say what WE people can do. Like change lightbulbs to the new save energy. Limit use of motorcycles and junk exhaust into the air. also if we lower our smoking problems that could save alot too!
it would help get people to sign it.

Anonymous said...

To be a patriot means to love this land. To love it means to repair what we can and preserve all we can. It means to care about the next 7 generations of Americans and to try to leave them a green and growing land full of a vast variety of life.

Anonymous said...

Just as some people go to churches to capture joy, our struggle to get/keep Earth healthy gives us joy, today. This is not primarily about future generations. It's about finding that joy today, dealing with our agony at watching big money turn Earth to crap.

Anonymous said...

Add as part of preamble: "Mindful in our pursuit of happiness, which relies on the health of our biosphere, and committed to our sacred duty to all life forms,"...

Anonymous said...


ethanthom said...

As Nancy said I too am worried about the bees.It's is a indicator we are doing something very harmful.The decline in the Frog population is another. Our leaders in Washington need to sit up and take notice.We as citizens need to take action. Ethanthom

Anonymous said...

If we don't protect our natural world, we are killing the spirit of the planet.

Anonymous said...

This is what I think

1. We need to take responsability for our own past mistakes (which a lot of us have made) and change our habits

2.Next is odvious but recycle it may not be perfect but it helps

3.Educate not only Children but adults as well on the fact that we are draining the planet of it's natural resources, and hurting it with our actions

4.Stop over fishing, the use of nets on a scale of which we use them is depleting our number of fish.Not to mention all the other animals that get caught and die in it only to be thrown back.

5.Again a no brainer but in addition to hybrid cars, carpool. You can even take the bus.Check to see if your public transportation uses fuel efficent green buses and trains.If not let your thoughts be known to those in charge that they should.If can just walk to where you need to go.

6.Police your goverment.There are so many groups out there who will do alot of the work for you if you don't have time for the grudge work.This is the age of information so seek out knowledge and become informed

7.Respect each other. It's not a odvious effect on the enviroment. However the way we treat each other will make people more prone to listen to our ideas.Some people at least.

8.Give animals the respect they deserve.Make it a greater crime to hurt them, not a slap on the wrist 3 years (which is common in my state).Respect the endangered species act, it's there for a reason.All pet stores that sell dogs and cats should be closed. Possibly other creatures too but I don't know much about those (birds, reptiles, etc).

9.Recycle your batteries, and computer parts as well as plastic bottles,paper, and cans.The centers are sometimes hard to find but if we do it more they might increase in number

10.Lastly don't be afraid to help if you can.If you see a problem and you can fix it (or even just help others fix) go for it.If all the people who almost did something actually did it we would be better off.If you step up you may inspire someone else to do it also.

If the world we lived in did these things I would be extremly proud of it. The fact that I have seen so many suggestions proves that we are thinking, and people do help.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is no doubt a serious threat to many species of animals and plants that may one day threaten human existance as well. Many organizations have already taken the first steps in solving this crisis, and that is making people aware. Educating them of the causes, long term effects, and what can be done about it.
The next step is swaying poloticains into doing something about it. The only way to slove a world crisis is if the world does something about it, not just Greenland. America is by far the worst contributer towards global warming and all Bush has done is complain about funding for the war in Iraq. poloticians will play a huge role in this because they control the money and where it goes. The money needs to be spent on seqestration and renewable sources.
We need a new government, one that is dedicated towards the advancement of life, not making a profit.
I am almost ashamed of being an American.

Anonymous said...

I propose a new long term plan for America that's simple and will put us back on top as a nation. It should be a total dedication to energy conservation that should be inclusive of energy research, better insulated homes to reduce energy use, more fuel efficient vehicles to reduce CO2 and usage, and more. Everything should be geared towards using current and future knowledge to create the best energy savings products and technology the world can produce. We win on all accounts..we become the leader..we sell more products for conservation to all our neighbors..and we conserve at home..saving resources and reducing costs and greenhouse gases. Simple, easy to do and with real goals.

Anonymous said...

There is no single or limited number of magic bullet(s) that will be needed to shoot the problem of global warming down. It will take enormous revision of building codes to encourage truly green construction and greatly improved transportation efficiencies. It will take massive and rapid development of all possible alternative energy sources and modes of energy generation. The most important issue is to get started soon and on a massive scale in order to try to prevent catastrophe in the longer term. Time is awasting!

Dreamspeaking said...

We were all designed to be resolutionaries functioning as change agents. The priority is to develope solutions and answers to environmental problems through new technological break-throughs that protect the health of citizens and insure the quality of the eco-sysems.

S.I. or synergistic intelligence is essential to make this ideal a reality....and a group brain mode of synthesizing experimental open minds.
I demonstarted this by coming up with an energy solution to develope sub-stations off both coast's that will combine wind-generation, solar power, and harness the tidal currents and wave generation. Jobs would be created to build, maintain, and operate these sub-stations off the coast. The extra energy could be sold to Calif + NY (high consumption states) The govenor and oregon dept. of energy acknowledged this as "indeed a positive solution". The wave-studies dept at OSU never followed gthrough on the R+D from the concept!

Anonymous said...

A very big problem is that everyone wants to live and spend money like Americans. Third world countries want to develope theri economies to upgrade their life styles. Today with over 6.5 billion people, scientists estimate we need three worlds to sustain that amount of people and keep a variety of ecosystems. How many worlds will we need in 2050 when close to 10 billion people exist?

Anonymous said...

time is wasting.

valerieblogger said...

I am concerned about the people, animals, plants and homes in this world because of global warming. I would like global warming to be stopped. Can you do something about the greenhouse affects to prevent global warming? Thank you very much for doing this.

valerieblogger said...

Global warming is my biggest concern. It's all in reference to the people, animals, plants, and crops and water. I would like Global warming to be stopped, because we certainly do not want to die yet.

Anonymous said...

Being a patriot means protecting this fragile planet that supports us.The planet can do without humans but we cannot do without it!
The EPA needs to be reminded that it is an enviormental protection agency, not a industry protection agency.They need to do the job that they are getting paid to do!!

Suzanna said...

English should be declared the official language of the USA. They make the children in grade school here, learn Spanish. This pisses me off !

Little Nick said...

It would be to everyones advantage to learn more by taking the following test

Anonymous said...

Joy Mistovich Boardman, Ohio
Global warming is not only an important aspect for our nation but for the world as well. It is our duty to protect this Eatth because we only have one chance, not ten thousand. This issue should be stressed not only to American citizens, but to all of the nations of the world. This Declaration should strive for IMMEDIATE action, not something that will take place in another 20 years. We ony have 10 more years to try and stop global warming before it becomes imposssible. This is definitly a political issue as well as a feeling of patriotism. Every Amerucan should take this idea seriousky and sign this petition. This Earth is our one and only home. If we don't stop global warming, everyone will die. Global warming is a chain reaction. We should take care of this Earth that has been given to us. I am a huge supporter of everything that deals with the enviornment. In the coming months, I wish to develop a global warming charity nationwide and around the world. A voice is calling out to us for help, and we must obey the plea. We are humans of this Earth, but we must be saviors of this Earth. Everyone must follow the call. Stop global warming!!!

Michael Worth Peak said...

I would like to note that the specific problem is a a huge increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. While there is little doubt it is currently causing global warming and worse, the real point is there is little doubt we could hit a tipping point at any time. However, we do NOT know exactly what problems will result from reaching a tipping point. We do not know if passing a tipping point will make us too hot, too cold, too wet, or too dry at any specific place. A wide range of disastrous changes could result.

So how about if we do something about Global Climate Change and defuse all the Oil Industry apologists who want to argue Global Warming is uncertain?

Eliminate the semantics and start solving the problems.

I am a Patriot who wants to stop polluting America, I am a Patriot who wants to be certain climate change does not ruin America, I am a Patriot who wants to stop financing terrorists with American energy usage, and I am a Patriot who wants more money to stay in the pockets of the rest of My Fellow Americans instead of in the pockets of the Oil Company Equity Holders.

Oil should be saved and protected for use as fertilizer for our Great American Breadbasket and not burned into our air by our Automobiles.

Stop Using Oil as Transportation, and Not Someday: Stop Right Now.

No New Gasoline Cars. We should go all Diesel, Hybrid, Electric, Methane, any alternative to gasoline, and do it right now.

One last note: Ethanol from Corn is NOT an answer.

No More Oil, Now.

Maggie said...

I can't believe one of the local newspapers printed headlines that read "Take Your Pick: Environmental or Economic Disaster?" Well in my opinion if we don't do something about the environment we won't have to worry about the economics. We have to do something now and quick to protect our wildlife and our ecosystem or our planet will no longer be around as we know it. Has anyone seen the movie Waterworld?

Anonymous said...

Humans ought to act as memebers of ecological communities and not tyrants of it.

Maggie said...

I can't believe one of the local newspapers printed headlines that read "Take Your Pick: Environmental or Economic Disaster?" Well in my opinion if we don't do something about the environment we won't have to worry about the economics. We have to do something now and quick to protect our wildlife and our ecosystem or our planet will no longer be around as we know it. Has anyone seen the movie Waterworld?

Anonymous said...

I think what should be added are signatures that every person on this planet should take the pledge to recycle, reduce their carbon emmissions, plant trees, plant a garden, say no to plastic bags and have business of all types pledge to never carry or use plastic bags or give to consumers ever again, along with other planet saving ideas and measures.

Anonymous said...

Humans ought to act as memebers of ecological communities and not tyrants of it.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe one of the local newspapers printed headlines that read "Take Your Pick: Environmental or Economic Disaster?" Well in my opinion if we don't do something about the environment we won't have to worry about the economics. We have to do something now and quick to protect our wildlife and our ecosystem or our planet will no longer be around as we know it. Has anyone seen the movie Waterworld?

Anonymous said...

Humans need to get over the idea that we are the "Web of Life". We are only one strand of the Web. When we cause other strands to be destroyed, we are endangering our own species. Exactly where the 'point of no return" lies, no Human knows... but the point does exist.

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is the result of increased solar activity and Human activity has little if any direct effect. This is becoming more evident daily and is being under reported by most of the environmental activists.

Ginny Hawes said...

Make learning communication skills a global priority. We are immediately sidetracked by the blame game.
Illustrate what it is to be responsible to each other. Support that illustration with warnings of the folly of martyrdom and the holier than thou attitude.
Don't give in to fear and hysterics. There is hope.
Act without anger or pessimism. Recognize what changes you can make in your life, make them and share those changes with others. That includes your local newspaper. This WILL encourage your community.
We are simple creatures and we follow leaders wherever they are. As soon as the signs are out there that it's OK to act this way and it's not going to be socially embarrassing then we will see an enormous wave of change. The rest of the world WILL follow. Help the "normal people" to find a way to be different and still be "normal".
This is our ultimate challenge, to be good to each other.
Next and always,
Fill your mind to capacity with information and talk about it. Come up with ideas. This is how we won WWII. This is how we survived as a species and this is how we will prevail.
REDUCE: Do I need it or do I just want it and where do I draw the line on self-gratification?
REUSE: Be creative with this one.
RECYCLE: Very mundane, yes, but again, we did it during WWII with passion.
RELEARN: Take on new habits and we will create a true new order.

Anonymous said...

Ensure that the energy choices we make today do not become the responsibility of future generations -- especially do not allow today's generations to impose the financial, environmental and health burdens of nuclear energy on future generations for our convenience. That should be illegal.

We should take responsibility for cleaning up our ancestor's messes rather than pass them on to future generations.

A decision to build a gas or coal plant will be with us for at least 50 years. Chose now for what we want in the future. Choose renewables now.

Eliminate all supports for nuclear energy that aren't available to renewable energy -- including limitations of liability, fast-track permitting, R&D funding, waste disposal, tax benefits, etc.

Ban construction of coal and natural gas plants until all reasonably economic renewable resources have been developed as is possible.

Protect the viability of seed crops and protect them from genetically engineered crops.

Label all foods as irradiated that have been irradiated.

Anonymous said...

This country was founded on principles of freedom from tyranny, yet today we are in another type of bondage: dependence on foreign oil. As long as we rely on other countries (some of which support terrorism) to support our wasteful lifestyles, we have surrendered part of our heritage of freedom and self-reliance.
The great Americans before me sacrificed a lot in WWII to do great things for the world. I believe we can do something like that again. If we can all pull together we can break our addiction to foreign oil. After the Arab oil embargo in the early ‘70s we were importing 30% of our oil, now today 37 years latter, it is closer to 70%. On the evening news on May 2nd I heard we are using 9 millon gal. of gasoline a day! America has the worst fuel economy vehicles on the road today compared to the other big countries including China. Toyota is making a minivan for their domestic market that gets 35 mpg. American can demand better gas economy.

Anonymous said...

We have all been subject to hiding behind an apathetic mindset from an overload of the world situation - Sept 11, the Iraq war and the Middle East situation, Global Warming, etc.

We need to call up some passion as a nation to effect global change!
I would like to see more passion in your "Declaration of the New Patriotism"

Another idea: a "global" flag symbolizing our "Patriotic Campaign Against Global Warming" that we can fly to show our passion for this issue.

Unknown said...

There should be a pledge to become and/or remain Vegan. Considering all the harm that a meat filled diet causes to the environment, you can't be both an environmentalist and a nonvegan.

Anonymous said...

Be a leader, not a follower. Do the right thing even when no one else will.

Anonymous said...

I remember back in the day, 70's, when gas mileage was a very big deal and cars were getting 50 or more mpg. Alot of people worked very hard to educate this nation. Now those same people are the ones driving SUV's and ignoring the entire issue. What happened to us?

Anonymous said...

*Trade your gas-guzzler for a more efficient,hybrid, or alternatively fueled vehicle.
*Combine shopping trips and plan the route efficiently.
*Shut off the engine instead of idling, wasting fuel and polluting the air.
*Keep your tires inflated properly and your vehicle well maintained.
*Time your speed to coincide with traffic lights, you'll save time as well as gas!
*Take public transportation or car pool whenever you can.
Remember,"Ego trips" waste fuel...

Anonymous said...

Patrioism is to love your country.It is to help it represent all its organisms[yes we are] and to live in balance with the planet and the other inhabitants. We must respect differences and recognize them for what they are;a contribution to the rich heritage of this planet.

Unknown said...

You know, most people these days only care about themselves. Even my friends, they dont even care about their future kids. "By the time it really hits us i will be long gone," one of my friends said. But guess what, it already is effecting us. We need to get the word out and turn this world around.I mean HELLO!!! ;(

Anonymous said...

Think before you spend: How will what I buy effect my loved ones, my neighbors and all members of the human family ? For daily needs, try to consume less and more responsibly. Whether investing in 401 K's or other types of long-term savings or pension plans, insist that your money goes to companies that respect human rights and the environment. Do not do unto others what you would not have others do unto you.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with your draft, but it's tone only speaks to people who already support the environment. The educated left. Me. You need to reach out to the Average Joe's of the world. Without them, we're finished! Appeal to their interests (Hunting, fishing, outdoor wildlife. Use words like conservation, and wilderness. Put on a red flannel, pick up a rifle, and start writing.) Make them feel included in all this. They play a way bigger role than you think. Tell them that. Make em feel important. These people love the environment, and are incredibly smart and reasonable. Even more so than the educated elite. But you can't take the standard liberal line of science and animal rights. You have to make it so cool for them to support the environment, that not only will they be unashamed to tell their friends, but they will brag about it to them! They don't care about the spotted owl, or subversive words like ,"movement," or Oil company bashing. If you are going to bash a company, first insult unfair wages, and unsafe work environment before you plunge into the loss of their hunting grounds to industry. If you even slightly resemble a liberal Democrat, you've lost them. This is very important and not too difficult. It's market research pure and simple. Regualr guys will listen to arguments concerning gas prices, ANY encroachment on their hunting and fishing, Fat cat CEO's and bonuses. They love the American Farmer and Cowboys (words like agriculture and cattle.) Bring in NRA members and famous "sportsmen." Use country music, and country singers to spread the message. What about major sports figures. Forget Gweneth Paltrow. Average guys think she's a Brit. How about beer! Beer comes from crystal clear water from the big manly Rockies. Nothing, even global warming, can get in the way of men and their beer. I hope you are seeing a trend in all this, and that the possibilities are endless. You need to welcome EVERYBODY on board this train. On THEIR terms! If you do that one simple thing, you can do anything!!!

Anonymous said...

We need to be active consumers and force the automobile makers, energy companies and other polluters to change their policies to environmentally friendly policies by the actions of our dollars. Corporations will only change when the consumers demand it of them through dollars spent.

Anonymous said...

The DOE has established a huge feeding trough full of Other Peoples Money, (OPM) pronounced opium, to which they are fully addicted. There are practical alternative paths to hot fusion involving Boron 11 +H and there is even progress being made in alternative LENR reactors. Yes try as they did they did not completely kill the misnamed “Cold Fusion” technology. I say misnamed because the physics underlying it is nearly described in a paper at and fully described in patent application publishing on June 29th 2007, U.S. Patent Application No. 11/617,632. I quit my day job in 2005 to start a company that will license the IP to build products and produce products that will use what we call Quantum Fusion. We already have devices; yes multiple repeatable devices, that work reliably in an open container. Finding a professional investor who can and actually will invest with a reasonable valuation for our company has yet to happen. Several have told us we should take it to DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). The fact is that I have taken it to this point entirely out of my IRA account but the next step is to put it under pressure in a closed system. I will not do this in my house and I really need to break the rest of my team out of their day jobs and work on this full time. An investment of $500K would put us in a lab and cover the equipment and operating expenses to the point of having good calorimeter data. A calorimeter provides quantitative data and will allow the development of the code required to extract useful energy from the device. It is not possible to get quantitative data out of an open system, which is what we have now. An investment of $500K will also result in a solid start on a closed loop system able to power not only the reactor, but also something else. Also having solid quantitative data will make it much easer to bring in additional money for the first product offering. If you are a qualified investor feel free to reply to this post. I do collect the mail from the given address once in a while.
In the mean time we are working on spinning out a piece of IP I developed building the open container devices. It reduces the switching loss of electronic switches like IGBT’s and MOSFET’s by almost an order of magnitude and allows higher frequency operation to reduce the mass of down stream magnetics and increasing the overall system efficiency. If this is how I end up funding the Quantum Fusion reactor it will add years to the wide spread adoption of a technology that can quickly cause a dramatic reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels but it will still happen.

Patricia said...

The automobile air conditioner must create and/or increase toxins in the air. We would use it much less if cars still had vent windows. Vehicles now have large windows and the choice is to be blasted by air with the window down and forego conversation or the radio or keep the windows up and use the a/c.
I would like to see automobile manufacturers go back to installing vent windows that allow one to determine the amount of air and to direct the flow.

Unknown said...

The second draft should include a statement that demonstrates our desire for American patriotism transcending across geographical and national boundaries. The statement should read in effect as followa:
We , the people of the United States, are dedicated to maintaining a harmonious balance between sound economic development and protection of the global environment. The first step should be for our country to become an official signatory of the Kiyoto Treaty. The second step should be for a transfer of federal financial poicies from military-industrial to eco-innovative. As we lose our automobile prowess, we could become premier in new anti-global warming technologies. Without that transfer, we will all become "history" all too soon.

Anonymous said...

I am very frustrated that no one seems to be addressing the obvious, we need to stop population growth. More people tax limited resources! It seems like everyone romances the idea of parenthood, grandchildren, etc. without thinking about the kind of future we are creating everytime another one born. Lets get some education about birth control out to the poor and illiterate.
Another idiot trend is the giant houses being constructed. We have to cut that nonsense out. How about placing a solar array on a sensible house instead of adding another story and three aircondtioning units? We are heading for an era of very expensive energy and big wasteful housing makes no sense. We are destroying smaller more efficient homes in the process.
Do people in Hummers realize how stupid and shallow they look? And what is with these stupid shows on television where 'dudes' take an old car that the owner can't afford to fix up and they turn it into a chromed, monster stereo weilding, 500 horsepower gas eating monster that the owner can't afford to drive? We need to broadcast the documentary 'Crude Awakening' in place of these teenage fantasy hotrod shows.
Wake up America, the illusion of cheap oil is at it's end and people are dying trying to prolong the myth.

solarman said...

its time to stop talking about changing the way we generate our electricty and start doing it....
i'm building the homes of the future intire subdivisions of
co-generating homes

Anonymous said...

If we don't control U. S and world population; all else is a bandaid on a severed head.

Moonwindow said...

First, please eschew the negatory. Start by telling what patriotism is, NOT what it's not. "Patriotism is about more than..." would serve well.
For me, patriotism starts with a word unfortunately appropriated by chauvinists: fatherland. It's close to the eastern European word "landsman" as well: people from the same roots.
Patriotic roots come from soil, from earth, the mother/father of us all, from whom we've become disconnected. About the most patriotic thing we can do: grow our own food. About the least: burn fossil fuels or eat foods from afar.
Patriotism is much more about family, neighborhood, community to me than nation and flag. My patriotism does NOT pledge allegiance; that's what slaves are forced to do. The land of the brave and the free, the amber waves of grain and purple mountains, stir my patriotism. Flag draped coffins and row on row of crosses is unpatriotic.
The problem with Uhmerkin (used to be American, but let's be fair; that's two whole continents!) Patriotism as widely practiced is its disconnect from our whole system, the Earth: the notion that if we don't shop, the terrorists win; the fantasy that with enough bombs we can go it alone. It's increasingly difficult for me to discriminate between the terrorists and the jingoists who chant about homeland security.
That's another stolen idea: homeland. I am patriotic, proud, and devoted to my home, the land around it, the soil under it, the sea on my horizon, and all creatures therein and hereon. Patriotism first takes care of the welfare and future of all creatures right around the globe. We're all in this together, and we are each only as well off as the least of our brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

Begin with a preamble that is reminiscent of the famous one to the Declaration of Independence, something like:

We the people of the United States, in order to help form a more healthy world, . . .

Anonymous said...

Oppose nuclear power because of its very serious and very long-term hazards.

Anonymous said...

Lets stop beating around the bush-GET RID OF BUSH!!! We need a strong presidential leader who will stop all this nonsense about "gradually incorporating these new energy ideals". We need action NOW! Why don't we take responsibility for the mistakes we as a country and as a planet have made and make some real effort to change? That's what we really need, and that's what a true patriot would do- change.

Anonymous said...

Thomas Jefferson wrote that "All men are created equal..." I take this statement to mean what it says, and as such, our patriotism must transcend our national borders, to include the entire planet that all of us call home. It is in the interest of each of us to care about what happens to ALL of us.

Anonymous said...

President Truman was a great President and a great men. At the time he was put down for been the worst president. President Bush should be threw out of office. There will be no country left After he out of office.

The gas prices are too much. People met go back horse and carriage.

Anonymous said...

I think this whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. People are too ignorant to look at the evidence of global warming. If we don't do something about this problem now, our children and our grand children and our great-grandchildren will all suffer from our stupidity. We can't wait 10 years to do something about climate change; we have to start acting NOW. So if you're reading this, please do anything you can to help reduce your negative impact on the environment. Even taken cooler showers and turning off appliances when they aren't in use can help. Global warming is scary, but we can all get through it together.

Unknown said...

I think it is important to add to the first bullet that we also need to make corporations aware that, when given a choice as consumers, we will only support those that are operating with future generations in mind, ie. sustainability in farming, minimized and recyclable/compostable packaging, use of recycled materials, support of local (or at the very least, in-country!) manufacturing. And let's teach our children that consumerism does NOT equal happiness. He with the most toys only ends up missing out on the simple, and most important, things in life.

Anonymous said...

We are the environment!!
We should take a holistic approach to Climate Change.

Global Warming is an angry face of Mother Nature.
Do not fight Global Warming but tame it.
Do not fight your mom but embrace her.

First and foremost, beat traffic congestsion worldwide.
Otherwise,it will eat up the energy-saving endeavors,
inclusive of green tech and other energy conservation solutions.
Traffic congestion is more devastating than all the world wars combined.
All the ancient and modern wars are intrinsically transient.
Traffic congestion is forever and growing worse rapidly.
Traffic congestion is the biggest CO2 sinks.
Traffic congestion is the head of the coin and climate change is its tail.

Democratize the environment-friendly Mass Transit system
Do not dump Haves' CO2 emission on Have-nots.
USA is the world's No.1 vehicle CO2 emitter, consequently wreaking havoc on poorest countries.
Make sure anthropogenic climate change should not be political agenda, but be bottom-up grassroots campaign issue.

L. Berentsen said...

Please excuse my error on my previous post - I qouted the first part of our Declaration of Independence, and put it in quotation marks, but failed to cite it as such. I placed it here for inspiration and guidance for everyone including myself.

Anonymous said...

We are the environment!!
We should take a holistic approach to Climate Change.

Global Warming is an angry face of Mother Nature.
Do not fight Global Warming but tame it.
Do not fight your mom but embrace her.

First and foremost, beat traffic congestsion worldwide.
Otherwise,it will eat up the energy-saving endeavors,
inclusive of green tech and other energy conservation solutions.
Traffic congestion is more devastating than all the world wars combined.
All the ancient and modern wars are intrinsically transient.
Traffic congestion is forever and growing worse rapidly.
Traffic congestion is the biggest CO2 sinks.
Traffic congestion is the head of the coin and climate change is its tail.

Democratize the environment-friendly Mass Transit system
Do not dump Haves' CO2 emission on Have-nots.
USA is the world's No.1 vehicle CO2 emitter, consequently wreaking havoc on poorest countries.
Make sure anthropogenic climate change should not be political agenda, but be bottom-up grassroots campaign issue.

Unknown said...

I've already entered this comment,k but it's disappeared.
I suggested that all the conservation organizations team up to create three different plans of participation by which individuals and/or households can reduce global warming and restore the environment. Plan I would be easiest, plan III the most difficult. We would all know what each plan involved and what sacrifices each entailed. It would be up to each individual or family to acknowledge which plan
was being followed, to stick to it, and to persuade others to follow suit.

HJ said...

Before you endorse this New Patriotism. You would do well if you did a net search using the words, New World Order (NWO) and also Rothschild's. Then go to the website, The Lawful Path, an American police network, that explains this neferous (NWO) order.

HJ said...

Before you endorse this New Patriotism. You would do well if you did a net search using the words, New World Order (NWO) and also Rothschild's. Then go to the website, The Lawful Path, an American police network, that explains this neferous (NWO) order

Neo said...

Jan. 7, 2007 When Does It end?

When does The Government of These United States of America cease to be a Constitutional Body of Elected Leaders “Of the People”, “By the People”, and “For the People”? Did the Government ask The American People if War with Iraq was an appropriate action forrr,for what exactly? I'm still trying to Pull up the exact Reason. Now I remember ; We Were Lied To ! And finally, were we told The Truth , as to why War was Neccesary Immediately ? No is the answer and if you knew that give yourself an atta boy !

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."
George Orwell

When does it end? How does it end! I Know here; Reminds me of "1984", Written by George Orwell , One of the Worlds notable Intellectual , Academic and Author ; who still lives on with his spirit of Intellectual Freedom, Free Thinking , and the ability to forecast into the future. The Prophetic Novel was one of the ingredients for a Grassroots , coast to coast Awareness that spawned a Peace movement during "The Vietnam War" Era. "The Police State that followed became the Dark Guardians of 100s’of Peaceful demonstrations in major Cities and College Campuses all over these [United States of America]; our America. The National Guard at Kent State were Called In to Control The Crowds of students and Peaceful Demonstraters. Four Students were Shot Dead When The same National guard open fired on a retreating crowd! That’s A Terrifying Prospect for any American Born or State” Naturalized Citizen joining a peaceful demonstration to "Exercise Our Right To Protest" ! Do you think William Penn said, “Those who are not governed by GOD will be ruled by Tyrants”, without considerable deliberation? In addition, why would Our Four Fathers Believe adamantly regarding “The Protection of Individuals Inalienable Rights and Liberties" ?

Why did our Four Fathers commit to all of The Debates, Discussions and Arguments? Hours on end, Their Voices Rang Out with Passion and Conviction.The results of which would Determine The Completion of Our Constitution, Bill of Rights and A United Voice both Adamant and Just.That Single Voice that Spoke for All, would Tell our Oppressors and deliver to them Our Declaration of Independence and would be Absolutely Imperative “In Order to Form a More Perfect Union " !

"Our Patriots will not be spied on.” Let us not mince words. What this Government is doing breeds Mistrust by it's Own People in their Leadership. This then becomes a passionate collective feeling of The Americans Public. Spying by definition is, “The surveillance of people and/or person/s in such a manner as not to be detected. Several Intelligence Agencies of the Federal Government have been Spying on American individuals without showing “Probable Cause” and are actively doing their patriotic duty. That is not to say that there are not Americans who may be tied to another person/s who have ties to “A Terrorist Threat”! This type of intelligence gathering has wide parameters enabling “Good Old Fashion Spying “on random or targeted innocent Americans. That one act breaks a number of federal laws that protects Americans’ rights as stated so clearly and detailed in “ Our Constitution “ This is just another example of the Erosion of Civil Liberties.

Only Our Lord and Father in Heaven Are Almighty in this area. I do not think, “The One Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken or Known “would like anyone interfering in this Domain. However, that is my belief; in other words you can be an Atheist or Agnostic and still be made to feel the betrayal that most “True Patriots or American Citizens Feel”!

I Wish You All Well, Neo

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of Al Gore but I wish he would move into a smaller house in Tenn. Why not build a house with ever conceivable green idea that is available. Make a statement. He gets too much criticism ,right or wrong, about his current house.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is the effect of excess consumption and the overall environment and the future of industrial society will suffer through excess consumption of things that attempt to reduce global warming if that consumption is not constrained as well. For example, mining of uranium sufficient to use as once through fuel for fission reactors to replace coal fired power plants, using all available nickel to make NiMH batteries, using all available silver in fabrication of PV cells, intensive use of all available farm land in an effort to make more bio-fuel. Success requires reorganization and redesign to reduce consumption in most if not all areas.

INC2006_JordanGuy said...

Patriotism is not about dying for ones country, supporting it, or defendingit. It's about a dedication to act on behalf, and in the best interest of not ourselves nor others in this country and world, but on behlaf and in the best interest of generations yet unborn, and here and now, in today's world, as we face challenges ranging from World Wars, to Corruption, to Global Warming and Pollution, Patriotism is for some and should for all be a concept of relation to the world as a whole rather than ones small share of it.

(to be continued at a later time. hope this would help.)

Anonymous said...

For the last 60 years the average citizen of the US consumed 10 times what the average citizen of the the world consumed. With the awakening economies in Asia, this ratio is about to change dramatically. If we do not immediately take the lead and abate our gluttony, how will we convince the rest of the world to conserve and protect the planet's resources?

Bob Milano said...

We should help change the consciencenous of the American people by a creative use of words. As an example, every time the government is spending our tax payer dollars on something we shall refer to it as "hybrids". This administration is spending $2.5 billion a week in the occupation in Iraq. That would purchase 100,000 brand new "hybrids" each week that the government could give away in a lottery. If we replace say half the cars in America with hybrids we would no longer need oil from the Middle East and the planet would be on the way to being healthier. Same use of words can be done for "Acres of Trees", "Wind Mills" "Solar Farms" etc. It helps point out the choices OUR government makes with OUR money.

Anonymous said...

pollution, loss of species, over-population, these are critical issues. birth control and family planning need to be given a positive spin in the media and minds of americans and third world. we need a president who believes in women's rights and family planning.

also, how about instead of going to the gym, we all have to put in a few hours a month at a factory producing energy via pedalling bicycles.?

Anonymous said...

According to the Organic Consumers Association, "organic beekeepers across North America are not experiencing colony collapses. The millions of dying bees are hyper-bred varieties whose hives are regularly fumigated with toxic pesticides by conventional beekeepers attempting to ward off mites." more at:

Tracey said...

This is an absolute no brainer, it should not even be an issue, are we just a world full of idiots, By the looks of it I would have to say yes, you would think this would just be a natural thing we did, Im sick of everyone sitting on there ass and complaining about no brainer issues, they should be taking a stand and do their share, and whats even more disgusting is greed, that these big companies have destroying everything, and not helping anything but their own greedy pockets. They are sickening, every company that does not do their fair share in fixing things and making things better should be boycotted, we dont need them, there is plenty of competition out there, give the business to those that make the effort for something besides themselves. By Tracey Cooke

Anonymous said...

Long ago, when American Enterprise was new, "business" leaders decided they didn't want to be held back by rules . . . any rules; even rules that were for the Greater Good.

Now we have everything, including American ecosystems subjugated by what "business" needs, no matter how short-sighted and damaging to air, water . . . in short, basics of survival.

It's time to require American business to prove beneficial to the majority over the long term; in other, more archaic language, to prove charterability. Otherwise, they must not be licensed to do business in America.

Anonymous said...

The Government needs to step up to the plate in promoting alternate fuel. They just keep looking the other way, the oil companies way! But if the press gets involved in voicing what the majority of Americans are crying for, if we write to our congresspeople, if we talk to our neighbors and family about what needs to be done, we can make it happen.

eleanor said...

0% interest on student loan debt NOW. No usury.

Anonymous said...

I moved to Las Cruces, NM, from California, because I wanted to be near my elderly Mother. I was amazed how different the two states viewed environmental issues.
I've been told over and over again that New Mexico doesn't care about recyling, and it doesn't. The Las Cruces City Council has proposed annexations of land for new housing developments. They are not listening to the concerns of people hear about water and other resources. There are no small neighborhoods here where people can walk to a corner store, or post office. And there are none proposed in the new developments.
People are more married to their cars here than in L.A., there are no smog inspections here, and public transportation is limited. It seems to me that individual states should be required to meet the same levels of environmental standards. If New Mexico wants to grow, then it has to stop acting like a cowboy, and meet recycling needs, and the limits set by other states on vehicle emissions.

Anonymous said...

Fossil fuels are finite; time is infinite. Thank goodness burning fossil fuels turns out to be toxic - both for us and or our climate.

The transition to renewable energy will have to be made some day. Global warming gives us a reason to start on renewables today.

Those who oppose renewable energy do it because they think renewable energy will be more expensive. But global oompetition for fossil fuels now includes the costs of the Iraq war. In the future the cost of fossil fuels will become totally outragous.

If the people running industry can't see this, heaven help us!

Anonymous said...

How can we live sustainably if we are not free to live independently with family friendly jobs and schedules? Some are leaning on the rest of us to do the work irregardless of our aptitude, educatoin, or experience. If we can't find work at eco-friendly companies and end poverty, it makes a lot of us second class citizens enslaved to the plans of eco-unfriendly others.

TONY J. said...


Anonymous said...

I think that the goernment should cut back on building a little. I mean why put more weight on the earth by building huge houses when only a hand full of people can buy them? PLus everytime a new building project is started more trees have to be cut down to make room. This causes the animals to be without a home and increases pollution. At the rate things are going there may not be any room to plan trees on the next earth day. Okay that's an exageration, but you get my point right?

Anonymous said...

Revive the 77 Theses of the Earth Day founder!

For example:

20. That the campaign for Earth requires ideas and attitudes conducive to the nurture and care of Earth;

21. That loyalty to community, bioregion, and planet is essential for the healing of our planet and people;

22. That a patriotism embracing people and planet as well as nations is necessary now;

23. That loyalty to our planet will not hurt, but instead will help our lesser loyalties;

Anonymous said...

Drive at 60 mph on the freeway and save money, oil and CO2 emissions (see the graph at If everyone did this the savings would be in billions of dollars, barrels of oil and pounds of CO2.

Unknown said...

A Patriot cares so deeply for the country's future that she or he will put at risk any the comforts and conveniences of everyday life, and even life itself, knowing that such sacrifices will make future generations better. The patriot will accept truths that are self-evident, but none other. The patriot will recognize the value of the individual and of all individuals as a whole. The patriot is selfless, but mindful.

Anonymous said...

In the paragraph concerning a "mindfull citizens", it is important to recognize a citizen's repsonsibility to take action in one's daily life. Pressuring our local officials helps, but the government represents a large contigent of opinions. Ultimately, the future is decided by individuals.

Andrew, Victoria B.C.

Scott S. said...

We the People are to live Peacefully, Freely and United with all Nations under God. We must Co-inhabit amongst each other as, just one species in this vast Universe and Home We call Mother Earth. Therfore, We should strive to Devote ourselves to one another and nurture this Land the way She has Nurtured us. We are to Educate and Console those who may not know the way to Live peacefully. We shall not consume more than We need nor do any great injustice to this Land and shall abide by the Laws of the Land thus, creating a New World Way for generations upon generations to Live. In the Pursuit of Life, Liberty and Justice for all. Amen

Jer Mar said...

Solar panels for the roofs or dashboards of electric/hybrid cars could greatly reduce fuel use. We should have tasx breaks for consumers and forward thinking manufacturers who include them into their autos.

manicarver said...

wSeems like America needs to switch focus from developing military technologies to defend our oil imports to developing green technologies which will make us energy independent. Right now we lag behind most European countries in the use of alternate energy sources such as solar and wind.

Seems like we should lead in alternate energy sources eliminating the need for outrgeous military expenditures protecting imported oil.

On a local level, we can all help reduce our CO2 output. I recently purchased an electric bike, which I use to commute to work. I have been blogging on how it works in the "real" world.

Here's the link:;_ylt=AssMfmBR1Nk.oGChEg6AFJS4AOJ3

Anonymous said...

taxing companies who don't even try to become more evironmental friendly would be a start. Also building more highways with more hyrdogen statios would help and make it possible for others to by hybrids. and finally, making a national minimum to the milages on cars would help companies be more competative, and would help use less gas in the air.

Anonymous said...

patriotism needs to move from the narrow view of the borders of our country to the larger view of the entire earth. the air and water know no boundaries. we have be be stewards of the earth so that these two elements remain in healty balance so that we can continue to survive as a planet.

Dr. Hawkins said...

I suspect I won't make much headway in calling into question the core metaphor of this Declaration, but I only see the "patriot" as a combative, albeit defensive, image--and combativeness is the historical obstacle of the the environmental movement. It garners very few converts and creates distance more than alliance.

Anonymous said...

I say lets save the earth. We better do it fast before its to late.

Anonymous said...

The new patriotism is no more or less than the protection of the Constitution of the United States. Any attempt by government to change or usurp the powers of the Constitution should be seen as an act of high treason. "When the Government violates the Constitution, it is the duty of the People to rise up against the Government to bring the Government into compliance with the Constitution."

Anonymous said...

I agree with others who believe we are citizens of planet earth - not the U.S., Great Britain, China, etc. I sincerely believe that all people have a responsibility to keep our planet healthy which will ensure the health of everyone. Those of us who live in wealthier coutries, countries with infratstructures that provide basic needs plus, need to take more responsibility in this area.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is the ablity to think freely. The abilty to gather information and ideas from a variety of sources both from the left and right political parties and make a decision based on this information, your own experience, and your conscious.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't like the use of the word "Patriotism." A sane world would require no patriots, of any kind. Even if the "New Patriotism" is "not only about love of country," the word "patriotism" at best still implies a particular sort of Star-Spangled narrow-mindedness, and at worst a penchant for bombing and invading. Why love this country over another, "only" or at all? Drop the word, lose the mindset.

Anonymous said...

U.S.A.Congressional Laws Per.......
"James Leonard Wolcott Corporate
Trust U.S.A." ,an Exact "Re-Public"
Reading and Posting of the "True"
Intent and Meaning of the U.S.A. Constitution and your Legal Civil Rights.

{Herein,the word Corporate defines
as "Former" Coroporations" in Lieu
of the mentioned Legal Name of the
still living "Sole Owner"}

{IE: Only "1" U.S.A.Constitutional
Amendment was Completeing "Vacated"
from the "True" writting ,Reading
,Meaning and Law Enforced Intent of
an U.S.A.Born Citizens Legal Civil Rights {That "CAN" be Lawfully Enforced by His/Her Own Acts}and
the U.S.A.'s Government Constitutio
nal Enforcment Rights ,"YES ,an U.S.A. Born Citizen can and was Born on June 17,1959,city of Great Barrington , become an true
"King" of an non N.A.T.O. or Communist Sympathetic Nation ,and be "Against the U.S.A.'s ongoing Criminal Intent since say.."1977" }

Anonymous said...

Let's scrap the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools. If our children must recite some sort of "pledge," how about the following Alternative Pledge?

I pledge to preserve and protect the Earth
And the precious life it sustains
And to my bretheran I will do no harm
One planet, peacefully shared, indiscriminately
With liberty and justice for all.


Anonymous said...

dont wash your clothes so often, don't take plastic bags at stores-use a material bag every time you shop and keep reusing it. Don't waste water when you're taking a shower or brushing your teeth. GLOBAL WARMING NEEDS TO STOP!!


Anonymous said...

We owe the species, who do not have a voice, such as the polar bear (that are facing extinction) action against global warming.

Anonymous said...

Dr Stolzenberg said it so well; it is not the planet we are saving, it is ourselves. With that in mind, it would be very helpful to seriously address the elephant in the room: overpopulation. Think about how many of the world's problems are ultimately based on the simple fact that there are too many humans on the earth. Somehow, we have got to find a way to talk about this or resign ourselves to the dustbin of failed species.

Anonymous said...

I think that we need to incorporate into our global society the idea that we are a part of this planet, as we destroy it, it will destroy us; something to the effect of the golden rule: treat others (everything & everyone) as well as you would like to be treated.

Anonymous said...

America was the modern-day leader in democracy, capitalism and countless other cultural and societal movements it is our responsibility to the the country's legacy to be a leader on global warming!

Anonymous said...

It is crazy that we will spend millions of dollars on a pointless war yet, when it comes to saving our precious and only world we don't seem to be able to spare a dime.

Anonymous said...

Right now, this is how the second paragraph of the declaration reads:
"Today, we recognize that patriotism is not only about love of country. It is also about a shared commitment to the welfare of our planet."

I think the second sentence of the second paragraph should read:
It is also about our love of our planet, and our commitment to its welfare, along with the welfare of every being that lives here.

Currently, the third paragraph of the declaration read:
Future generations will judge us based on our success or failure to be good stewards of the Earth. We owe our children and our children’s children nothing less than our very best effort.

I think the second sentence of the third paragraph should read:
We owe our children, and every generation that comes after us, nothing less than our very best.


lcd123 said...

I was just in a high school writing contest and our topic was, " what is a greater threat to our world, international terrorism or Global Warming." whough my article did not win, ther person whos article did brought up an excelent point. Global wwarming Causes terrorism with fighting for water and precious land
just a thought

Anonymous said...

I think that you must help our commuity, our nation, and our wolrd.! We can't just protect our nation, but we must protect our earth to cause if we keep on littering, polluting, abusing, and taking advante do of our earth we won't get any food. So I say help our earth and we'll live a happy life.! So join this group or organizationand help this world and those in need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) bye.

Anonymous said...

Lets pledge to carpool or use public transit. Lets stop using conventional light bulbs. Lets upgrade our insulation to R19+. Lets get light colored roofs and driveways and plant trees to reduce heat islands.

Anonymous said...

to me it is relatively simple - use YOUR money to dictate change. I live in Hong Kong, where the pollution is extreme - it comes from China, where they are mass producing goods to satiate the desire for cheap goods. Buy what matters - organic foods, organic clothing, chemical free cleaners, for the home and yourself! buy only what you need - it really can be that simple - oh! and don't forget your cotton bag when you go shopping!

Anonymous said...

I am concerned about many environmental issues--global warming, overuse of natural resources, use of disposables when we could reuse items. It is our home, our country, and our planet collectively. We need to take better care of it, and our government should be leading the way.

BigDaddy69_77 said...

Well, I'm not really sure how "Patriotism" is connected to being a good Earth inhabitant, which would seem to be the gist of the meaning here.
I guess if we say that Patriotism is: "love and devotion to one's country and willingness to sacrifice for it" then if we view the planet as our "country" (think John Lennon's "Imagine") then we can agree, with the added caveat that even if we don't agree and don't love our planet, that is irrelevant, because if we ignore all the blaring alarms and glaring warning lights, then our planet will cease to exist as we know it anyway. (Of course the Illuminati who run the world couldn't possibly care less because they are sure the end of the world is just around the corner anyway - this is a topic for another blog, just tuck it into the back of your head whenever you find yourself asking "what the fuck were they thinking?" when you question the reasoning behind the actions of the world's leaders)
Okay, so if we are all Planet Earth Patriots, then what should we be doing? Reduce, reuse, recycle would seem a prudent course if a bit simplistic. I think that we would all LIKE to see cleaner more efficient energy generation, be it sulfur rich coal, radioactive nuclear, particulate matter filled diesels (biodiesels included), filthy and expensive oil/gas, smog exacerbating wood burning, etc. But if we don't DEMAND it, by refusing to buy it then nothing will ever change.
I keep hearing complaints about the crappy car technology we're all forced to drive. My retort is "then why did you buy it?" In 1995 I bought a used 1991 Geo Metro from a charity for a couple thousand dollars. It averaged 45mpg for 8 years. I felt like I was making a difference, at least in my weekly fuel expenditures. I would gladly drive anyone, anywhere, anytime. The Metro stopped being produced in 2001. This was arguably the most fuel efficient car ever built, special mention to the 2 seater Honda Insight with wildly varying mileage depending upon driving style
My point is, where were the rabid EV1 type "high efficiency vehicle" enthusiasts when the Geo Metro was being killed? Hardly a peep was heard, other than my own strangled cry of anguish. The American Public is largely ignorant. They don't have the education and they don't take the time to research the facts. They buy whatever crap is put in front of them and have all been brainwashed into believing that "newer is better" and science will fix everything. Does anybody even know why VHS beat Beta as the preferred video format even though Beta is FAR superior and the production industry standard? The FACTS are that home video player/recorder sales were propelled by the same thing that drives the internet - PORN. And adult video producers chose VHS over Beta because it was slightly cheaper to produce and bang, we all bought an inferior product because we are nothing but sex-starved animals.
Back on topic, pathetic government mandates are not the answer, hitting people in their wallets so that they finally demand of the open/free trade market a higher quality product, that will not only allow people all the freedom of choice they can shake a stick at, but it will also provide all of the funding to do so. If the federal government placed a $1/gallon tax on gasoline, that would equate to about $150 BILLION dollars of added revenue Now if all of that money (currenty on 4.4 billion for alternative energy research had to be doled out to clean, renewable energy generation research and infrastructural improvement in mass transportation (can you say national, solar-powered bullet train?), then you can bet your ass most people would stop buying gas guzzlers and stimulate the research and development of vehicles that do not use gasoline, or far less of it at least, for example the Loremo which gets 157mpg with a twin turbo diesel and is supposed to come out in the next year or two. But without being a good "Patriot" and encouraging Congress to place such an onerous tax at personal expense to encourage conservation and increased R&D in great technologies like compressed air powered cars kinetic energy batteries (think of an alternator in a vacuum tube levitating in a magnetic field like these tops ) the Urine Battery direct running a gasoline engine on hydrogen from water Now I knew about these technologies many years ago. They cycle seems to be about 7 years for major new disoveries like these to reach development/production. Because now there's a kinetic energy battery being built in Australia a team in Singapore making urine batteries I actually saw most of these technologies demonstrated for the first time on the greatest science program ever Beyond2000 which mysteriously went off the air shortly after announcing such startling new innovations in energy production, especially the kinetic energy battery which I know was commandeered by the U.S. military for satellite propulsion systems. (One of my other favorite stories from that show I'm still waiting to see developed was the flying boat that utilized the updraft on the surface of large bodies of water to lift itself completely out of the water and fly! - apparently the Iranians saw that one,2933,190462,00.html hence my consirational guess about the spooks killing my favorite TV show, here's another one from England why aren't we technologically advanced anymore?)
Shall we discuss the hemp conspiracy? Just read Jack Herer's "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" it's all online here
Okay, Patriotism in the world community = reduce, reuse, recycle, sacrifice waste/stop consuming crap, educate yourself and spread the word.

Anonymous said...

Several others have the right idea as to why we have global warming - too many people!!! If there were no people on the earth, would there be global warming? People's needs cause us to have power plants, cars, and paved over areas instead of green plants which use CO2 and other green house gases. If we limited our population to that which was on the earth in about 1930 we would have a balance between people and plants and global warming would no longer be today's problem.

Each person's body produces approximately two tons of green house gases each year. Multiply that times the world population and see what just people cause as individuals. Now add that to the needs of all the people and you come up with a whopping big figure. It is people that are the center point to the problem.

My sex booklet explains how a woman can do her own miss-carriage regardless of laws and be the best controller of crime and to top it off, have the greatest orgasm any woman could ever achieve. Personal stuff that is not published elsewhere that allows her to be in control of world population.

Anonymous said...


The Pursuit of Happiness does not include war, allowing near empty planes to travel the skies, being the democracy cops of the world, commuting 40 miles round trip five days a week by yourself, allowing money-hungry/greedy corporate giants decide what our politicians legislate, our judges decide and the consumers buy.

Add some green to our red, white and blue.....

Let's care about open space, clean air, leaving trees and fossil fuels where they are. Let's protect ourselves by allowing our wildlife to thrive.

God is everywhere. Even in the heart of the Govenor who wants to kill the first wolf from a helicopter and the copper miners and paper companies. There is a balance of good and evil in the world....
except lately,
the weight of gold is tipping the scales the wrong way.

Today's patriot does not carry a gun but car pools, buys synthetic paper and an energy efficient car, recycles, and more....

Most importantly, a patriot's priority is to teach all children to love and protect nature.

Carol said...

I am concerned about ALL pollutants that humans are creating, be they emissions in the air or chemicals on our foods or even electrogmagnetic pollution.

I am also extremely concerned with the disappearing honeybees, but I have a hunch that electromagnetic chaos from what humans are claiming improves their lifestyle will eventually end human life if it is allowed to continue unchecked. Cell phones and even the alternating 60 hz frequency coming into our homes is dangerous beyond words. I strongly suggest anyone with an interest in the disappearing honeybees or anyone with health problems grab a copy of 'Cross Currents' and 'The Body Electric' by Robert Becker.

Think about the disappearing honeybees - the queen bee is being left behind with her eggs and a few immature male drones. How is this any different from what seems to be happening in 'human' nature? Husbands are walking out on their wives and kids, and these single mothers are lucky to have a few losers to choose from who have not grown up yet.

Bottom line is - don't believe the media. Realize that the studies that we are privy to are only those studies that were funded by corporations or other organizations that have a vested interest in profit - not our health or the health of our planet. Pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in what medical schools are teaching young doctors as 'truth', when in fact studies done long ago revealed that alternating current messes with the signals we get from the earth. Cell phones pretty much put us over the edge there.

I personally can attest to radio wave sickness. I have Lyme Disease. The spirochete that causes Lyme is impossible to kill, mostly because it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. I am also severely allergic to all high copper foods - wheat, soy, corn, chocolate, nuts, seeds - ALL of the most common food allergens. This is because copper conducts and electromagnetic chaos causes metals to redistribute in the brain. This is also why people with arthritis have flareups during damp weather - moisture in the air increases conductivity.

Like I said, grab a copy of those two books. You will be outraged at what industry and the government is getting away with in the name of profit.

I personally am ready to build my own log cabin here, grow my own food, sew my own clothes, spend time with my family, and stop working 9-5 to make corporations richer.

Anonymous said...

My observation on patriotism as a former defender of a nation is that patriotism can be manipulated to cause ordinarily sensible people to hate others so the manipulators can start wars for fun and profit: theirs. I'd like to think of life as an exercise in teamwork where people from all over the world could learn to understand the differences of a diverse planetary population, or at very least learn to tolerate them.

Anonymous said...

The words of "America the Beautiful" always bring tears to my eyes--I wish I could see the America before we destroyed so much of it with our wasteful use of resources. As someone said about oil--"future generations will curse us for having burned it", along with the other curses they will heap on us for destrution of watershed and air resources(forests), we will be looked back on as fondly as the slave holders. The true patiots will be those who work to save the future.

Anonymous said...

We,the patriots,ask.....
That all who act in our name do so with the concience that we ask.
That no trade be unfair,hidden in
deceit and excerised without benefit to all.
That the pursuit of happiness is not the same as lust of luxury.
That our collective worth is ours to cherish and preserve,for all, for generations to come,in honor of those who gave and are gone.
That we ,the Patriots of this nation and all its peoples will be
as one,for all,creatures both great and small.

Anonymous said...

We need to show the government and the world that we are not satisfied with the way this crisis is being handled. What are we waiting for people? This is the most important issue and yet we go day in and day out without making some inconvenient sacrifices. Wake up America!! We need to work together. We can do it!

Anonymous said...

George Washington once said , and I quote..

Guarde against impostures of pretended patiotism..

Howard Zinn quote..

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.

Unknown said...

I don't know if patriotism is the right word. It is too connected to nationalism and to me evokes flag waving and support the troops.

We live in the most materialistic society on the planet. It is pathetic to see people who drive gas guzzling SUVs complain about the price of gasoline. We are living on borrowed time. If this desire for the so called American dream, fantasy is not diminished. The American political system is moribund. How can two parties represent the views of 300,000,000 people. The capitalist system has created this mess and it is folly to think that businesses will ultimately do anything that damages their bottom line. Profit is the only motive anymore.I am afraid it is already too late. What is needed is an environmental REVOLUTION!

Anonymous said...

If we don't take proper care of the Earth, our Mother, there will be no Earth to take care of. There is no place else to go!

The Great Spirit, The Force Driving The Universe, God, Allah, Yahweh, call Her/Him what appeals to you, has entrusted us with Earth's care. How will we account to Her/Him when all that's left is time?

Anonymous said...

The declaration could be stronger, more precise and more declarative. What are the qualities and values referenceed in the second sentence? Strike the judgement sentence - I declare I'm afraid to be judged? No. The footprint comment is fuzzy too. The declaration needs more passion and be inspirational. Where is the word urgency? Environment? Love? Duty? I think we need a third draft!

Anonymous said...

The worst polluters are vehicles waiting bumper to bumper in line on the roads or for some reason. Buildings and homes are constructed then the roads which should be the other way around.

Anonymous said...

I can't help thinking of the quote attributed to Louis XV in France "Apres moi le deluge" (after me the flood) or who cares what happens in the future? This is the attitude the US and this current administration in particular seems to project to the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

As I read through the thoughts of the people who wrote in, the thought I have most is how selfish our nation has become. It all comes down to money and the more the oil companies and the politicians can pocket the less chance for the rest of us, right down to the bee colony that one person was concerned about. We need to stop.....and return to a 'simpler' time. I cherish every moment I can get up and hear the turkey's in my back yard. I'm ecstatic in the evening when I look out my back door and see 3 deer on my lawn. And my heart breaks to know that in the next 40 years or so, my children, my grand children will probably never have the opportunity to see a polar bear in the wild, perhaps not even a Florida panther or a even a tiger. We're killing off what makes this world beautiful, what makes us want to stay here and the one's who could even begin to change all that, are more concerned with lining their pockets. In the immortal words of John Lennon.....IMAGINE...just stop, and think. There are more of us, the little people, than there are of them. Let's stop lining their pockets and start supporting the the organizations that really can make a difference.

dullblade said...

the things that are happening to this world are going to happen .if we like it or not JESUS told every one what would happen now its all in the BIBLE you all should read it these things must all come to pass rev.6:12,luke 21:25 dan 12:4 luke 21:32 and matt 24:34 .JESUS will be coming back be prepared at all times.

Anonymous said...

What is a Patriot? One who can voice their beliefs without being called treasonous - one who studies issues and believes the concepts of our Constitution and is concerned about the issues that weigh on all of humanity and our earth. As far as environmental issues are concerned, the Indians had it right. SUN - WIND - AND ALL THE OTHER ELEMENTS OF NATURE THAT WE ARE BEHOLDANT TO must not be forgotten.
They are there for us to treasure and use wisely to make things better for every living entity on our planet.

Anonymous said...

Our future generations will judge us on what we do today. We need to teach all our children about recycling, reusing and conservation of our resources now. By ensuring the education of future generation we have a fighting chance of making a difference soon.

Anonymous said...

Since the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's report, "Livestock's Long Shadow,"
( clearly states that animal agribusiness generates more greenhouse gases than all transportation combined and is one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems," why isn't anyone talking about eating less meat? If we can be asked to drive less and use compact flourescent bulbs, why can't we be asked to eat less meat too? Afterall, three times a day, everyday, we could help cut global warming gases. Moreover, a University of Chicago study showed that eating less meat would reduce global warming gases more than driving a prius(!

kumquatmay said...

I wonder if there should be some kind of curriculum in school to teach kids more about saving the environment and such. Only recently did I find out how wasteful humans are and how to go about minimizing that. For example, I never knew until a few months ago that plastic bags AND paper bags squander resources (I heard that paper bags are even worse) so that we should all use reusable bags to stop th is waste. I had to find this information out on my own. It would be much easier if some points about saving the environment were incorporated into the public school curriculum.

Anonymous said...

Stop supporting nuclear power. It has too many short-term and long-term dangers.

Anonymous said...

Being patriotic means being a good citizen and a good steward of the earth. We all are responsible for at least trying to erase our carbon footprint and for treating each other and animals with kindness and humanity. Peace out.

Anonymous said...

i think we need to change our ravenous taste for oil. those of us who choose to use gas guzzlers (myself included) need to pay a tariff. there is no reason y those who try to conserve should pay for those who dont care enuff to change. it would also help for people to be shown how to save fuel and water consumption. i think even small changes can help if we just add everyones contributions up.


Anonymous said...

I think the wording of the third paragraph should be changed

From this:

Future generations will judge us based on our success or failure to be good stewards of the Earth.

To this:

Future generations will judge us based soley on our success as good stewards of the Earth, for if we fail there will be no future generations to judge us.

Harpchic said...

We need to encourage the environmental movement by helping to create solutions as opposed only creating road blocks. We need to stimulate ideas that help replace or fix the problems we are facing by creating a whole new "environmental economics" and then to support it by putting our purchasing power towards those companies that have gone with good environmental solutions. Toyota is an excellent example. We need to encourage the oil companies to go bio-fuel so they can continue to exist when the oil runs out. We need to put solar in at our homes to encourage the electricity moguls to purchase renewable electricity. (I just did!) We need to put our Money where our Mouths are, literally. If we want to change policies, don't just hit the politicians. Hit the companies in their pocketbooks. The sooner they see the way people want their money spent, the sooner they will adapt to our ideas.

Unknown said...

I just started composting. I have a one pound coffee can next to the sink where I put vegetable scraps (no meat). When it's full I go dig a hole in the back yard and bury it. I am helping to create a very rich soil and simultaneously reducing the need for garbage pickup to once a month instead of weekly. Think about it. If more people did this how much fuel and energy could be saved in trash pickup,alone. There are many, more sophisticated ways of composting. This is just a simple approach, not appropriate for everyone, but think of this one small way of returning nutrients to the earth and reaping the benefits. Multiply this effort be thousands and millions. Think of the energy savings. Glorious

Anonymous said...

The planet earth is made up of beautiful green forests, high mountains & valleys, rivers & oceans, animals and human being; to be governed and cared by human. Alas! human civilization makes everything useful,unuseful and harmful to our environments. I think, we can not stop development and modern industrialization. Let us go for tree plantation-"ONE MAN, ONE TREE" and avoid Global Warming, a cool place to live in.

Anonymous said...

Please do not loose sight of the consequences of "going green". All these tecnologies continue to release CO2 into the environment. You can not burn any hydrocarbon (ethanol, vegetable oil, etc) without having CO2 released. Wind farms kill birds. Dams limit water down stream (the Colorado River ends in a trickle in Mexico and does not even reach the sea. Not to forget, it also interfers with the life cycle of fish. Hydrogen power requires vast amonts of energy to produce it. In the overall process, I am not convinced it is a net energy loss. Let's not loose sight of the forest because of the trees. The only energy source I can support is solar. We must recognize the consequences of our actions before persuing them.

Anonymous said...

A patriot reserves the right to impeach a wrong president!

Anonymous said...

leaders must act and communicate openly, honestly, intelligently, within the law, and with total respect for the constitution .. not like the bush administration.

Anonymous said...

The plight of animals is often overlooked. A true patriot behaves ethically towards all beings with which he shares his country. We should strive to protect all of our citizens, not just the human ones. It should be our goal to keep the original animal inhabitants of these lands safe and in healthy numbers. "Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace."
--Albert Schweitzer

Anonymous said...

In our age of quick sound bites and hectic schedules, we need constant "green" tips as reminders of environmentally responsible actions to take. Priority tips should be repeated more frequently for those who are new to these concepts, so that over time, thinking and behavior would change. Look for sources, make lists, and feed them throughout and possible source of media. And work to apply pressure politically.

Anonymous said...

Also, it sometimes strikes me as so ironic that we have a fuel problem and a sun that's effectively too hot. How can we not JUMP on solar solutions?

basey said...

When we, as a nation, take upon ourselves our collective responsibility for climate change, I will again be proud to be an American.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The truly intelligent and aware people reading this will understand the meaningfulness of the following...Human lives as well as all living things on earth are dependent upon the divine and intricately balanced ways that creation was meant to be honored and respected. We are playing russian roulette by being lazy and insensitive to the facts staring at us. Each day that we ignore the urgency at hand is another pull of the trigger. Our state of affairs with our home planet earth is deadly serious! Nature is being destroyed! We build to no end, more concrete, less green. God never put sidewalks, and strip malls on earth. Don't we have enough of them? Less green equals less fresh air. It snowballs then. Trees, forests, oceans, land, farms, animal slaughter, air pollution, you know what I'm saying. It would take many pages to list all the negativity that we are so good at creating. You must have some ideas of the enormity of what we have done. Insects, plant life, animals, ocean life...ALL has its purpose and place here on earth. They are not just for childrens picture books and hollywood movie characters. How can we be so Stupid and Destructive? And money-mongers, your bucks won't buy you out of this one. You will be screwed as will everyone. So, get a grip and use your hearts as well as your cash to help solve this mess! God help us all for we will reap what we sow. Opposite, John Lennon's Imagine-My Imagine, unfortunately, goes like this (although our efforts could make a difference),is- no food to eat, no water to drink, no air to breathe. Really, imagine it-not Good folks! Death, decay, choking on smog, not a drop to drink and you are sooo thirsty, no bathing the grime from your skin, no sunlight, no peace, no happiness, no resting, no anything to live for, except, for the hopeful wish that death puts you out of your hell and misery asap!! Those movies made depicting such deplorable environments in the future is close to "our now"! Truly, no amount of cash, status, or anything can buy anyone what we take for granted each day of our lives. Listen, people, do your part to help. Study up on ways to help the planet get healthy again. She is sickly due to our negligence and it is our job to nurse her back to health. She takes care of us, we take care of her, an even trade off. Recycle, pull your plugs out of your outlets when not in use/not home, don't waste anything. Voice your support in positive actions and votes--and come up with every conscious effort and pass it on and practice them. It's D Day!!! Act Responsibly EveryDay in EveryWay!!!! Then sit back with a refreshment and enjoy your day!

P.S. Prayers and Positive Thinking couldn't hurt.

Anonymous said...

I fear that we are not acting swiftly enough to save ourselves, our children, and the earth which has has given us everything we need, enjoy, and take for granted today.

We need to set aside our differences, see through our greed, and act now as a unified people to save what we cannot live without.

We need everyone's participation if we are to make this work, but the main problem I see is lack of education. Too many people still don't understand what impacts are in store for us if we do not take this seriously... many more still do not even understand what is happening in the first place or why.

Government should be the first and main party to spread the word, but instead they try to edit and soften what Scientists want to put in their public reports. This is wrong and is not acceptable. Our public cannot help fix the problem if they are left in the dark about it. We need government to not only be more forthright and honest, but to be the primary promoters of truth and awareness. We need our schools to teach our children today what is happening and how they can help in small ways today and larger ways tomorrow.

I thank all the people who are contributing here and being an active member of our global community. Let's spread the word!

Anonymous said...

True Patriotism is acting in accord with and standing up for the soul of what this nation was founded on which is still waiting to be fully put into action: liberty and justice for ALL.

Its time has come! And each one of us can make it happen.

Anonymous said...

There needs to be less patriots whether new or old. Paul Erlich's 'Population Bomb' has exploded and the people of the world have been playing ostrich. Things we do now may be a minor help; but only decreased world population will solve most of the world's problems.

Anonymous said...

We need to honor the first Americans, who lived in harmony with this beautiful land. They were forced to gave up their home so that people from all over the world could live here and participate in developing a Democracy that would make all people free.If we continue to disrespect the earth we will take the future from our children and we will disrespect the sacrifices of America's first environmentalist, Native Americans.

Anonymous said...

I am uncomfortable with talking about "patriotism". The state of government and citizen is at a all time low.
First we need to accept that capitalism doesn't work. It is based in needing a endless supply of natural resources to feed the endless consumers. Capitalism is a death ideology that is killing the planet. It will eventually kill us all.
We need to take the money out of politics, all the politicians are beholden to corporate lobbyist and the corruption is too deep. Corporate influence is paralyzing Congress.We are clearly headed towards being completely controlled by a corporate fascist state.
Already, we as citizens have "accepted" two corrupt Presidential elections, a bogus war, erosion of our civil liberties and the cover up of scientific proof of global warming. That's the short list.
We need to take the money out of politics and if that doesn't get anyone's attention we need to do general strikes. Money is the only thing that matters to the "power brokers". We need to insist on real changes or strike.
We have solutions to global warming all we need to do is have the will to insist they be implemented.
That takes a true commitment to real Patriotism.

Anonymous said...

A big theme I see in the other postings is "participation" -- the third point. How can we get everyone aware and involved? Suggestions: create TV programs that don't include leftist cultural assumptions/vocabulary, while making issues blazing clear; wear a "Draft Gore 2008" button as conversation starter on why we need different leadership; get involved in your local government/school board/religious group education program; carry cloth shopping bags that say "This is for my grandchildren" as conversation starter in the checkout line. Could somebody custom-make bags with our kids' photos on them?

Anonymous said...

I understand how, in the face of this neo con administration's assertion that anyone who questions or critisizes any of their policies is unpatriotic, you would try to reclaim this "virtue" (patriotism) in a meaningful manner.
You might however be claiming a "virtue" which is becoming rather irrelevant ("quaint") in today's world, as the shift in consciousness tends to be towards the planet itself. Global warming, for exemple, does not target one particular nation alone, but the entire earth, which knows no border. The pollution from Chinese coal power plants lands in Canada. Our loyalty should therefore primarely be to the whole of creation, to the earth, to life itself and all future generations, not to the concept of nationhood which should only take second place. The new so called patriotism is to become fully human, native to the earth, indigenous to the land, and mindful of a natural order and balance which must be respected and maintained. To be fully human is also to stand as firmly as is legally possible against those corporate criminals who would continue to rape the earth for short term profits and without any regard for life.

Anonymous said...

I am a direct descendent of Alexander Hamilton so I come from a pretty patriotic family. I grew up during and participated in anti establishment activities but as I have grown up I realized how unique our country is and how much I value it. I am also a teacher and so I suggest that all children should be taught the dangers of Global Warming and what they can do to save the world. No student gets by me without learning to protect our planet and you would be amazed how scared, amazed and motivated they can be. Children are the future so let's educate children! Melinda

Anonymous said...

We need to turn the political machine around - from denial and obstruction to global leadership and stewardship.

It is a more urgent priority than protecting the oil supply.

Divert war dollars to global preservation

Anonymous said...

Not to put a dampner on things but have you not realised yet that the powers that be (global government officials not just Bush or Blair) are way too invested in fossil fuels to really pull their fingers out and bring in the necessary strict laws capping carbon emmissions to a low enough amount and pushing fossil fuel prices high enough to stop consumption?

Regardless of what the governmental powers say, they are too greedy and power hungry to dissapoint the big oil companies who contribute millions to the government in one way or another. For example, in Britain the tax revenue on fossil fuels alone is too great a figure for the British government to risk loosing for the sake of future generations.

To put it plainly, I don't believe that the government gives a damn about anything beyond their term in office. Politics is all about SAYING the right thing to please the public and then DOING what pleases the government!

In my view, the weak "Declaration of New Patriotism" that you have drawn up, will cause no change in government action. It will only serve to change the words they use when they address the people.

A much stronger cause of action is action itself; meaning that you should continue to convince to PEOPLE to reduce their personal impact on the planet. This in turn will have the desired effects on global warming and the professional liars in power need pay no part in it! Factorys, power stations, oil firms etc are, at the end of the day, all owned and run by PEOPLE!

Anonymous said...

Global warming is the crisis of our time.

As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s birthday, we commit to change our consumer habits, deal with our own waste, support our local communities and to remember the beautiful wilderness of America’s origins that produced a sustainable way of life for most of its 200 years.

Today, we recognize that we live on a small planet – all things are interrelated. What we do as a nation, what we do as individuals has an affect on other nations and other people.

Future generations will judge us based on our success or failure to be good stewards of the Earth. We owe our children and our children’s children nothing less than our very best effort to care for this planet.

We the undersigned, pledge to:

1. Take responsibility for our life and its impact on the environment
2. Ask elected officials to pass legislation to cut global warming pollution
3. Spread the word, by educating our friends, neighbors and loved ones
4. Minimize our personal carbon footprint

Anonymous said...

I think we should collect junk mail from all Post Offices and recycle. It could be part of a local middle/high school's effort/program in conservation.
Every town/ community needs recycling centers. We dont have them where I live in East Texas.
Jeanne Cole

Anonymous said...

To many of you I will be "Teaching Grandma to suck eggs" here but never the less:-


If you cannot reuse something because it is broken


If fixing is no longer possible


If recycling is not longer possible and you have to resort to throwing an item away AND you NEED to replace it/you need somthing to do a job that nothing you already have can do


























I'm sure that there are thing that I have not included here but if EVERYONE followed these guide lines they would be happier, healthier people AND the planet will be able to breathe that bit easier!

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